National Splurge Day 2023: When is National Splurge Day 2023?

When is National Splurge Day 2023? Celebrated on June 18th, encourages people to tap into their savings on National Splurge Day and enjoy a little of something they desired or wanted

by Ushapriyanga

Updated Jun 19, 2023

National Splurge Day 2023: When is National Splurge Day 2023?

National Splurge Day 2023

National Splurge Day, which falls on June 18th, is an annual celebration that encourages individuals to indulge in a bit of extravagance by utilizing their saved or discretionary funds. On this particular day, people are encouraged to set aside their frugal habits momentarily and treat themselves to something special, thereby enhancing their overall well-being and bringing joy to their lives.

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The concept behind National Splurge Day revolves around the idea that it is healthy and refreshing to occasionally reward oneself with something out of the ordinary. Throughout the year, many individuals diligently save money for future expenses or unexpected emergencies, adhering to a budget and making responsible financial choices. However, continuously prioritizing practicality and austerity can sometimes lead to a sense of deprivation or monotony.

National Splurge Day seeks to alleviate such feelings by giving people permission to let loose and spend a little extra on themselves. It encourages individuals to access their rainy day funds, which are typically reserved for unforeseen circumstances, and instead use them to indulge in something they have desired or to experience a luxurious treat.

By temporarily breaking away from their usual financial restraints, individuals can experience a sense of liberation and happiness. The act of splurging, whether it involves purchasing a coveted item, enjoying a lavish meal, pampering oneself with a spa day, or embarking on a dream vacation, can provide a much-needed boost to one's overall well-being.

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It serves as a reminder that life should not always be about strict discipline and denying oneself pleasures, but also about enjoying the fruits of one's labor and relishing in life's little luxuries.

It is important to note that the spirit of National Splurge Day should not encourage reckless or impulsive spending that could lead to financial hardship. Instead, it is about thoughtful indulgence, where individuals carefully select something that brings them joy and fits within their means.

Responsible financial planning remains essential, and individuals are encouraged to exercise moderation and consider their long-term financial goals while participating in this day of splurging.

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National Splurge Day offers an opportunity to break away from the routine and monotonous aspects of life, injecting a sense of excitement and delight. It reminds individuals that occasionally treating oneself to something special can be a valuable investment in personal happiness and well-being.

So, on June 18th, embrace the spirit of National Splurge Day, access those rainy day funds, and give yourself permission to enjoy a guilt-free indulgence that will leave you with lasting memories and a renewed sense of joy.

When is National Splurge Day 2023?

National Splurge Day, observed on June 18, 2023, is a designated day where individuals are encouraged to indulge in some extravagant spending. It's a celebration that reminds us to set aside our usual financial constraints and treat ourselves to something special.

Whether it's purchasing a desired item, enjoying a luxurious experience, or pampering ourselves with indulgent treats, this day encourages us to break free from our usual frugality and experience the joy of splurging.

On June 18, 2023, National Splurge Day invites us to break away from our routines and embrace a day of treating ourselves. It's a reminder that life is not solely about being practical and denying ourselves pleasures, but also about finding balance and enjoying the fruits of our labor.

So, mark this date on your calendar, access those saved funds, and give yourself permission to indulge in a guilt-free splurge that will leave you feeling refreshed, recharged, and grateful for life's little luxuries.

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History of National Splurge Day

According to historians, trade and commerce have likely existed since the dawn of human civilization. Initially, people engaged in bartering, exchanging goods such as cattle and livestock. As time progressed, the concept of currency emerged, leading to the development of money systems worldwide.

In the context of American history, the nation's approach to shopping and spending has undergone significant transformations. In the early days, pioneers adopted a local shopping trend, relying on general stores in their vicinity. By the 18th and 19th centuries, mom-and-pop stores became prevalent across the United States. Later on, the emergence of grand department stores captivated consumers, offering not just products but also a lifestyle.

During the 20th century, the American business and economic landscape experienced dramatic changes. The shift from an agricultural society to a manufacturing and industrial one resulted in increased employment opportunities and subsequently higher disposable income. With more money in their hands, the newly prosperous customers propelled department stores to new heights. These establishments became synonymous with a luxurious way of life.

Additionally, the latter half of the 19th century introduced a new shopping experience—the concept of malls. While marketplaces where multiple vendors gathered had existed since ancient times (such as the Ancient Greek "agoras"), the modern mall concept took shape during this era. The rise of malls was facilitated by the growing automobile industry, as increased car ownership made it easier for people to travel to these shopping destinations.

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However, the most significant turning point in shopping history came with the advent of e-commerce. As internet accessibility expanded, online shopping gained momentum, allowing people to make purchases from the comfort of their homes. The rise of e-commerce was followed by the integration of sales on social media platforms. Brands now have the ability to directly sell their products through channels like Facebook and Instagram.

Over 20 years ago, Adrienne Sioux Koopersmith, a Chicago native known as "America's Premier Eventologist," grew tired of traditional holidays. As a result, she conceived the idea for National Splurge Day, a unique and extravagant holiday that has been celebrated ever since. Koopersmith has been credited with creating over 1,900 different holidays, and National Splurge Day is one of her notable contributions to the holiday calendar

National Splurge Day Upcoming Dates




2023 June 18 Sunday
2024 June 18 Tuesday
2025 June 18 Wednesday
2026 June 18 Thursday
2027 June 18 Friday

National Splurge Day Quotes

  • “Life is too short to always say no. Treat yourself and say yes to joy.” – Unknown
  • “You deserve the love you give to others. Celebrate yourself on National Splurge Day.” – Unknown
  • “Indulge in the little luxuries, for they are the spices that make life extraordinary.” – Unknown
  • “The greatest gift you can give yourself is the permission to be happy and indulge in what brings you joy.” 

Theme for National Splurge Day 2023

The theme for this year's National Splurge Day revolves around embracing one's passions. It urges individuals to wholeheartedly pursue their interests, hobbies, and dreams without any reservations. Whether it involves a long-standing hobby waiting to be explored, a new skill to be acquired, or a dream destination that has lingered in one's thoughts, National Splurge Day 2023 presents the ideal occasion to take a leap of faith and indulge in what genuinely brings joy.

On this day, people are encouraged to prioritize their personal fulfillment and dedicate time and resources to their passions. It is an invitation to set aside any hesitations or doubts and wholeheartedly invest in activities or experiences that ignite a sense of purpose and excitement.

Whether it's immersing oneself in a creative endeavor, dedicating time to learn a new instrument, exploring artistic talents, or venturing into uncharted territories, National Splurge Day serves as a reminder to embrace one's passions unapologetically.

Furthermore, this day celebrates the pursuit of dreams and aspirations. It offers an opportunity to break free from the constraints of daily routines and responsibilities, allowing individuals to prioritize their longings and desires. Whether it's a dream destination that has captured the imagination or an adventure that has been postponed for far too long, National Splurge Day encourages individuals to seize the moment and make those dreams a reality.

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National Splurge Day 2023 signifies the significance of self-discovery and personal growth. By embracing one's passions and dedicating time and resources to explore them, individuals can tap into their full potential and find renewed inspiration in life. It's a day to celebrate individuality, foster a sense of adventure, and nurture the flame of passion within.

So, on National Splurge Day 2023, seize the opportunity to dive into your passions headfirst. Embrace your hobbies, cultivate your talents, and pursue the dreams that have been waiting patiently. It is a day to cherish your interests and make room for the experiences that bring you immense joy and fulfillment

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National Splurge Day 2023-FAQs

1. What is National Splurge Day?

National Splurge Day is an annual celebration observed on June 18th. It is a day dedicated to indulging in a bit of extravagance and treating oneself to something special.

2. What is the purpose of National Splurge Day?

The purpose of National Splurge Day is to encourage individuals to temporarily set aside their frugal habits and enjoy a guilt-free splurge. It's a day to prioritize personal happiness and well-being by indulging in something that brings joy.

3. How should I celebrate National Splurge Day?

You can celebrate National Splurge Day by treating yourself to something special or indulging in an activity or experience that brings you joy. It could be purchasing a desired item, enjoying a luxurious meal, pampering yourself with a spa day, or embarking on a dream vacation.

4. Is it okay to spend beyond my means on National Splurge Day?

No, it is important to exercise responsible financial planning even on National Splurge Day. While it's encouraged to indulge, it's essential to consider your long-term financial goals and spend within your means. Thoughtful splurging is the key.

5. Can I participate in National Splurge Day even if I don't have a lot of money to spend?

Absolutely! National Splurge Day is not about the amount of money spent, but rather the act of treating yourself to something special. You can participate by finding affordable ways to indulge in activities or experiences that bring you joy, such as trying out a new hobby or exploring a local attraction.

6. How can I make the most of National Splurge Day?

To make the most of National Splurge Day, take the time to reflect on what truly brings you joy and fulfillment. Plan ahead and choose an indulgence or experience that aligns with your passions and desires. It's a day to prioritize your happiness and create lasting memories.
