Newsday Crossword Clue Answer for March 23, 2024

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by Ramya R

Updated Mar 23, 2024

Newsday Crossword Clue Answer for March 23, 2024

Are you a puzzle player of Newsday Crossword? Do you want to know what would be the answer to this Newsday Crossword, if you are eagerly searching for it? Then, continue reading this page to find the perfect answer provided. In the Newsday puzzle, game players can always learn new words that enhance their thinking knowledge. So, check your intellectual capacity and try to find the answer for the Newsday Crossword.

DC number crunchers

Solution: OMB

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DC number crunchers refers to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB), which is responsible for overseeing the implementation of the federal budget and evaluating the performance of federal agencies in the United States.

New name among The Voice coaches in 2023

Solution: REBA

New name among The Voice coaches in 2023 suggests a new addition to the coaching panel of the television show The Voice in the year 2023, identified as REBA, likely referring to the country music artist Reba McEntire.

That’s a wrap

Solution: GYRO

That’s a wrap is a colloquial expression indicating the completion or conclusion of something, expressed as GYRO, which could refer to a gyro sandwich often wrapped in pita bread.

Hunt or fish

Solution: VERB

Hunt or fish suggests actions often associated with outdoor activities, identified as VERB, which denotes action words in grammar.

One following some breakups


One following some breakups refers to a person who pursues a career independently after experiencing breakups or separations, described as SOLOCAREER.

Genesis grudge-holder

Solution: ESAU

Genesis grudge-holder identifies Esau, a character from the biblical book of Genesis who held a grudge against his brother Jacob.

Not always


Not always suggests a perspective or interpretation, expressed as INONESENSE.

Plain, perhaps


Plain, perhaps indicates a type of geographical area or landscape, identified as RANGELAND.

Reviewer’s motivations

Solution: TESTS

Reviewer’s motivations refers to the reasons or intentions behind a reviewer's actions, described as TESTS.

Cornwall neighbor

Solution: DEVON

Cornwall neighbor identifies the neighboring region to Cornwall, which is DEVON, a county in England.

Tennyson’s changer of “all the orient into gold”

Solution: MORN

Tennyson’s changer of 'all the orient into gold' refers to a character or concept described by Tennyson in a poetic work, identified as MORN, likely referencing the line Morn in russet mantle clad from the poem Locksley Hall.


Solution: SAYYES

Approve indicates the action of giving consent or agreement, expressed as SAYYES.

King Mohammed VI subject

Solution: MOROCCAN

King Mohammed VI subject refers to a person or topic associated with King Mohammed VI, the monarch of Morocco, described as MOROCCAN.

Whom Ingmar Bergman adapted for the play Nora

Solution: IBSEN

Whom Ingmar Bergman adapted for the play Nora suggests a playwright whose work was adapted by Ingmar Bergman for the play Nora, identified as IBSEN, referring to Henrik Ibsen, the author of A Doll's House, on which Nora is based.

Cardiological word from Latin for “hollow”

Solution: CAVA

Cardiological word from Latin for 'hollow' suggests a medical term derived from Latin, identified as CAVA, referring to the superior vena cava, a large vein carrying deoxygenated blood from the upper body to the heart.

Sibling of Anastasia Romanov

Solution: OLGA

Sibling of Anastasia Romanov refers to one of the daughters of Tsar Nicholas II of Russia, identified as OLGA, who was the eldest daughter of the Romanov family.

Thrifty cook’s orange __ cake

Solution: RIND

Thrifty cook’s orange __ cake describes a type of cake made using the outer layer of an orange, known as RIND.

Big Ten athlete, as of 2024

Solution: BRUIN

Big Ten athlete, as of 2024 indicates a sports competitor participating in the Big Ten Conference, identified as BRUIN, likely referring to an athlete from the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), whose mascot is the Bruin.

Pressure reducer

Solution: LEAK

Pressure reducer suggests a device or action that reduces pressure, expressed as LEAK, which can release pressure from a contained system.

Ball on a board

Solution: EDAM

Ball on a board refers to a type of cheese, identified as EDAM, which is traditionally formed into a ball shape.


Solution: RARE

Isolated describes something that is rare or uncommon, represented as RARE.


Solution: BLAME

Reproach indicates the act of assigning fault or criticism, described as BLAME, which involves holding someone accountable for a perceived wrongdoing.

Kid with a relative advantage, these days

Solution: NEPOBABY

Kid with a relative advantage, these days suggests a term used to describe a child who enjoys certain privileges or advantages due to their familial connections, identified as NEPOBABY, likely combining nepotism and baby to refer to someone benefiting from family connections.

Resounded abrasively

Solution: BLARED

Resounded abrasively describes a loud and harsh sound, expressed as BLARED.

Mickey Mouse matters

Solution: NITS

Mickey Mouse matters refers to trivial or insignificant issues, identified as NITS, which are small insect eggs or the expression nitpicking referring to focusing on trivial details.

Fixes by tying up

Solution: MOORS

Fixes by tying up suggests securing or stabilizing something by tying it, represented as MOORS, which can mean securing a boat or other object with ropes.

Cause of a bridge suspension?

Solution: AVAST

Cause of a bridge suspension suggests a term related to sailing or stopping, identified as AVAST, which is a nautical command meaning stop or hold fast.

Radically improvisatory subgenre


Radically improvisatory subgenre refers to a genre of music known for its experimental and avant-garde nature, expressed as AVANTJAZZ.

Sign site


Sign site describes the location of a sign, identified as DOTTEDLINE, which is often where road signs are placed.

Minor scratch

Solution: OWIE

Minor scratch refers to a small injury or abrasion, known colloquially as OWIE, typically used to describe minor pain or discomfort.

Kept changing


Kept changing suggests a pattern of alternating or switching, represented as ALTERNATED, indicating a continuous change between different options or states.


Solution: BANS

Outlaws refers to individuals who have been banned or prohibited from society, described as BANS, indicating people who have been officially outlawed or prohibited.

It ain’t easy

Solution: BEAR

It ain’t easy suggests a challenging or difficult situation, expressed as BEAR, indicating a burden or difficulty to endure.

Large flaps

Solution: ADOS

Large flaps refers to significant or sizable appendages, identified as ADOS, which could be large fabric panels or other structures.

For all that

Solution: YET

For all that indicates a contrast or contradiction, represented as YET, suggesting despite something previously mentioned or considered.

Prefix meaning “inordinately”

Solution: OVER

Prefix meaning 'inordinately' refers to a linguistic element added to the beginning of a word to indicate excess or exaggeration, described as OVER.

Topography around Los Alamos

Solution: MESA

Topography around Los Alamos suggests a geographical feature commonly found in the vicinity of Los Alamos, identified as MESA, which refers to a flat-topped hill or plateau.

Cannoli cousin with a kick


Cannoli cousin with a kick describes a dessert similar to cannoli but with a stronger flavor or kick, expressed as BRANDYSNAP, a type of crisp, spicy cookie often filled with whipped cream or other fillings.

A March of 2019

Solution: RONAN

A March of 2019 refers to a particular month in the year 2019, identified as RONAN, which could be a person's name or a specific event associated with that time.

Pretorian name in the news

Solution: ELON

Pretorian name in the news suggests a prominent figure or personality making headlines, represented as ELON, which likely refers to Elon Musk, a well-known entrepreneur and CEO of companies like Tesla and SpaceX.

Q milieu


Q milieu refers to the environment or setting associated with the character Q, often found in James Bond films, identified as BONDMOVIE, indicating the milieu of a Bond film.

No noob

Solution: ACE

No noob suggests someone who is skilled or proficient, identified as ACE, which refers to a person who excels at a particular activity.

Sustainable position


Sustainable position refers to a job or role that promotes environmental conservation or sustainability, expressed as GREENCOLLARJOB.


Solution: YENS

Desiderata describes strong desires or cravings, represented as YENS, indicating intense longing or yearning.

Unitemized group

Solution: REST

Unitemized group suggests a collection of items or entities not specifically listed or categorized, identified as REST, meaning the remaining or unspecified part of a whole.

Rocky asset

Solution: ORES

Rocky asset refers to a resource or material that contains valuable minerals or ores, described as ORES, indicating a rocky substance that can be mined for metals or other valuable materials.

“Bulging” sci-fi film cliche


Bulging sci-fi film cliche refers to a common trope in science fiction films involving creatures with large, protruding eyes, identified as BUGEYEDMONSTER.

Cereal containers

Solution: SILOS

Cereal containers describes structures used for storing grains or cereals, represented as SILOS, which are often tall cylindrical towers.

Biologist’s prefix

Solution: ASTRO

Biologist’s prefix suggests a prefix commonly used in biology related to celestial bodies or outer space, expressed as ASTRO-, indicating a connection to astronomy or space.


Solution: EVEN

Unwavering refers to something that remains steady or constant, described as EVEN, indicating a lack of fluctuation or deviation.

City on the erstwhile Barbary Coast

Solution: ORAN

City on the erstwhile Barbary Coast refers to a city formerly located on the Barbary Coast, identified as ORAN, which is a port city in Algeria.

Acoustical instrument

Solution: SIREN

Acoustical instrument describes a device used to produce sound, represented as SIREN, which can produce loud, often warning sounds.

Brook, but not stream

Solution: ABIDE

Brook, but not stream suggests a small watercourse, identified as ABIDE, which means to tolerate or endure something rather than flow like a stream.

Moniker like Mo

Solution: MAURY

Moniker like Mo refers to a name similar to Mo, identified as MAURY, which could be a given name or surname resembling Mo.

Puts back where it belongs


Puts back where it belongs suggests the action of removing clutter or returning items to their proper place, identified as CLEARSAWAY, which involves clearing and organizing a space.

Prime performance

Solution: AGAME

Prime performance refers to a top-quality or exemplary display of skill or ability, expressed as AGAME, indicating peak performance.


Solution: NAKED

Flourish-free describes something devoid of embellishments or decorations, represented as NAKED, meaning bare or without adornment.

Chesapeake Bay fare


Chesapeake Bay fare suggests a type of cuisine or dish commonly associated with the Chesapeake Bay region, identified as CRABSALAD, which is a salad made with crab meat, a delicacy from the area.

Small handful

Solution: BRAT

Small handful suggests a term used to describe a mischievous or troublesome child, identified as BRAT, indicating a small, unruly individual.

Record flaw

Solution: BLOT

Record flaw refers to a mark or imperfection on a record or document, represented as BLOT, indicating a smudge or stain that affects its integrity.

Vet file’s cautionary notation

Solution: BITER

Vet file’s cautionary notation suggests a warning or remark in a veterinarian's records regarding an animal's behavior, expressed as BITER, indicating that the animal may have a tendency to bite.

How a perch may be prepared

Solution: BONED

How a perch may be prepared describes a method of preparing a type of fish, identified as BONED, suggesting the removal of bones from the perch before cooking.

They have shock waves

Solution: MANES

They have shock waves suggests a feature of certain animals' hair or fur, identified as MANES, which can create the appearance of shock waves when flowing.

Not much

Solution: ADAB

Not much refers to a small amount or quantity, expressed as ADAB, indicating a limited or negligible quantity.

Muskrat cousin

Solution: VOLE

Muskrat cousin describes a rodent species related to muskrats, represented as VOLE, indicating a similar type of small mammal.

Congratulation commencement

Solution: ATTA

Congratulation commencement suggests the beginning of a congratulatory phrase or expression, identified as ATTA, often used colloquially to express congratulations or praise.

First role to win two acting Oscars

Solution: VITO

First role to win two acting Oscars suggests a character or actor who achieved the feat of winning two Academy Awards for acting in their first role, identified as VITO, likely referring to Vito Corleone, portrayed by Marlon Brando in The Godfather.

Fangirl’s reading

Solution: ZINE

Fangirl’s reading refers to a type of publication often favored by enthusiastic female fans, expressed as ZINE, which are small-circulation, self-published magazines.

A lot of relish

Solution: ZEST

A lot of relish describes an abundance or enjoyment of excitement or enthusiasm, represented as ZEST, indicating a high level of enjoyment or fervor.

Twist in whodunit plots

Solution: DNA

Twist in whodunit plots suggests a key element in mystery stories involving the revelation of genetic evidence, identified as DNA, which can provide a surprising twist in determining the culprit in a mystery plot.

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