Newsday crossword clue Answer for March 26, 2024

We are here to help you find the answers to the popular Newsday crossword clue answer for March 26, 2024. Check out further, Happy Playing!

by Sangeetha M

Updated Mar 26, 2024

Newsday crossword clue Answer for March 26, 2024

Newsday crossword

Are you bored at home or stressed out with work? Take the time to solve the clue. Playing puzzles and searching for answers will divert and engage you in playing the puzzle. Enjoy solving clues by intersecting the words obtained in your guess. If you could not solve the puzzle, No worries! We are making the process easy for you to find the answer in the following sections and enjoy playing the puzzle.

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Number in a spreadsheet


"STAT" typically stands for "statistics" or "statistical." Spreadsheets are often used for organizing and analyzing data, including numerical information such as statistics, figures, or calculations. "STAT" is a fitting term for a number or statistic that one might encounter within a spreadsheet.

Moby-Dick captain


"Moby-Dick captain" indicates that we're looking for the name of the captain from the novel "Moby-Dick" by Herman Melville. The captain referred to in the clue is "AHAB." Captain Ahab is the central character in "Moby-Dick," a novel published in 1851. 

Manicurist’s tools


"Manicurist’s tools" that we're for items used by manicurists in their profession. Manicurists are individuals who provide nail care services, including trimming, shaping, and polishing nails. One of the essential tools used by manicurists is a "FILE." A file is a small, abrasive tool used to shape, smooth, and refine the edges of nails.

Contented cat sound


"Contented cat sound" that we're for a term that represents the noise a cat makes when it's feeling relaxed, happy, or content. The word that fits this description is "PURR." A purr is a soft, low, vibrating sound that cats produce, often when they are being petted, cuddled, or are feeling comfortable and at ease.



Finished" that  looking for a word that means completed or concluded."DONE" is a synonym for finished or completed. When something is "done," it means it has been accomplished or brought to an end. Therefore, "DONE" fits perfectly with the clue "Finished."

Physically nimble


"Physically nimble" that we're for a term that describes someone who is quick and graceful in their movements, indicating agility and dexterity the word that fits the description is "AGILE." "Agile" describes the ability to move quickly and easily with coordination and grace.

“Do __ others . . .”


"“Do __ others . . .”" suggests that we're looking for a missing word or phrase to complete the well-known saying "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." "UNTO." The full phrase "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you" is a moral principle commonly known as the Golden Rule.

Lavish affection (on)


"Lavish affection (on)" a verb that means to show excessive love or fondness towards someone or something. It implies that the answer is a word that describes the act of showering affection or attention onto another person or thing. The verb "dote" means to be excessively fond of or to lavish affection or attention upon someone or something. It often conveys a sense of adoration or indulgence towards the object of one's affection.

“I didn’t do it!”


"NOTME." When someone says "I didn't do it!" or "Not me!", they are explicitly stating that they are not responsible for a particular action or event. It's a common expression used to deflect blame or deny involvement in a situation.

Three-__ (longer-than-usual work break)


Three-__ (longer-than-usual work break)" suggests a term for a period of time longer than the typical duration for a work break. It implies that the answer is a compound word or phrase consisting of "Three-" followed by a word that signifies a period of time.  A "three-day weekend" refers to a weekend that extends for three days instead of the usual two, typically occurring when a public holiday falls on a Friday or Monday, allowing for an extra day off work.

Sporty car roof


"Sporty car roof" a term for a type of car roof that is typically associated with sporty or performance-oriented vehicles. It implies that the answer is likely to be a short word or abbreviation that describes a specific feature of such cars.A T-top is a type of car roof that has removable panels on either side of a rigid bar running down the center of the vehicle, forming a "T" shape when viewed from above. T-tops are often found on sports cars and provide an open-air driving experience while still maintaining some structural rigidity.

Small whirlpool


"Small whirlpool" suggests that we're looking for a term that describes a small, swirling body of water. An "EDDY" is a circular current of water that forms when water flows in a particular direction and encounters an obstruction or irregularity, causing it to swirl back on itself. 

Worldwide: Abbr.


"Worldwide: Abbr." indicates that the answer is an abbreviation commonly used to denote something that spans across the world or is international in scope. It suggests that the answer is likely to be an abbreviated form of a word associated with global or international concepts.The to this is "INTL," which is short for "international." It is often used in abbreviations to indicate something that extends or pertains to multiple countries or regions worldwide.

Try to hit, as with a snowball


"Try to hit, as with a snowball" suggests a word that means attempting to throw something, like a snowball, in order to hit a target. The to this is likely "HURLAT." To hurl at something means to throw something with force and intent to hit a target, which perfectly fits the action of trying to hit with a snowball.

One watching over lambs


"One watching over lambs" suggests a term for a person whose job or role involves caring for and overseeing a flock of sheep, particularly young ones known as lambs. It implies that the answer is likely to be a single word that describes this occupation or duty.  A shepherd is a person responsible for tending to and safeguarding a flock of sheep. They often guide the sheep to pasture, protect them from predators, and ensure their general well-being.

“__ was saying . . .”


"__ was saying . . ." That the  is a phrase used to introduce reported speech or convey that someone was speaking or expressing something. It implies that the answer is likely to be a short phrase indicating the act of quoting or relaying someone else's words. The phrase "As I" is commonly used to introduce reported speech or to indicate that the speaker is about to recount something that someone else said. It's a simple and concise way to transition into quoting someone's words.

Coffee with chocolate


"Coffee with chocolate" a type of beverage that combines coffee with chocolate flavor. It implies that the answer is a single word that describes this combination. Mocha is a popular coffee beverage made by mixing espresso or coffee with chocolate syrup or cocoa powder, and often with steamed milk or whipped cream. It's known for its rich and indulgent flavor, combining the bitterness of coffee with the sweetness of chocolate.

More fit for harvesting


"More fit for harvesting" a term that describes the condition of agricultural produce when it's at its peak ripeness and ready to be harvested. It implies that the answer is likely to be an adjective indicating a stage of maturity that is optimal for gathering crops. "Riper" is the comparative form of the adjective "ripe," which means fully matured and ready to be harvested. When fruits, vegetables, or other crops are riper, they are at their peak of flavor, sweetness, or nutritional value, making them ideal for harvesting.

Zesty flavor


"Zesty flavor" that we're for a word that describes a lively, sharp taste sensation, often associated with citrus fruits or other tangy foods. "TANG" refers to a strong, sharp flavor that is often characterized by a pleasant acidity or pungency. It can be used to describe the taste of citrus fruits like oranges or lemons, as well as other tangy foods like vinegar or certain types of cheese.

Very long time period


"Very long time period" that we're for a term that describes an extremely extended duration of time. An "EON" is a geological time unit representing an immensely long period, typically millions or even billions of years. In everyday language, "eon" is often used metaphorically to convey a sense of vastness or infinity regarding time. So, "EON" fits the clue as it denotes a very long time period.



 "Location" suggests that we're looking for a term that describes a specific place or area. "SITE" refers to a particular location where something happens or where something is situated. It could be a physical location like a construction site, archaeological site, or event site. In broader terms, it can also refer to a place on the internet, such as a website. 

Goad into action


"Goad into action" that we're looking for a term that means to urge or provoke someone to act or do something. "EGGON" is a phrasal verb that means to encourage or incite someone to take action. When you egg someone on, you're pushing or motivating them to do something, often by teasing or challenging them. "EGGON" fits the clue as it signifies goading someone into action.

Lawful, informally


"Lawful, informally" suggests a term or word that means something is considered legal or legitimate, but in a casual or informal manner. The term "LEGIT" fits this description as it is a colloquial abbreviation for "legitimate," often used in informal contexts to describe something that is lawful or valid.

Musician’s booking


 "Musician’s booking" suggests a term or word that refers to an engagement or performance opportunity for a musician. In the music industry, a "GIG" is commonly used to describe a paid performance or booking where a musician or band plays at a specific venue or event.

Double-checks of voting results


"Double-checks of voting results" suggests a term or phrase that refers to the process of verifying or reviewing the outcome of an election by examining the votes again. The word "RECOUNTS" fits this description perfectly, as it means counting the votes again to ensure accuracy or to resolve any discrepancies.

Annoying sounds


 "Annoying sounds" suggests a term or phrase that describes various sounds that are bothersome, irritating, or disruptive to one's peace or concentration. The word "NOISES" fits this description perfectly, as it refers to any unwanted or unpleasant sounds that can cause annoyance or discomfort.

Fig. on a driver’s license


"Fig. on a driver’s license" suggests a term or abbreviation commonly found on a driver's license. "Fig." is short for "figure" or "abbreviation." On a driver's license, the abbreviation "IDNO" stands for "Identification Number," which is a unique alphanumeric code assigned to each individual for identification purposes.

Small ear jewelry


"Small ear jewelry" suggests a term or item typically worn as an ornament in the earlobe. "Small" indicates that the jewelry piece is not large or elaborate. The term "STUD" fits this description perfectly, as it refers to a small piece of jewelry that is worn in the earlobe and often features a simple design, such as a small gemstone or metal ornament.

Brought into the world


"Brought into the world" suggests a term or phrase that describes the act of coming into existence or being born. The word "BORN" fits this description perfectly, as it means to be brought into life or to come into existence through birth.

Three __ (duelers of French fiction)


 "Three __ (duelers of French fiction)" suggests that we are looking for a term that completes the phrase "Three ___" and refers to a group of fictional characters known for their dueling exploits in French literature. The term "MUSKETEERS" fits this description perfectly, as it refers to the "Three Musketeers," the famous characters from Alexandre Dumas' novel "The Three Musketeers," known for their sword fighting and dueling skills.

Open up, as a toothpaste tube


 "Open up, as a toothpaste tube" a term or phrase that describes the action of removing the cap or cover from a toothpaste tube in order to access the toothpaste inside. The word "UNCAP" fits this description perfectly, as it means to remove the cap or lid from something.

Person, place, or thing


"Person, place, or thing" a term or word that represents a broad category of words in grammar. In English grammar, words are categorized into different parts of speech, including nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, etc. A noun is a part of speech that typically represents a person, place, thing, or idea. "Person, place, or thing" is "NOUN." This term accurately represents the category of words that includes persons, places, things, or ideas. Therefore, "NOUN" is the appropriate answer for this crossword clue.

Run __ (go wild)


"Run __ (go wild)" that we're looking for a term that means to go out of control or behave recklessly. "AMOK" can be derived from this clue. "AMOK" is an adverb that means to behave uncontrollably or violently, often as a result of being overcome by intense emotions. When someone runs amok, they act wildly and without restraint.

Tree trunk remnant


"Tree trunk remnant" that we're looking for a term that describes what remains after a tree has been cut down or fallen, leaving behind part of the trunk. A "STUMP" is the portion of a tree trunk that remains rooted in the ground after the tree has been cut down or removed.

Rural stopovers


"Rural stopovers" that for a term that describes places in rural areas where travelers can stop and stay temporarily. "INNS" are establishments that offer lodging, food, and sometimes drink to travelers and tourists. They are typically located in rural or scenic areas, providing a cozy and comfortable place for travelers to rest during their journey.

Not prerecorded


"Not prerecorded" that we're for a term that describes something that is happening in real-time or in the present moment, rather than being recorded in advance."LIVE" is an adjective that means being broadcast or performed as it happens, without any delay or pre-recording. For example, a live television show is being aired in real-time, and a live concert is being performed live on stage. 

Fire hydrant attachments


"Fire hydrant attachments" a term or item that is connected to a fire hydrant, which is used for firefighting purposes. One of the primary attachments used with fire hydrants is "HOSES," which are flexible tubes designed to carry water from the hydrant to extinguish fires.

Small child


"Small child" a term or word that describes a young or little child. "TYKE" fits this description perfectly, as it is a colloquial term used to refer to a small child or a young person, often used informally or affectionately.

Meal in a slow cooker


"Meal in a slow cooker" suggests a term or dish that is commonly prepared using a slow cooker, a kitchen appliance used for cooking food slowly over a low heat for an extended period of time. "STEW" fits this description perfectly, as it refers to a type of dish made by simmering ingredients, such as meat, vegetables, and seasonings, in liquid over low heat for a long time until they are tender and flavorful.

Potato, informally


"Potato, informally" suggests a term or word that is commonly used in informal language to refer to a potato. "SPUD" fits this description perfectly, as it is a colloquial term often used informally to describe a potato.

__ fish sandwich


"__ fish sandwich" suggests that we need to fill in the blank with a type of fish to complete the phrase, indicating a specific kind of sandwich made with that fish. "TUNA" fits this description perfectly, as it is a popular type of fish used in sandwiches, such as tuna salad sandwiches or tuna melt sandwiches.

Overly stylish


When someone is described as "overly stylish," it suggests that they are excessively focused on their appearance or fashion sense, often to the point of being ostentatious or exaggerated. On the other hand, "ARTY" typically refers to someone or something associated with the arts, creativity, or unconventional expression. Combining these clues, we're looking for a word that denotes being excessively artistic or concerned with aesthetics

Gardener’s small shovel


"Gardener’s small shovel" is "TROWEL." A trowel is a handheld tool with a flat, pointed blade used for tasks such as digging, spreading, and smoothing substances like soil, cement, or mortar. In gardening, trowels are essential for tasks such as planting bulbs, transplanting seedlings, or removing weeds in tight spaces.

Expanded upon


"Expanded upon" is "ADDED TO." This phrase signifies the action of supplementing or increasing something by incorporating additional elements or details. It captures the idea of enhancing or enlarging upon an existing subject matter or idea.

What school truants “play”


"What school truants 'play'" is "HOOKY." Playing hooky is a colloquial term used to describe the act of skipping school or being absent from classes without authorization. Instead of attending school, students who play hooky might engage in other activities such as hanging out with friends, going to the movies, or simply avoiding their responsibilities.

Initial poker stake


"Initial poker stake" is "ANTE." The ante is the compulsory bet that each player must place into the pot before the start of each hand in poker. It ensures that there is always something at stake in the game and encourages players to participate actively in each round.

“How’ve you __?”


"How've you __?" is "BEEN." When completed, the phrase becomes "How've you been?" which is a friendly and casual way of asking someone how they have been doing or what they have been up to recently.

Room cooler with blades


"Room cooler with blades" is "FAN." A fan is a common household appliance consisting of rotating blades that circulate air to create a cooling breeze. Fans are used to improve ventilation and provide relief from heat, making them essential for maintaining comfort in indoor spaces.

“Let me handle it”


"Let me handle it" is "IGOTTHIS." This phrase is a colloquial expression used to convey assurance and self-reliance, indicating that the speaker is fully capable of managing the situation or task at hand without assistance.

Three __ (Big Bad Wolf’s prey)


"Three __ (Big Bad Wolf’s prey)" is "LITTLE PIGS." In the classic fairy tale "The Three Little Pigs," these characters are pursued by the Big Bad Wolf, who seeks to devour them. The story revolves around the pigs' efforts to build sturdy houses to protect themselves from the wolf's attempts to blow their houses down.

Red ticklish Muppet


Red ticklish Muppet" is "ELMO." Elmo is a beloved character from the television program "Sesame Street." He is a furry red monster known for his high-pitched voice and his contagious laughter. Elmo is often depicted as being ticklish, which adds to his charm and endearment among audiences, particularly children.

Ooze slowly


"Ooze slowly" is "SEEP." Seep is a verb that means to flow or pass gradually through small openings or pores. When something seeps, it moves slowly and steadily, often without force, as it spreads or permeates through a substance or surface.

Dutch cheese


Dutch cheese" is "EDAM." Edam is a semi-hard cheese that is named after the town of Edam in the Netherlands. It is characterized by its distinctive spherical shape and smooth, yellow rind. Edam cheese has a mild, slightly salty flavor and is often enjoyed as a snack or used in sandwiches and salads.

Game cube with spots


"Game cube with spots" is "DIE." A die is a small, cube-shaped object typically used in games of chance or gambling. Each face of the die is marked with a certain number of spots, usually from one to six, representing different numerical values. When rolled, the outcome is determined by the face that lands face up, making it a fundamental component of many board games, tabletop games, and gambling activities.

Fresh Air broadcaster


"Fresh Air broadcaster" likely refers to a radio program or station that airs the show "Fresh Air." "Fresh Air" is a popular radio program produced by NPR (National Public Radio), known for its interviews and discussions on various topics including arts, culture, and current events.

One who can’t stand something


"One who can't stand something" is "HATER." A hater is someone who harbors intense animosity or resentment towards something or someone. This term is often used colloquially to describe individuals who express dislike, criticism, or hostility towards a specific person, group, idea, or concept.

Electric meter measurement


"Electric meter measurement" is "USAGE." Usage is the amount of electricity consumed, typically measured in units such as kilowatt-hours (kWh), as recorded by an electric meter. Monitoring usage is important for managing energy consumption and understanding electricity usage patterns.

Three-__ (entertainment under a tent)


"Three-__ (entertainment under a tent)" is "RING CIRCUS." A circus is a form of entertainment characterized by a variety of performances, such as acrobatics, clown acts, animal tricks, and more, all presented in a large tent known as the "big top." The term "ring" refers to the circular performance area within the tent where the acts take place, hence "ring circus."

Sneakers and loafers


"Sneakers and loafers" is "SHOES." Shoes are a type of clothing accessory worn on the feet to provide protection and support. They come in a wide range of styles, including sneakers, loafers, boots, sandals, and more, each designed for specific purposes or occasions.

Install on the wall


"Install on the wall" is "HANG." To hang something on the wall means to mount or suspend it in a vertical position, typically using hooks, nails, or other fixtures. This action is commonly done with items such as pictures, mirrors, shelves, or decorations.

Knot again


"Knot again" is "RETIE." Retie means to tie again or to resecure a knot that has become loose or undone. This term is often used when a knot needs to be tightened or adjusted to ensure that it holds firmly.

Bottoms of wine barrels


"Bottoms of wine barrels" is "DREGS." Dregs are the solid particles, sediment, or residue that settle at the bottom of a container, such as a wine barrel, after the liquid has been poured off or removed. In the context of wine barrels, dregs often consist of yeast, grape skins, and other insoluble materials that precipitate out of the wine during fermentation and aging.

Boston basketballer, for short


"Boston basketballer, for short" is "CELT." "Celt" is a shortened form or nickname for a player from the Boston Celtics basketball team. The term "Celt" is often used informally to refer to players, fans, or anything else related to the Boston Celtics franchise.



"Reputation" is "GOOD NAME." A "good name" signifies a positive reputation or standing in society. It implies that the individual or entity is highly regarded and respected by others due to their integrity, honesty, and positive attributes.

Woman in a convent


"Woman in a convent" is "NUN." A nun is a female member of a religious community who lives a contemplative or active life of prayer, meditation, and service within a convent or monastery. Nuns devote themselves to a religious life, often engaging in spiritual practices, charitable work, and community service.

Very strong, as emotions


"Very strong, as emotions" is "INTENSE." Intense describes emotions that are extremely strong, fervent, or profound in nature. It signifies feelings that are deeply felt and may be difficult to control or contain due to their overwhelming intensity.

Recommend highly


"Recommend highly" is "TOUT." To tout something means to praise or recommend it strongly and persistently. Touting typically involves promoting or advocating for someone or something, often with the intention of generating interest or attracting attention.

__ de plume


"__ de plume" is "NOM." "Nom" is a French word meaning "name." In the context of "nom de plume," it refers to the chose

High standards


"High standards" is "IDEALS." Ideals are principles or standards of perfection or excellence that are considered admirable or desirable. They represent the highest aspirations or goals that individuals or societies strive to attain in various aspects of life.

Stinky striped animal


"Stinky striped animal" is "SKUNK." Skunks are mammals found primarily in the Americas, known for their characteristic black and white fur pattern and their ability to release a strong-smelling secretion from glands near their tails when threatened. This spray serves as a deterrent to predators, as it has a potent odor that can linger for days

Plant of roses


"Plant of roses" is "BUSH." In gardening and horticulture, the term "bush" is often used to refer to a small to medium-sized woody plant with multiple stems, typically shorter than a tree. Roses are commonly grown as bushy shrubs, and they are known for their lush foliage and clusters of colorful flowers.

In the know about


"In the know about" is "ONTO." When someone is "onto" something, it means they are aware of it or have discovered information about it. Being "onto" a situation indicates having insight or understanding regarding its details or implications.

Condo dwelling


"Condo dwelling" is "UNIT." In the context of condominium living, a "unit" refers to an individual apartment or residence owned by a resident within the larger complex. Each unit typically has its own distinct features and amenities, and residents share common areas and facilities such as hallways, elevators, and recreational spaces.

Japanese electronics giant


"Japanese electronics giant" is "SONY." Sony Corporation is a multinational conglomerate headquartered in Tokyo, Japan. It is one of the largest and most prominent electronics companies in the world, known for its wide range of products including televisions, audio equipment, cameras, gaming consoles, and mobile devices.

Give off, as steam


"Give off, as steam" is "EMIT." To emit means to release or discharge something, such as steam, gas, or light, into the atmosphere or surroundings. In the context of steam, emitting refers to the act of producing and expelling steam from a source, such as a boiling pot of water or a steam engine.

Roam around


"Roam around" is "ROVE." Rove means to travel or move about freely and without a fixed course, often in search of adventure or exploration. It conveys the idea of wandering or meandering without a specific goal or direction in mind.

Distort, as facts


"Distort, as facts" is "SKEW." To skew means to bias or distort something, such as facts or data, in order to favor a particular viewpoint or agenda. When facts are skewed, they are presented in a way that deviates from their true nature, often to manipulate perceptions or influence opinions.

Ltr.’s second afterthought


"Ltr.'s second afterthought" is "PPS." PPS stands for "post-postscript," indicating an additional note or message added after the original postscript in a letter. It signifies a secondary afterthought or supplementary information included by the sender.

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