Newsday Crossword Clue and Answer - April 15, 2024

Test your word-solving skills with the Newsday Crossword for April 15, 2024.

by Abisha

Updated Apr 15, 2024

Newsday Crossword Clue and Answer - April 15, 2024

Newsday Crossword

The Newsday Crossword is a puzzle that you can try to solve every day and it is a game with words. Stan Newman creates this puzzle every day for people and on Sundays the puzzle is a bigger crossword and more challenging and fun. You can play Newsday Crossword daily without paying the money and the puzzle has clues that give hints about words. It is a fun way to learn new words and challenge your brain

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Machine’s opening for coins

Answer: SLOT

A "slot" is an opening or groove in a machine, typically designed to receive something, such as coins in a vending machine or a coin-operated slot machine. It allows items to be inserted or deposited into the machine.

Hamburger meat

Answer: BEEF

"Beef" refers to the meat from cattle, particularly the flesh of adult cows or bulls. It's commonly used as the main ingredient in hamburgers, providing a rich and savory flavor.

Corrodes, as iron

Answer: RUSTS

Iron corrodes or oxidizes when exposed to moisture and oxygen, forming iron oxide, commonly known as rust. Rusting weakens the iron and can cause it to deteriorate over time, especially in humid or moist environments.

Car with a meter

Answer: TAXI

A "taxi" is a type of vehicle equipped with a meter that calculates the fare based on the distance traveled or the duration of the ride. Taxis are commonly used for hire to transport passengers from one location to another, typically in urban areas.

Decorate anew

Answer: REDO

"Redo" means to decorate or renovate something again, often to improve its appearance or functionality. It implies doing the decorating work anew or starting over with a fresh approach.

Loosen, as shoelaces

Answer: UNTIE

To "untie" shoelaces is to loosen them by untying the knots that hold them in place. It allows the shoelaces to be loosened or removed from the shoes, facilitating ease of wearing or removing the footwear

Located above

Answer: OVER

"Over" typically means situated at a higher position or elevation compared to something else. It indicates being located above or on top of another object or surface.

Black-and-white cookie

Answer: OREO

An Oreo is a popular sandwich cookie consisting of two chocolate wafers with a sweet cream filling in between. It's known for its distinctive black-and-white appearance and is enjoyed by people of all ages.

Not fresh, as bread

Answer: STALE

Bread that is "stale" is not fresh; it has lost its moisture and become dry and hard, often due to exposure to air for an extended period

Sheet of glass

Answer: PANE

A "pane" is a single sheet of glass, typically used in windows or doors to allow light to pass through while providing protection from the elements.

Tinkly noisemakers that play in a breeze


Wind chimes are decorative objects consisting of suspended tubes, rods, bells, or other objects that make tinkling sounds when moved by the wind. They are often hung outdoors and create soothing sounds as they sway in the breeze.


Answer: SANE

"Sane" describes someone who is mentally healthy, rational, and able to think and behave in a sensible and logical manner. It implies having sound judgment and being in touch with reality.

Lends a hand

Answer: HELPS

To "lend a hand" means to offer assistance or support to someone in need. It implies providing help or aid to another person to accomplish a task or overcome a difficulty.

Red-nosed circus performers

Answer: CLOWNS

Clowns are performers known for their comedic antics and colorful costumes, including the iconic red nose. They entertain audiences with slapstick humor, funny routines, and silly antics in circus performances and other events.

Small earring

Answer: STUD

A "stud" is a type of earring that consists of a small, often decorative, piece of jewelry worn on the earlobe. It typically has a simple design and is smaller in size compared to other types of earrings.

Speed __ (road maximum)

Answer: LIMIT

The "speed limit" refers to the maximum legal speed at which vehicles are allowed to travel on a particular road or highway. It is enforced by traffic laws and regulations to ensure safety on the roadways.

Do laps in a pool

Answer: SWIM

To "swim" means to move through water by propelling oneself with the limbs, typically the arms and legs. Doing laps in a pool refers to swimming repeatedly back and forth across the length of the pool, often for exercise or competition.

Vanish into __ air

Answer: THIN

The phrase "thin air" refers to the invisible, gaseous substance that makes up the Earth's atmosphere. To "vanish into thin air" means to disappear suddenly and completely, as if into nothingness.

Prayer’s conclusion

Answer: AMEN

"Amen" is a word used to conclude prayers or affirm statements, especially in religious contexts. It signifies agreement, affirmation, or the conclusion of a supplication.

Athletic squads

Answer: TEAMS

"Teams" are groups of athletes who come together to compete in sports or other competitive activities. They work together to achieve common goals and represent their organization or community in athletic competitions.

Traveled on a horse

Answer: RODE

To "ride" a horse means to sit on its back and control its movement, typically by guiding it with reins. "Rode" is the past tense of the verb "ride," indicating that someone traveled on a horse in the past.

Ping-__ (table tennis)

Answer: PONG

In table tennis, commonly known as ping-pong, players hit the ball back and forth over the net. "Pong" is the sound the ball makes when it is struck and returned by the opponent, hence completing the phrase "ping-pong."

Rabbit’s relative

Answer: HARE

Hares are small mammals closely related to rabbits. They belong to the same family, Leporidae, but hares are generally larger and have longer hind legs and ears compared to rabbits.

Gal at a ball

Answer: BELLE

A "belle" is a term often used to describe a young, attractive woman, especially one who is admired or sought after in social settings such as balls or parties. So, "gal at a ball" refers to a belle.

College student’s residence

Answer: DORM

"Dorm" is a short form of "dormitory," which is a residential building or hall on a college or university campus where students live, usually in shared rooms or suites. Dormitories provide housing for college students during their academic studies.

Followed, as advice

Answer: HEEDED

To "heed" advice means to pay attention to it and follow it accordingly. So, "heeded" in this context means that the advice was listened to and acted upon.

Set of steps between floors

Answer: STAIR

A "stair" is a single step in a flight of stairs, which is a series of steps arranged in a sequence to allow people to move between different levels or floors in a building.

Sound of relief

Answer: SIGH

A "sigh" is a deep breath accompanied by an audible exhalation, often used to express relief, exhaustion, frustration, or other emotions. It's a natural response to stress or tension being released from the body.

Homes for hatchlings


"Birds' nests" are structures built by birds as homes for themselves and their hatchlings. They are typically made from twigs, grass, mud, and other materials, providing a safe and secure environment for nesting, laying eggs, and raising young birds.

Seep slowly

Answer: OOZE

To "ooze" means to flow or seep slowly and steadily, often in a thick or viscous manner. It describes the gradual movement of a liquid, such as water or mud, as it spreads out or permeates through a surface.

Workers’ organization

Answer: UNION

A "union" is an organization formed by workers to protect their rights and interests in the workplace. Unions negotiate with employers on behalf of their members regarding wages, benefits, working conditions, and other aspects of employment.

Neighbor of Vietnam

Answer: LAOS

Laos is a landlocked country located in Southeast Asia, bordered by Vietnam to the east. It is known for its mountainous terrain, Buddhist temples, and rich cultural heritage.

Lyft’s ridesharing rival

Answer: UBER

Uber is a multinational ridesharing company that provides transportation services through its mobile app, allowing users to request rides from nearby drivers. It is a competitor of Lyft in the ridesharing industry, offering similar services and operating in many of the same markets.

Range of view

Answer: SCOPE

"Scope" refers to the extent or range of one's view, vision, or understanding. It can also refer to the area or opportunity within which something can be seen, observed, or accomplished. So, "range of view" is synonymous with "scope."

Kingly title

Answer: SIRE

Sire" is a kingly title used to address or refer to a male sovereign or monarch, particularly in medieval times. It's a formal and respectful term used to denote royalty or nobility.

Fly high

Answer: SOAR

To "soar" means to fly or rise high into the air with great speed or effortlessness. It implies flying with grace and majesty, often with outstretched wings, as birds do when they ascend to great heights.

In an irritable mood

Answer: TESTY

Testy" describes someone who is easily irritated, impatient, or short-tempered. It suggests a state of irritability or agitation, often characterized by a tendency to react defensively or angrily to minor annoyances.

Stately sources of shade

Answer: ELMS

"Elms" are tall, deciduous trees known for their stately appearance and broad, spreading canopies. They provide ample shade with their dense foliage, making them popular choices for landscaping in parks, streets, and other public areas.

Snakelike fishes

Answer: EELS

Eels are a type of fish characterized by their long, slender bodies and snakelike appearance. They are found in both freshwater and saltwater environments and are known for their distinctive, elongated shapes.


Answer: STOP

"Stop" means to come to an end or to discontinue an action or activity. It implies halting or bringing something to a standstill.

Volcano’s flow

Answer: LAVA

Lava is molten rock that erupts from a volcano during an eruption. It flows down the slopes of the volcano as a hot, viscous liquid, eventually solidifying into solid rock as it cools. Lava flows are a characteristic feature of volcanic activity

Plow-pulling animals

Answer: OXEN

Oxen are large, strong animals that are commonly used for pulling plows and other heavy equipment in agricultural settings. They are known for their power and endurance, making them well-suited for tasks requiring significant strength.

Swaying seat made from an auto wheel


A tire swing is a type of swing made by hanging a tire from a tree branch or other support structure. It provides a seat for swinging and is often enjoyed by children for its fun and swaying motion.

Hash __ (breakfast potatoes)

Answer: BROWNS

Hash browns" are a popular breakfast dish made from grated or finely chopped potatoes that are fried until crispy and golden brown. The term "browns" refers to the browned coloration of the potatoes as they cook.


Answer: EERIE

Eerie" describes something that is strange, mysterious, or unsettling in a way that evokes feelings of fear or unease. It often implies an atmosphere of mystery or foreboding, as if something supernatural or inexplicable is present.

Eve and Adam’s garden

Answer: EDEN

According to religious and mythological traditions, the Garden of Eden is a paradise described in the Book of Genesis as the dwelling place of the biblical figures Adam and Eve. It is depicted as a lush and bountiful garden where Adam and Eve lived in harmony with nature before being expelled due to disobedience to God's command.

Anything edible

Answer: FOOD

Food" refers to any substance consumed to provide nutritional support for the body. It encompasses a wide range of items that are edible and nourishing, including fruits, vegetables, grains, meat, dairy products, and more.

Moved quickly

Answer: RUSHED

To "rush" means to move with great speed, urgency, or haste. When someone is "rushed," they are moving quickly, often to complete a task or reach a destination in a short amount of time.

No later than

Answer: UNTIL

"Until" is a preposition used to indicate a point in time or event that continues up to a specified time or situation. It implies that something will happen or be true up to a particular moment but not beyond it.

Postage purchase

Answer: STAMP

A "stamp" is a small piece of paper or adhesive label purchased and affixed to mail as evidence of payment of postage. It indicates that the sender has paid the necessary fee to send the mail through the postal system

Kitchen flooring pieces

Answer: TILES

Tiles are small, often square-shaped pieces used as a covering for floors, walls, or other surfaces. In kitchens, tiles are commonly used as flooring material due to their durability, ease of cleaning, and wide range of designs and styles available.

Catches sight of

Answer: SEES

To "see" means to perceive or become aware of something through the sense of sight. When someone "sees" something, they visually perceive or notice it.


Answer: CHUMS

"Chums" are close friends or companions who share a strong bond or camaraderie. They are individuals who enjoy spending time together and have a mutual affection and loyalty towards each other.

Bug that builds hills

Answer: ANT

An ant is a small insect known for its social behavior and ability to construct elaborate nests or hills. Ants work together in colonies to gather food, care for their young, and build intricate tunnel systems or mounds of earth, commonly referred to as ant hills.


Answer: CLAP

To "clap" is to strike one's hands together repeatedly, typically as a gesture of approval or applause. It's a common way for audiences to express appreciation or admiration for a performance or accomplishment.

VIP’s long vehicle

Answer: LIMO

A "limo" is a long luxury vehicle, often used to transport VIPs (Very Important Persons) or groups of people on special occasions such as weddings, proms, or corporate events. It offers comfort, style, and privacy for its passengers.

Prophetic sign

Answer: OMEN

An "omen" is a prophetic sign or event believed to foreshadow a future outcome or event, often with negative connotations. It is seen as a warning or indication of what is to come.

Group of bees

Answer: SWARM

A "swarm" is a large group of bees that fly together in a coordinated manner. Swarms occur when a colony of bees splits and a portion of the bees, along with a queen bee, leave the hive in search of a new nesting site.

One at a __ (individually)

Answer: TIME

"One at a time" means doing something individually or sequentially, rather than all at once or simultaneously. It suggests a methodical or orderly approach to completing tasks or dealing with situations

Char on a grill

Answer: SEAR

To "sear" means to cook the surface of food quickly at a high temperature, creating a browned or charred exterior while retaining the juices and flavors inside. It is often done on a grill to enhance the taste and texture of meat or vegetables.

Play area built between branches


A "treehouse" is a small structure built among the branches of a tree, typically for recreational or leisure purposes. It serves as a play area or clubhouse for children and is often constructed with wood and other materials.

Clasp in your hand

Answer: HOLD

To "hold" something is to grasp or clasp it firmly in your hand or hands, maintaining control or possession of it. It implies keeping something in a secure and steady manner.

Just sitting around

Answer: IDLE

Idle" describes something that is inactive, not in use, or not engaged in any activity. When someone is "idle," they are not occupied with work or tasks and may be simply sitting around doing nothing.


Answer: NEED

To "need" something is to require it, indicating a necessity or essentiality for a particular item, action, or condition. When something is needed, it is deemed necessary or indispensable.

Rose’s sharp part

Answer: THORN

A "thorn" is a sharp, pointed structure that grows on the stems of certain plants, including roses. Thorns serve as a natural defense mechanism for the plant, deterring animals from grazing on its foliage.

Ask urgently

Answer: BEG

To "beg" is to make a fervent request or plea for something, often urgently and with a sense of desperation. It implies a strong desire or need for assistance, favor, or mercy.

Walt who created Mickey Mouse

Answer: DISNEY

Walt Disney was an American entrepreneur, animator, and film producer who co-founded The Walt Disney Company. He is best known for creating iconic characters such as Mickey Mouse and for pioneering the animation industry.

Sounds from angry cats

Answer: HISSES

"Hisses" are the sharp, sibilant sounds made by cats when they are angry, threatened, or defensive. It's a common vocalization among felines used to express displeasure or to warn potential aggressors.

“Well, __ you asked…”

Answer: SINCE

This phrase implies that the following statement or action is in response to a question or request. In this context, "since" is used to indicate the reason or cause for the subsequent response.

Three-person bands

Answer: TRIOS

A "trio" refers to a group of three people or things. In the context of music, a trio typically refers to a musical ensemble consisting of three performers, such as a piano trio (piano, violin, cello) or a vocal trio (three singers).

Get a pet from a shelter

Answer: ADOPT

To "adopt" a pet means to take it into one's home and care for it as a member of the family. When someone adopts a pet from a shelter, they provide a loving home for an animal in need, often saving it from euthanasia or homelessness.

Thundery weather

Answer: STORM

A "storm" is a disturbance in the atmosphere characterized by strong winds, heavy rain or snow, thunder, lightning, and sometimes hail or tornadoes. Thundery weather specifically refers to conditions with thunder and lightning

Sculpted head

Answer: BUST

A "bust" is a sculpted representation of a person's head and shoulders, typically without arms or other parts of the body. Busts are often used as artistic or commemorative representations of individuals, such as statues in museums or monuments.

“What __ is new?”

Answer: ELSE

In this phrase, "else" is used to inquire about any additional or different information or news beyond what has already been mentioned. It suggests curiosity about anything else that may be noteworthy or different from the current topic of discussion.

Travel by boat

Answer: SAIL

To "sail" means to travel by boat or ship, typically by using wind to propel the vessel across water. It involves navigating the boat through the use of sails, which catch the wind and provide propulsion.

Clarinet relative

Answer: OBOE

The oboe is a woodwind instrument that is closely related to the clarinet. Both instruments belong to the same family of instruments and share similar features, such as a reed mouthpiece and finger keys, but they have distinct differences in sound and construction.

Great enthusiasm

Answer: ZEAL

"Zeal" refers to great enthusiasm, passion, or fervor for a cause, activity, or pursuit. It implies a strong and eager desire to achieve something or to pursue a goal with dedication and energy.

Makes a mistake

Answer: ERRS

When someone "errs," they make a mistake or error in judgment, action, or thinking. "Errs" is the present tense form of the verb "err," which means to deviate from what is considered correct or proper, resulting in an incorrect outcome or decision.

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