Newsday Crossword Clue Answer for March 29,2024

Find the solution to the Newsday Crossword Puzzle clue for March 29,2024, and get insights on how to approach crossword clues effectively and improve your vocabulary skills..

by Keerthika

Updated Mar 29, 2024

Newsday Crossword Clue Answer for March 29,2024

Are you searching for an answer to a crossword clue? We have some exciting information about Newsday Crossword. The word game Crossword gives you both informative learning opportunities and enjoyable. Playing crossword word puzzles practice your creative thinking and improves your vocabulary skills as players have to recall the clues that make connections between each and find the correct solution.

British grocery chain

Answer: TESCO

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TESCO is a well-known British multinational grocery and general merchandise retailer. It operates a chain of supermarkets and convenience stores across the United Kingdom and several other countries. Therefore, "TESCO" is the appropriate answer for the question about a British grocery chain.

Organ valve

Answer: STOP

In the context of organs, a "STOP" valve is a type of valve used to control the flow of fluid within an organ or a system. "STOP" valves are commonly used in plumbing systems and mechanical equipment to regulate the passage of liquids or gases.

Close relative

Answer: SIB

"SIB" is a colloquial abbreviation for "sibling," which refers to a close relative such as a brother or sister. In this context, "SIB" represents a family member who shares one or both parents with another individual. Therefore, "SIB" is the appropriate term for a close relative.

Period in old Rome

Answer: ANNUM

In Latin, "ANNUM" means "year." In ancient Rome, "ANNUM" referred to a period of time equal to one year. This term is commonly used in historical and archaeological contexts to denote timeframes or events occurring during a specific year or era in ancient Rome. Therefore, "ANNUM" is the correct answer for a period in old Rome.

Battery post

Answer: ANODE

In the context of a battery, the "ANODE" is the positively charged electrode where oxidation occurs during the discharge of the battery. It is one of the two terminals of a battery or an electrical cell. Therefore, "ANODE" is the correct term for a battery post.

Top spot

Answer: ONE

"ONE" can refer to the top spot or the first position in a ranking or sequence. It denotes being at the highest level or achieving the foremost position in a particular context. Therefore, "ONE" is the appropriate answer for the top spot

Sneeze-inducing substance


A "STERNUTATOR" is a substance that induces sneezing. It can refer to various irritants, allergens, or chemicals that trigger the body's sneeze reflex when inhaled or exposed to the nasal passages. Therefore, "STERNUTATOR" fits the context of a substance that causes sneezing.

Juilliard deg.

Answer: MFA

"MFA" stands for Master of Fine Arts, which is a graduate degree typically awarded in disciplines such as visual arts, creative writing, filmmaking, theater, and dance. The Juilliard School, a prestigious performing arts conservatory located in New York City, offers MFA programs in various artistic disciplines. Therefore, "MFA" is the appropriate abbreviation for a Juilliard degree.

Mexican mme.

Answer: SRA

"SRA" is an abbreviation for "Señora," which translates to "Mrs." in English. It is commonly used as a title of respect for a married woman in Spanish-speaking countries, including Mexico. Therefore, "SRA" is the appropriate abbreviation for "Mexican mme."

State starter

Answer: INTRA

"INTRA" can be understood as a prefix meaning "within" or "inside." In the context of the clue, "State starter," "INTRA" suggests the beginning of a word related to something within a state. For example, "intrastate" refers to something occurring within a single state.

Very soft mineral

Answer: TALC

"TALC" is a soft mineral often used in cosmetics and personal care products. It has a greasy or soapy feel and is easily scratched by the fingernail. Therefore, "TALC" is the correct answer for a very soft mineral.

Cry of mock fear

Answer: EEK

"EEK" is an onomatopoeic expression representing a cry of mock fear or mild surprise. It is often used humorously to convey a sense of alarm or playful fright. Therefore, "EEK" fits the context of a cry of mock fear.

Quite a stir


"HULLABALOO" is a term used to describe a noisy, chaotic situation or commotion. It implies a significant stir or uproar, often characterized by loud and confused activity or excitement. Therefore, "HULLABALOO" is the appropriate term for quite a stir.


Answer: LAUDS

"LAUDS" is a term that means to praise or acclaim someone or something enthusiastically. When someone receives "LAUDS," they are being publicly praised or applauded for their achievements or qualities.

Vague feeling

Answer: NOTION

A "NOTION" is a general understanding or idea about something that is not very clear or specific. It can refer to a vague or indistinct feeling or belief that someone holds without concrete evidence or detailed knowledge.

Late winter VIP

Answer: STPAT

"STPAT" is an abbreviation for Saint Patrick, who is celebrated on March 17th, which falls in late winter. Saint Patrick's Day is a cultural and religious holiday honoring the patron saint of Ireland, making him a VIP (Very Important Person) during late winter festivities

It’s southeast of Palermo

Answer: MALTA

The island nation of "MALTA" is located southeast of Palermo, Italy. Palermo is the capital city of Sicily, an Italian island located in the Mediterranean Sea. Malta is situated to the southeast of Sicily and is known for its rich history and picturesque landscapes.

Sitcom breaks

Answer: ADS

"ADS" refers to advertisements or commercials that interrupt the broadcast of television sitcoms. These breaks in the programming are typically used to air promotional content for products or services, allowing broadcasters to generate revenue from advertising. Therefore, "ADS" is the appropriate term for sitcom breaks.

Builder of elaborate nests


BOWERBIRDS are known for their remarkable ability to construct elaborate and intricately decorated nests, often adorned with colorful objects such as flowers, feathers, and even man-made items like bottle caps or pieces of glass. These nests are meticulously built by male bowerbirds to attract female mates.

USPS driver’s designation

Answer: RTE

"RTE" is an abbreviation for "Route," particularly used in the context of postal services such as the United States Postal Service (USPS). In this context, it designates the specific delivery route or path that a USPS driver follows to deliver mail and packages to recipients along a designated route.

What you’ve inherited

Answer: GENES

"GENES" refer to the hereditary units passed down from parents to their offspring. They contain the genetic information that determines various traits and characteristics of an organism. What you've inherited from your parents, in terms of physical and biological attributes, is largely determined by your genes.

Begins to develop

Answer: DAWNS

"DAWNS" metaphorically refers to the beginning or onset of something, particularly the development or emergence of an idea, concept, or understanding. It implies the initial stages of growth or realization, suggesting the start of a process or journey toward further development or enlightenment.

World’s largest peninsula

Answer: ARABIA

The Arabian Peninsula, commonly referred to as "ARABIA," is the largest peninsula in the world. It is located in Southwest Asia and is bordered by the Red Sea to the west, the Persian Gulf to the northeast, and the Arabian Sea to the southeast. The Arabian Peninsula is home to several countries, including Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Oman, and the United Arab Emirates.

Dark-skinned wine grape

Answer: SYRAH

"SYRAH" is a dark-skinned grape variety used in winemaking, particularly known for producing bold and full-bodied red wines. It is commonly grown in regions such as the Rhône Valley in France, where it is known as Syrah, and in other wine-producing regions around the world. Wines made from Syrah grapes often exhibit flavors of dark fruits, spices, and pepper

Planning ace


A "MASTERMIND" is someone who is exceptionally skilled at planning, organizing, and executing complex tasks or schemes. They often possess strategic thinking abilities and have a knack for orchestrating elaborate plans or operations.

Texter’s disclaimer

Answer: IMO

"IMO" is an abbreviation commonly used in texting and online communication, which stands for "In My Opinion." It is often used to preface a statement to indicate that what follows is the personal opinion of the sender rather than an objective fact.


Answer: BLEW

"BLEW" can mean to fail at something or to make a mistake, often resulting in a botched or unsuccessful outcome. In this context, "BLEW" suggests that something went wrong or didn't go as planned.

Without a letup

Answer: ONEND

"ONEND" is a phrase used to describe something that continues without interruption or without a break. It implies a continuous or uninterrupted flow or sequence of events, actions, or conditions.

Organic sealant

Answer: TAR

TAR" can be used as an organic sealant in certain contexts. It is a thick, sticky substance derived from natural sources such as wood or coal, and it can be used to seal or waterproof various materials. In some traditional practices, tar has been used as a sealant for boats, roofs, or other structures

Small minor

Answer: LAD

A "LAD" is a term used to refer to a young boy or a small minor. It is often used informally to address or describe a young male, especially in British English.

Picasso or Rembrandt


A "PORTRAITIST" is an artist who specializes in creating portraits, which are artistic representations of individuals. Both Picasso and Rembrandt were renowned artists known for their expertise in painting portraits among other artistic styles and genres

__ blue (Ivy League hue)

Answer: ELI

"ELI" is a term used to refer to a member of the Yale University community or alumni. It is derived from the university's full name, Yale, and is often used to describe someone associated with or affiliated with Yale. In this context, "__ blue" refers to the shade of blue associated with Yale University's sports teams and official colors.

Radar readout

Answer: SPEED

"SPEED" is a measurement of velocity, typically represented in units such as miles per hour (mph) or kilometers per hour (kph). In the context of a radar readout, "SPEED" refers to the velocity of an object, such as a vehicle, aircraft, or projectile, as detected by a radar device. Radar technology is commonly used to measure and monitor the speed of moving objects for various purposes, including traffic enforcement and air traffic control.

Italian Alp

Answer: MONTE

"MONTE" is an Italian term that translates to "mount" or "mountain" in English. It is often used in the names of mountains in Italy, such as Monte Bianco (Mont Blanc), Monte Rosa, etc. Therefore, "MONTE" is the appropriate answer for an Italian Alp.

Cleared out

Answer: RAN

"RAN" can mean to clear out or evacuate from a place quickly. It implies a swift departure or escape from a location. In this context, "Cleared out" suggests leaving or evacuating in haste, making "RAN" the suitable term.

“__ keep”

Answer: ITLL

"__ keep" is an incomplete phrase, typically followed by a verb or noun to form a complete sentence. In this case, "IT'LL" is the contraction of "it will." Therefore, "__ keep" implies a future action or condition, such as "it'll keep," meaning it will continue or remain.

Spurred (on)

Answer: EGGED

"EGGED" can mean to encourage or provoke someone to take action, similar to spurring them on. It implies urging or egging someone on to do something. In this context, "Spurred (on)" suggests providing motivation or encouragement, making "EGGED" the appropriate term.

Features of fezzes


TASSELS are decorative elements often found on fezzes, which are cylindrical caps typically made of felt and worn in various cultures. TASSELS are attached to the top or sides of fezzes, adding ornamental flair to the headwear.

Request in earnest


To ENTREAT means to earnestly request or plead with someone for something. It implies making a sincere and heartfelt appeal or petition for assistance, favor, or cooperation

Approach slyly


To SNEAK UP means to approach someone or something stealthily or surreptitiously, often with the intention of surprising or catching them off guard. It implies moving quietly and cautiously to avoid detection while getting closer to the target.


Answer: CUR

A CUR is a term used to describe a contemptible or dishonest person, often characterized by deceitful or dishonorable behavior. It refers to someone who is considered untrustworthy or morally reprehensible. In some contexts, it can also refer to a mean-spirited or ill-tempered individual.

Semi- doubled

Answer: OMNI

"OMNI" is a prefix that means "all" or "every." When used as a prefix, it implies inclusiveness or universality. In this context, "Semi-doubled" suggests that the prefix "OMNI" is partially repeated, reflecting its meaning of encompassing or covering all.

Exhibit anger

Answer: SNARL

To "SNARL" means to show or express anger, often accompanied by a facial expression or vocalization resembling a growl. It implies displaying aggression or hostility in response to a situation or provocation

Final tally

Answer: TOTAL

The "TOTAL" refers to the complete sum or final amount resulting from adding up all the individual parts or components. It represents the ultimate outcome or conclusion after considering everything

Dash letters

Answer: ODO

"ODO" is an abbreviation for "odometer," which is an instrument used in vehicles to measure the distance traveled by a vehicle. The letters "ODO" represent the device used to display or record the mileage or distance covered by the vehicle, typically displayed on the dashboard. Therefore, "Dash letters" refers to the abbreviation commonly associated with the odometer.

As told by

Answer: PER

"PER" is a Latin phrase that translates to "by" or "according to" in English. When used in the context of "As told by," it suggests the source or perspective through which something is narrated or conveyed.

Horn of Africa land


"SOMALIA" is a country located in the Horn of Africa region. It is bordered by Ethiopia to the west, Djibouti to the northwest, the Gulf of Aden to the north, and the Indian Ocean to the east. Therefore, "SOMALIA" is the appropriate answer for a land in the Horn of Africa.

Overflowing its banks


"INFLOOD" is a term used to describe the action of overflowing or inundating its banks, typically referring to a river or body of water that has exceeded its normal boundaries. It implies a situation where water spills over its banks due to excessive rainfall or flooding.

Symbols of hope


"BEACONS" are symbols or signals that guide or provide hope, especially in times of difficulty or uncertainty. They can be literal, such as lighthouses or torches, or metaphorical, representing sources of inspiration or guidance in challenging situations. Therefore, "BEACONS" are aptly described as symbols of hope.

Alaskan island

Answer: ATTU

ATTU is an island located in the Aleutian Islands chain of Alaska. It is the westernmost and largest island in the Near Islands group of the Aleutian Islands.

Granite State sch.

Answer: UNH

UNH stands for the University of New Hampshire, which is commonly referred to as UNH. The University of New Hampshire is located in Durham, New Hampshire, and is often associated with the state, which is nicknamed the "Granite State" due to its extensive granite formations.

Certain self-adornment

Answer: TAT

A "TAT" is a certain type of self-adornment, specifically referring to a tattoo. Tattoos are designs or markings made by inserting ink into the layers of skin, typically for decorative or symbolic purposes.

Start to lock

Answer: ANTI

ANTI" can refer to the prefix used at the beginning of words to indicate opposition or resistance to something. In the context of "Start to lock," "ANTI" implies the beginning or initiation of locking, suggesting an action taken against or in opposition to locking.

Gets on

Answer: BOARDS

"BOARDS" can mean to get on or enter a vehicle, particularly a mode of transportation such as a bus, train, or airplane. In this context, "Gets on" suggests the action of boarding or entering a vehicle.

Small amount

Answer: DAB

A "DAB" refers to a small quantity or amount of something, often used informally to describe a small, quick application of something, such as paint or a substance. It implies a small, precise amount.

Hardly a Havana

Answer: STOGIE

A "STOGIE" is a type of cigar, typically associated with being of lower quality or less expensive compared to premium cigars like those from Havana, Cuba. In this context, "Hardly a Havana" suggests that a STOGIE is not on par with the quality or reputation of cigars from Havana.


Answer: MEN

"MEN" refers to the plural form of "man," which is used to describe adult human males. In some contexts, "MEN" can be used to refer to individuals or a group of people of unspecified gender. In this context, "Hes" is a colloquial abbreviation or contraction of "he is" or "he's," indicating the action or existence of one or more males.

Don’t just seem

Answer: ARE

The word "ARE" is a form of the verb "to be" in the present tense, specifically used for the second person singular (you) and plural (you all) subjects. In the context of "Don't just seem," "ARE" indicates the state of existence or being, suggesting that something is not merely an appearance but is actually present or real.

Letters on a big bread bag

Answer: LBS

"LBS" is an abbreviation for "pounds," a unit of measurement used to quantify weight. It represents the plural form of "pound," typically used in contexts where multiple pounds are being referred to, such as on packaging labels for large bags of bread.

Have on

Answer: WEAR

"WEAR" is a verb that means to have or put on clothing or accessories. In the context of "Have on," it indicates the action of wearing something, such as clothes, shoes, or jewelry.

Time of light

Answer: DAY

"DAY" refers to the period of time between sunrise and sunset when natural light is present. It is the opposite of night and is characterized by daylight. In the context of "Time of light," "DAY" denotes the portion of the 24-hour cycle when the sun is visible and illuminates the earth.



A "RAMBLER" is someone who wanders or roams about aimlessly, often in search of adventure or exploration. In this context, "Gadabout" refers to a person who enjoys traveling or moving from place to place without a specific destination in mind.

Nonsense lyrics


"TRALALA" is a term used to represent nonsensical or meaningless words, often used in song lyrics or poetry for their rhythmic or melodic qualities rather than their semantic meaning. In this context, "Nonsense lyrics" refers to the use of words like "TRALALA" that lack coherent meaning but contribute to the musical or poetic expression.

Started gradually


To "EASE IN" means to begin or start gradually, often by introducing something slowly or gently. In this context, "Started gradually" suggests the gradual initiation or introduction of an activity, process, or situation.

SAT’s __ and Language section


The SAT (Scholastic Assessment Test) is a standardized test widely used for college admissions in the United States. The "WRITING" section of the SAT evaluates a student's ability to write effectively by assessing their skills in grammar, usage, and essay writing. Therefore, "SAT's __ and Language section" refers to the "WRITING" section of the SAT test, which focuses on writing skills and language proficiency.

Yoga class greeting


"NAMASTE" is a traditional greeting originating from Hindu culture, commonly used in yoga practices. It is a respectful salutation expressing acknowledgment, gratitude, and reverence. In yoga classes, it is often used as a way of saying hello, goodbye, or thank you.

Didn’t pay enough to


To "SHORT" someone means to not give or provide enough of something, particularly in terms of payment or compensation. In this context, "Didn’t pay enough to" suggests that someone received less than what was expected or owed, indicating they were "SHORTED."

Digression starter

Answer: BTW

"BTW" is an abbreviation commonly used in informal communication, particularly in online messaging and social media, which stands for "By The Way." It is often used to introduce a new topic or provide additional information that is somewhat related but tangential to the current discussion.

Gourmet fungus

Answer: MOREL

A "MOREL" is a type of edible mushroom highly prized in gourmet cuisine for its distinctive flavor and texture. Morels are often considered a delicacy and are used in various dishes, particularly in French cuisine.

Secret stuff

Answer: INTEL

"INTEL" is an abbreviation for "intelligence," particularly used in informal contexts to refer to secret or confidential information, often related to espionage, military operations, or corporate intelligence gathering. In this context, "Secret stuff" refers to "INTEL" or clandestine information.

Brilliant loner

Answer: NERD

A "NERD" is often stereotypically portrayed as someone who is highly intelligent or knowledgeable, particularly in academic or technical subjects, but may not be socially adept and tends to prefer solitary activities over social interactions. In this context, the term "NERD" fits the description of a brilliant loner.

What you’ve inherited

Answer: GENES

"GENES" refer to the hereditary units passed down from parents to their offspring. They contain the genetic information that determines various traits and characteristics of an organism. In the context of "What you’ve inherited," "GENES" are the biological factors inherited from one's parents that influence physical and behavioral traits.

Not much change

Answer: DIME

A "DIME" is a coin in the United States currency system, valued at ten cents. In terms of monetary value, a DIME is relatively small, and therefore, "Not much change" refers to the idea of not receiving or experiencing a significant amount of change. This phrase can be interpreted literally, as a DIME is a relatively small denomination of currency.

Sorority letter

Answer: PSI

"PSI" is a letter of the Greek alphabet, often used as a symbol in various contexts, including mathematics, physics, and fraternity/sorority names. In this context, "Sorority letter" refers to the Greek letter "PSI," which is commonly associated with sororities and fraternities as part of their Greek letter names.

Decline, with “out”

Answer: OPT

"OPT" is an abbreviation for "opt," which means to choose or prefer one option over another. In this context, "Decline, with 'out'" suggests the act of choosing to decline or reject something, particularly by opting or choosing not to participate or be involved

Dress up, with “out”

Answer: TOG

"TOG" is a verb that means to dress oneself or someone else in elaborate or fancy clothing, often for a special occasion or event. In this context, "Dress up, with 'out'" suggests the action of putting on or donning clothing, typically in a stylish or formal manner, as indicated by the phrase "with 'out.'

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