Most Common Trees in UK - Top 10 Symbols of Strength and Endurance

Discover the most common trees in UK in this article; swipe down to know our list of the top 10 most common trees in UK along woth their scientific names.

by Krishika M

Updated May 18, 2023

Most Common Trees in UK - Top 10 Symbols of Strength and Endurance

Most Common Trees in UK

Common trees in the UK encompass a wide range of species that are found across the country in various habitats, including woodlands, parks, gardens, and urban areas. These trees contribute to the natural beauty, ecological balance, and cultural heritage of the UK.

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These common trees in the UK offer numerous benefits to both humans and the environment. They provide shade, oxygen production, habitat for wildlife, carbon sequestration, erosion control, and contribute to the overall beauty and enjoyment of the natural and urban landscapes.

Additionally, many tree species have cultural and historical significance, being woven into folklore, traditions, and local identities across the UK.

Furthermore, native trees contribute to the preservation of the cultural and historical heritage of the area. They are often deeply intertwined with traditional knowledge, folklore, and local identities, playing a vital role in the cultural fabric of communities.

In this article, we have listed and explained the most common trees in UK. Hence we suggest you to go through the article completely for a thorough knowledge of the subject.

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Top 10 Most Common Trees in UK

Here is the list of the top 10 most common trees in UK:



Scientific Names



Crataegus monogyna



Fraxinus excelsior



Acer pseudoplatanus



Sambucus nigra



Corylus avellana


English Oak

Quercus robur



Ilex aquifolium



Prunus spinosa



Alnus glutinosa


Common Sallow

Salix cinerea

1. Hawthorn (Crataegus monogyna)

The Hawthorn, scientifically known as Crataegus monogyna, is a native plant species in the United Kingdom. It is predominantly found and documented in hedgerows, where it is commonly cultivated as a shrub rather than allowed to grow into a full-sized tree. The choice to cultivate Hawthorn as a shrub in hedgerows is a deliberate and practical approach.

By growing Hawthorn as a shrub, it becomes more manageable and easier to maintain within the hedgerow environment. The shrub form allows for regular pruning and shaping, which helps to create dense and compact foliage.

This characteristic is beneficial for hedgerows as it contributes to their overall structural integrity and provides a barrier against wind, erosion, and unwanted animal intrusion.

Moreover, the shrub-like growth habit of Hawthorn allows for easier access to its flowers, fruits, and leaves, which have significant ecological and practical value. The flowers attract various pollinators, such as bees and butterflies, aiding in pollination and supporting local ecosystems.

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The fruits, known as haws, serve as a valuable food source for birds and small mammals during autumn and winter. Additionally, the leaves of Hawthorn are often used in herbal remedies and traditional medicine for their potential health benefits.

Most Common Trees in UK - Top 10 Symbols of Strength and Endurance

2. Ash (Fraxinus excelsior)

The Ash tree, scientifically known as Fraxinus excelsior, is a native species in the United Kingdom. However, it faces significant challenges due to the rapid spread of a destructive disease called Ash Dieback. As a result, it is anticipated that the Ash tree's ranking will continue to decline in the coming years.

Ash Dieback, caused by the fungal pathogen Hymenoscyphus fraxineus, has had a profound impact on Ash populations throughout the UK. The disease affects the tree's vascular system, leading to leaf loss, crown dieback, and ultimately, the death of the tree. Unfortunately, Ash Dieback is highly contagious and can spread rapidly through wind-dispersed spores, making it difficult to contain or control.

The devastating effects of Ash Dieback have been observed across the country, leading to a decline in the overall health and abundance of Ash trees. Many infected trees have already succumbed to the disease, resulting in landscape changes and ecological consequences.

The loss of Ash trees has a significant impact on biodiversity, as they provide habitats for various organisms and contribute to the overall structure and stability of ecosystems.

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In light of the rapid spread of Ash Dieback, it is expected that the rank of Ash trees will further decline in the future. Efforts are being made to mitigate the impact of the disease through various strategies, including monitoring and removing infected trees, promoting genetic diversity, and exploring potential resistant strains.

However, it is crucial to recognize and address the challenges posed by Ash Dieback in order to protect the remaining Ash tree populations and mitigate the ecological consequences associated with their decline.

Most Common Trees in UK - Top 10 Symbols of Strength and Endurance
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3. Sycamore (Acer pseudoplatanus)

The Sycamore tree, scientifically known as Acer pseudoplatanus, is the only non-native species that has managed to establish itself within the top ten tree species in the United Kingdom. It is characterized by its rapid growth and has the potential to invade spaces that are currently occupied by Ash trees.

Sycamore trees are known for their vigorous nature and ability to colonize different habitats. They produce numerous seeds that are easily dispersed by wind, allowing them to spread quickly and establish new populations. This aggressive reproductive strategy enables Sycamores to compete with native tree species for resources and space, including areas where Ash trees may be present.

As Sycamore populations expand, there is a possibility that they will invade and occupy habitats that were previously dominated by Ash trees. This can have implications for the structure and composition of ecosystems, as well as impact biodiversity.

The displacement of native tree species by non-native ones can alter the availability of food, nesting sites, and other resources relied upon by local flora and fauna.

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It is important to monitor and manage the spread of Sycamore trees to mitigate any potential negative impacts on native tree species, particularly Ash trees, which are already facing significant challenges due to Ash Dieback.

Strategies such as targeted removal or control of Sycamore populations in sensitive areas can help protect the integrity of native ecosystems and ensure the long-term survival of indigenous tree species.

Most Common Trees in UK - Top 10 Symbols of Strength and Endurance
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4. Elder (Sambucus nigra) 

The Elder tree, scientifically known as Sambucus nigra, is a native species in the United Kingdom. It is a relatively short-lived tree that plays a significant ecological role by producing Elderberries, which serve as a valuable food source for wildlife during the autumn season.

Elderberries are small, dark purple fruits that ripen in late summer to early autumn. They are rich in nutrients and are eagerly consumed by a wide range of wildlife species.

Birds, in particular, are attracted to the sweet and nutritious berries, which provide them with essential energy reserves as they prepare for migration or hibernation. Species such as blackbirds, thrushes, and warblers are known to rely on Elderberries as an important food source during this critical period.

The presence of Elder trees in the UK landscape contributes to the overall biodiversity and ecological balance. The production of Elderberries ensures that wildlife populations have access to sufficient food resources during a time when natural food supplies may be limited.

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Moreover, the consumption of Elderberries by birds aids in seed dispersal, as the seeds are deposited through their droppings, allowing for the potential regeneration and spread of Elder trees in new areas.

In addition to their ecological significance, Elderberries also have cultural and culinary uses. They are used in the preparation of various food and beverage products, including jams, jellies, wines, and syrups. Furthermore, Elderflowers, which bloom in spring and early summer, are used to make fragrant and refreshing beverages such as Elderflower cordial.

Most Common Trees in UK - Top 10 Symbols of Strength and Endurance
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5. Hazel (Corylus avellana)

The Hazel tree, scientifically known as Corylus avellana, is a native species in the United Kingdom. It has a rich history of being widely planted by humans in the past due to its valuable nuts and its usefulness in coppicing for the production of charcoal and fencing rods.

Hazel trees have long been appreciated for their edible nuts, known as hazelnuts or cobnuts, which have been utilized by humans for centuries. The nuts are not only a delicious food source but also have nutritional value, providing a good source of fats, proteins, and various vitamins and minerals.

Hazel nuts have been traditionally used in cooking, confectionery, and as a snack, and they continue to be enjoyed by people today.

In addition to their culinary uses, Hazel trees were extensively coppiced in the past. Coppicing is a traditional woodland management technique where the tree is cut back to a stump, known as a stool, and allowed to regrow from that point.

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This practice provided a sustainable and renewable source of materials for various purposes. Hazel was coppiced to produce charcoal, which was used as fuel for heating and cooking. The straight and flexible stems of Hazel were also ideal for creating fencing rods, which were used in the construction of fences, enclosures, and other structures.

The historical cultivation of Hazel for its nuts and coppicing benefits contributed to its wide distribution and prevalence in the UK landscape. While the practice of coppicing has become less common in modern times, the legacy of Hazel's past use by humans is still evident in the presence of mature and regenerating Hazel stands found in woodlands and hedgerows across the country.

Most Common Trees in UK - Top 10 Symbols of Strength and Endurance
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6. English Oak (Quercus robur)

The English Oak, scientifically known as Quercus robur, is a native tree species in the United Kingdom. It is revered for its longevity and the high-quality timber it produces, making it ideal for the construction of buildings.

English Oak trees are known for their impressive lifespan, often living for several centuries. This characteristic has earned them a reputation as symbols of strength, durability, and resilience. The slow growth rate of English Oaks contributes to the density and strength of their timber, making it highly sought after for construction purposes.

The wood derived from English Oak trees is renowned for its durability, strength, and attractive grain patterns. It has a high density, which enhances its resistance to decay, insect damage, and weathering.

These qualities make English Oak timber well-suited for a wide range of construction applications, including the building of houses, barns, furniture, flooring, and even shipbuilding. Its use in traditional timber framing is particularly notable, as the dense oak beams provide structural stability and longevity.

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The English Oak's timber has a beautiful aesthetic appeal, with a warm, golden-brown color that deepens over time. Its distinct grain patterns add character to finished wood products, further enhancing its desirability for architectural and decorative purposes.

The significance of English Oak goes beyond its value as a construction material. It plays a vital ecological role, providing habitat and food sources for numerous organisms. The tree supports a diverse array of wildlife, including birds, insects, and mammals, which rely on its acorns as a food source.

The dense canopy of an English Oak also offers shade and shelter, contributing to the overall ecological balance of the surrounding ecosystem.

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Most Common Trees in UK - Top 10 Symbols of Strength and Endurance

7. Holly (Ilex aquifolium)

Holly, scientifically known as Ilex aquifolium, is a native evergreen species in the United Kingdom. It holds a prominent position as the highest-ranked evergreen tree species in terms of its ecological and cultural significance. One of the notable features of Holly is its ability to produce berries during the winter season, providing a valuable food source when other resources are scarce.

The berries of Holly, often vibrant red in color, ripen in the late autumn and persist throughout the winter months. They serve as an essential food source for many bird species during the colder periods when alternative food options are limited.

The berries are rich in calories and offer vital nourishment to birds, such as thrushes, blackbirds, and finches, helping them to sustain their energy levels during the challenging winter season. The presence of Holly trees in the UK landscape thus plays a crucial role in supporting avian populations and contributing to the overall biodiversity of the ecosystem.

In addition to its ecological significance, Holly holds cultural and symbolic importance. Its evergreen foliage, adorned with glossy, spiky leaves, is a common sight during the festive season, often used in decorations and wreaths during Christmas celebrations.

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The bright red berries of Holly are associated with traditional folklore and are considered a symbol of life, hope, and protection. Holly branches have been used in various customs and rituals throughout history, signifying luck, warding off evil spirits, and bringing joy and good fortune.

The resilience of Holly as an evergreen tree, retaining its foliage and producing berries during the winter months, contributes to its enduring popularity and recognition. Its ability to provide a valuable food source for wildlife, combined with its cultural significance, makes Holly an important and cherished native species in the UK landscape.

Most Common Trees in UK - Top 10 Symbols of Strength and Endurance
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8. Blackthorn (Prunus spinosa)

Blackthorn, scientifically known as Prunus spinosa, is a native plant species in the United Kingdom. It is distinguished by its abundant production of small dark blue-black fruits called Sloe berries, which are sheltered by long thorns. Blackthorn is predominantly found in the form of a hedge shrub rather than a fully grown tree.

Blackthorn shrubs are commonly encountered as part of hedgerows, where they contribute to the structural integrity and ecological value of these important landscape features. The shrub form of Blackthorn allows for dense growth and the development of an impenetrable thicket due to its long, sharp thorns. These thorns serve as a protective barrier, deterring animals and preventing unauthorized access.

One of the notable features of Blackthorn is its profuse production of Sloe berries. These small fruits ripen in the autumn, usually after the first frosts, and have a tart taste. They are commonly used in the production of Sloe gin and other alcoholic beverages.

The Sloe berries provide a valuable food source for wildlife, particularly birds, during the winter months when other food options are scarce. Species such as thrushes, blackbirds, and fieldfares feed on the Sloe berries, helping to sustain their energy levels throughout the colder season.

Blackthorn's presence in hedgerows also offers additional benefits for wildlife. The dense growth provides shelter, nesting sites, and protection from predators. Many bird species, including songbirds and raptors, as well as small mammals and insects, utilize Blackthorn shrubs for refuge and nesting purposes.

Furthermore, Blackthorn has cultural and historical significance. It has been used for centuries in traditional practices, such as hedgerow management and crafts. The hard, dense wood of Blackthorn has been employed in the construction of walking sticks, tool handles, and even traditional Irish shillelaghs.

Most Common Trees in UK - Top 10 Symbols of Strength and Endurance

9. Alder (Alnus glutinosa)

The Alder tree, scientifically known as Alnus glutinosa, is a native species in the United Kingdom. It is commonly found in riparian zones, along river edges and wetland areas. Alder trees have a unique affinity for wet conditions, as they thrive with their roots submerged in water. The timber derived from Alder has gained recognition for its suitability in wet environments due to its resistance to rotting.

The growth habit of Alder trees near water sources is facilitated by their ability to tolerate and even benefit from the consistently wet conditions. They have adapted to these environments through various mechanisms, including the ability to form symbiotic relationships with nitrogen-fixing bacteria.

This enables Alder trees to contribute to soil fertility by enriching the surrounding area with nitrogen, thus benefiting both the tree itself and neighboring vegetation.

One of the remarkable characteristics of Alder timber is its resistance to decay. The wood possesses natural qualities that make it durable and highly suitable for use in wet environments.

When used in constructions such as bridges, waterfront structures, and submerged supports, Alder timber exhibits excellent resistance to rotting and fungal degradation. Its resilience in such conditions makes it a preferred choice for applications that require longevity and structural integrity.

The use of Alder timber in wet environments extends beyond construction projects. It has also been utilized in the crafting of furniture, cabinetry, and other woodworking applications where resistance to moisture and decay is essential. The attractive appearance of Alder wood, with its light brown color and fine grain, adds to its appeal in various decorative and aesthetic endeavors.

The ecological significance of Alder trees in riparian habitats should not be overlooked. Their presence provides a host of benefits, including stabilizing riverbanks, preventing erosion, and creating habitat complexity that supports a diverse range of flora and fauna. Alder trees also offer shade and cover for aquatic and terrestrial organisms, contributing to the overall health and biodiversity of riparian ecosystems.

Most Common Trees in UK - Top 10 Symbols of Strength and Endurance

10. Common Sallow (Salix cinerea)

The Common Sallow, scientifically known as Salix cinerea, is a native tree species that is widely distributed throughout the United Kingdom. It is our most common willow species and is particularly adapted to thrive in wet soil conditions. One of its notable features is its abundant production of catkins in early spring, which make it an ideal source of food for pollinators.

Common Sallow trees are well-suited to wet habitats, such as marshes, riverbanks, and damp woodlands. They have a high tolerance for waterlogged soils and are often found in areas with fluctuating water levels. This adaptability allows them to play a vital ecological role in stabilizing soil, preventing erosion, and improving water quality.

During early spring, the Common Sallow bursts into a display of catkins. Catkins are long, slender, cylindrical clusters of small flowers that are rich in nectar and pollen. They are a valuable food source for many pollinators, including bees, butterflies, and other insects.

The timing of the Common Sallow's catkin production in early spring coincides with the emergence of these pollinators, providing them with a crucial source of sustenance after the scarcity of food during the winter months.

The Common Sallow's catkins not only provide nourishment for pollinators but also serve as an important breeding ground for various insect species. Insects that rely on willow trees for their life cycles, such as certain species of moths, lay their eggs on the leaves or within the catkins. The caterpillars that hatch from these eggs then feed on the foliage, contributing to the intricate web of life that depends on willow species.

Furthermore, the Common Sallow also offers shelter and nesting sites for a variety of bird species. The dense foliage and flexible branches provide protective cover and nesting opportunities for birds, enhancing the overall biodiversity of the surrounding ecosystem.

Which Tree is Most Common in UK?

The English Oak (Quercus robur) holds the distinction of being the most common tree species in the United Kingdom. With its widespread distribution across the country, the English Oak is a familiar sight in parks, woodlands, hedgerows, and even urban landscapes.

The English Oak's popularity and prevalence can be attributed to its adaptability to various environmental conditions and its ability to withstand different soil types. It is a deciduous tree known for its longevity, with some specimens living for several centuries. Its iconic stature, with a broad crown and sturdy branches, makes it a symbol of strength, endurance, and natural beauty.

The English Oak has deeply lobed leaves that turn a rich golden-brown in autumn, adding to the visual splendor of the landscape. It produces acorns, which are a valuable food source for wildlife, including squirrels, deer, and a variety of bird species. The tree's ecological significance extends beyond its role as a food provider, as it provides habitat for numerous organisms, including insects, fungi, birds, and mammals.

In addition to its ecological importance, the English Oak holds cultural and historical significance in the United Kingdom. It is deeply rooted in folklore, traditional beliefs, and national heritage. The oak tree has been associated with strength, wisdom, and resilience in various cultural contexts. It has served as a symbol of national identity, often featured in heraldry, ancient mythology, and historical accounts.

What are the Most Common Trees in UK Cities?

There are several common tree species that can be found in cities across the United Kingdom, enhancing the urban environment and providing numerous benefits to residents and wildlife. Some of the most frequently encountered tree species in UK cities include:

London Plane (Platanus x acerifolia): This large, broadleaf tree is widely planted in urban areas due to its tolerance of pollution and its ability to thrive in diverse soil conditions. London Plane trees have distinctive mottled bark and provide ample shade with their broad canopy.

Silver Birch (Betula pendula): Recognizable for its slender, silver-white trunk and delicate, airy foliage, the Silver Birch is a common sight in urban landscapes. It is relatively tolerant of urban conditions and adds a touch of elegance to city streets and parks.

Common Lime (Tilia x europaea): Common Lime, also known as the European Lime or Linden, is a popular choice for urban planting. It offers dense foliage and fragrant flowers that attract bees and other pollinators. Its heart-shaped leaves and distinctive, winged fruits are characteristic features.

Norway Maple (Acer platanoides): The Norway Maple is a hardy, fast-growing tree commonly found in urban areas. It has large, dark green leaves that provide dense shade. However, it is worth noting that the Norway Maple is considered an invasive species in some regions.

Field Maple (Acer campestre): Field Maple is a smaller tree that is well-suited to urban environments. It has attractive, lobed leaves that turn vibrant shades of yellow and orange in autumn. Field Maple is valued for its compact size and ability to withstand urban pollution.

Horse Chestnut (Aesculus hippocastanum): Known for its distinctive palmate leaves and showy white flowers with pink or red markings, the Horse Chestnut is a beloved tree in urban areas. Its large, round nuts are a favorite among children for collecting and playing games.

Common Beech (Fagus sylvatica): Common Beech is a versatile tree that thrives in urban settings. It has smooth, gray bark and produces vibrant green leaves that turn coppery in autumn, providing a stunning display. Its tolerance of various soil conditions makes it a suitable choice for urban planting.

These are just a few examples of the common tree species that can be found in UK cities. The selection of trees planted in urban areas is often influenced by factors such as their adaptability to urban conditions, aesthetic appeal, and ecological benefits. The presence of these trees enhances the urban environment, providing shade, improving air quality, supporting biodiversity, and contributing to the overall well-being of city dwellers.

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Most Common Trees in UK - FAQs

1. What is the most common tree species in the UK?

The English Oak (Quercus robur) holds the distinction of being the most common tree species in the UK. It is widely distributed and symbolizes strength, endurance, and natural beauty.

2. Which tree species are suitable for planting in urban areas?

Several tree species are well-suited for urban environments in the UK. Common choices include London Plane (Platanus x acerifolia), Silver Birch (Betula pendula), Common Lime (Tilia x europaea), and Norway Maple (Acer platanoides).

3. Are there any native fruit-bearing trees in the UK?

Yes, there are native fruit-bearing trees in the UK. Some examples include the Wild Cherry (Prunus avium), Crab Apple (Malus sylvestris), and Rowan (Sorbus aucuparia), which produce edible fruits and support local wildlife.

4. What are some common tree species found in UK woodlands?

UK woodlands are home to a variety of tree species. Common ones include Beech (Fagus sylvatica), Oak (Quercus robur and Quercus petraea), Ash (Fraxinus excelsior), Scots Pine (Pinus sylvestris), and Sycamore (Acer pseudoplatanus).

5. Are there any native evergreen tree species in the UK?

Yes, the UK is home to several native evergreen tree species. Some examples include Holly (Ilex aquifolium), Yew (Taxus baccata), Scots Pine (Pinus sylvestris), and Gorse (Ulex europaeus), which retain their green foliage throughout the year.
