Newsday Crossword Clue March 25, 2024 Answer Here

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by Sangeetha M

Updated Mar 25, 2024

Newsday Crossword Clue March 25, 2024 Answer Here

Newsday Crossword 

If you want to escape from temporary worries and anxiety? Then you should try a crossword puzzle for relaxation. Newsday Crossword puzzle games can act as stress busters. These puzzles will make you think out of the box. One can improve their general knowledge by playing crossword puzzles daily. Here you can find all the answers for the Newsday Crossword.

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Fresh-mouthed talk


 "Sass" is a colloquial term used to describe impudent or disrespectful speech, often characterized by its freshness or cheekiness. It aligns perfectly with the clue "fresh-mouthed talk," as it denotes speaking in a bold or saucy manner.

Small earrings


"Studs" are a type of small earrings that are characterized by their simplicity and often feature a single gem or design. They are popular for their understated elegance and versatility, making them suitable for everyday wear or special occasions. The term aligns perfectly with the clue "small earrings," as studs are indeed a common type of earring known for their diminutive size.

Short comedic routine


A "skit" is a short comedic routine often performed by actors or comedians. It usually involves a quick, humorous scenario or storyline and is commonly used in comedy shows, variety shows, or theatrical performances. The term fits perfectly with the clue "short comedic routine," as skits are known for their brevity and entertainment value in delivering humor.

Evergreen tree with cones


 The term "pine" refers to a type of evergreen tree that belongs to the Pinus genus. Pines are characterized by their needle-like leaves that stay green year-round and their production of cones, which contain the tree's seeds. They are commonly found in various regions around the world and are often used for lumber, Christmas trees, and landscaping purposes. The term aligns perfectly with the clue "evergreen tree with cones," as pines fit both criteria by being evergreen and producing cones.

Gobbled up


 "Eaten" is the past participle form of the verb "eat." It signifies that something has been consumed as food. The term aligns perfectly with the clue "gobbled up," as it implies the action of quickly devouring or consuming something, typically referring to food.

Loosen, as shoelaces


 "Undo" means to reverse or loosen something that has been previously done or fastened. In the context of the clue, it specifically refers to the action of loosening the knots or ties on shoelaces to either remove the shoes or adjust the tightness. The term aligns perfectly with the clue "loosen, as shoelaces," as it describes the act of untying or releasing the knots to loosen the laces.

Pump __ (lift weights)


"Iron" is a term commonly associated with weightlifting or strength training. It refers to the metal weights typically found on barbells, dumbbells, or weight machines used in resistance training. The phrase "pump iron" is a colloquial expression used to describe the act of lifting weights to build muscle. It aligns perfectly with the clue "pump __ (lift weights)," as it denotes the activity of weightlifting, specifically using iron weights.

Historic San Antonio landmark


 The Alamo is a historic mission and fortress compound located in downtown San Antonio, Texas. It is famously known for the Battle of the Alamo, which took place in 1836 during the Texas Revolution. The site is a symbol of Texan independence and has since become a popular tourist attraction and a symbol of American history. The term aligns perfectly with the clue "historic San Antonio landmark," as the Alamo is indeed a prominent historical site in San Antonio.

Fishing rod


A "pole" is a long, slender rod typically used in fishing to manipulate the line and bait or lure in order to catch fish. It can vary in material and design depending on the type of fishing being done, but generally, it is a crucial tool for anglers. The term aligns perfectly with the clue "fishing rod," as a pole is a fundamental piece of equipment used in the activity of fishing.

Person reading the latest headlines


A "news anchor" is a person who presents news stories on television or radio broadcasts. They are responsible for delivering the latest headlines, providing updates on current events, and often conducting interviews with guests or reporters. News anchors are typically recognizable figures on news programs, serving as the primary conduits of information to the audience. The term aligns perfectly with the clue "person reading the latest headlines," as news anchors are tasked with presenting the most recent news to viewers or listeners.

Mothers of lambs


"Ewes" are female sheep, and they are indeed the mothers of lambs. In farming and animal husbandry, ewes play a crucial role in the reproduction and care of sheep populations. They give birth to lambs and provide maternal care until the lambs are old enough to fend for themselves. The term aligns perfectly with the clue "mothers of lambs," as ewes are the female sheep responsible for birthing and nurturing young lambs.

Not naturally colored


"Dyed" refers to the process of applying color to something, typically fabric or hair, using artificial or synthetic dyes. When something is dyed, its original color is changed or enhanced to achieve a desired hue or shade. This alteration is not natural and is instead a result of human intervention. The term aligns perfectly with the clue "not naturally colored," as dyed items have had their color artificially altered.

Char on a grill


 "Sear" refers to the process of quickly cooking the surface of food, typically meat, at very high temperatures. When food is seared on a grill, it develops a flavorful charred exterior while retaining moisture and tenderness inside. This technique is commonly used to enhance the taste and texture of grilled foods. The term aligns perfectly with the clue "char on a grill," as searing involves creating a charred or caramelized surface on the food being cooked.

Homeowners’ documents


"Deeds" are legal documents that provide evidence of property ownership. They contain important information such as the names of the property owners, a description of the property, and details of the transfer of ownership. Homeowners hold deeds as proof of their ownership of their homes. These documents are essential for establishing property rights and resolving disputes related to ownership. 

Smug smile


A "smirk" is a type of smile characterized by a slight, often contemptuous or smug expression. It typically involves one corner of the mouth being raised in a sly or self-satisfied manner. Smirking is often associated with feelings of superiority, amusement at someone else's expense, or a sense of self-importance.

Well-chosen, as words


"Apt" means suitable or appropriate in the context of the clue. When describing words as "apt," it implies that they are precisely chosen to convey the intended meaning effectively or to fit the context perfectly. The term aligns perfectly with the clue "well-chosen, as words," as it denotes words that are particularly fitting or appropriate for the situation at hand.

Lake bird


"loon" is a type of bird known for its distinctive call and its preference for freshwater habitats such as lakes. Loons are skilled divers and are often seen swimming and foraging for fish in lakes across North America and other parts of the world. They are recognizable by their sleek bodies, black-and-white coloring, and characteristic calls. The term aligns perfectly with the clue "lake bird," as loons are frequently observed in and around lakes.

Sounded like cattle


"Mooed" is the past tense form of the verb "moo," which is the sound commonly associated with cattle. When cattle vocalize, they produce a low, deep sound known as a "moo." This vocalization is used by cattle for communication, particularly to indicate distress, hunger, or to attract attention. The term aligns perfectly with the clue "sounded like cattle," as it refers to the specific vocalization made by cattle.

Person updating commuting delays


A "traffic reporter" is a person responsible for updating commuters about the current traffic conditions, including delays, accidents, road closures, and other relevant information. They typically work for radio stations, television channels, or online platforms, delivering live or prerecorded reports to help motorists navigate their routes effectively. Traffic reporters play a crucial role in keeping the public informed about traffic congestion and providing alternative routes to minimize delays. 

TV, movies, and radio


"Media" refers to the various means of communication and entertainment that reach or influence people widely, including television, movies, radio, newspapers, magazines, and the internet. It encompasses both traditional and digital platforms through which information, news, and entertainment are transmitted to a broad audience. The term aligns perfectly with the clue "TV, movies, and radio," as it encompasses these forms of communication and entertainment within its broader scope.

Have the lead role


To "star" in a production means to have the lead role or to play the main character. Stars are often the focal point of the performance, receiving significant attention and recognition for their portrayal of the central character. Whether it's in a movie, a play, a television series, or another form of entertainment, the term "star" denotes someone who holds a prominent position in the production. The term aligns perfectly with the clue "have the lead role," as starring implies being in the primary role or having the main part in a performance.

Intelligence agent


A "spy" is an individual who engages in espionage, the practice of obtaining confidential information without the permission of the holder. Spies are often employed by governments, intelligence agencies, or other organizations to gather intelligence on rival nations, competitors, or potential threats. They may use various covert methods to collect information, including surveillance, infiltration, and clandestine communication. The term aligns perfectly with the clue "intelligence agent," as a spy is indeed an agent tasked with gathering intelligence through secretive means.

Extreme fright


"Panic" refers to a sudden and overwhelming feeling of fear or anxiety that often leads to irrational behavior or a loss of control. When someone experiences panic, they may feel a sense of dread, rapid heartbeat, shortness of breath, and an urgent need to escape the perceived threat. Panic can be triggered by various situations or stimuli, such as danger, stress, or uncertainty. The term aligns perfectly with the clue "extreme fright," as panic represents the highest level of fear and distress.

Stairway parts


"Steps" are the individual horizontal surfaces that make up a staircase, allowing people to ascend or descend from one level to another. Each step typically consists of a tread (the flat horizontal surface) and a riser (the vertical surface between each step). Steps are essential structural elements of a staircase, providing stability and support for safe movement between different levels. The term aligns perfectly with the clue "stairway parts," as steps are indeed the integral components of a staircase.

Sketched a picture


"Drew" is the past tense of the verb "draw," which means to produce a picture or image by making lines and marks on paper or another surface using a pencil, pen, or other drawing tools. When someone "drew" a picture, it implies that they created a sketch or preliminary version of an image. The term aligns perfectly with the clue "sketched a picture," as drawing is the process of creating a visual representation through lines and shapes.

Speak hoarsely


"Rasp" is a verb that means to speak or produce a sound with a rough, grating quality. When someone "rasps," their voice may sound hoarse, harsh, or scratchy, typically due to irritation or inflammation of the throat or vocal cords. This can occur due to various factors such as illness, excessive strain on the voice, or exposure to irritants. The term aligns perfectly with the clue "speak hoarsely," as it describes the rough and grating quality of speech often associated with hoarseness.

“Therefore . . .”


"Thus" is an adverb that means as a result or consequently. It is used to introduce a conclusion or consequence based on what has been stated or inferred previously. When someone uses the word "thus," they are typically summarizing or drawing a logical inference from the information presented. The term aligns perfectly with the clue "Therefore . . .," as both "thus" and "therefore" serve similar functions in indicating logical conclusions or outcomes.

Person introducing songs


A "disc jockey" (often abbreviated as DJ) is a person who selects and plays recorded music for an audience. They are responsible for introducing songs, providing commentary, and managing the flow of music during radio shows, parties, clubs, or other events. DJs may also mix and blend music tracks to create seamless transitions between songs. The term "disc jockey" originates from the early days of radio, when DJs would play records (discs) on air. The term aligns perfectly with the clue "person introducing songs," as disc jockeys specialize in presenting and playing music tracks for listeners or attendees.

Money in Spain and France


The "euro" is the official currency of Spain and France, as well as several other countries in the European Union. It is used for financial transactions, purchases, and monetary exchanges within these countries and across the Eurozone. The euro is represented by the symbol "€" and is subdivided into 100 smaller units called cents. The term aligns perfectly with the clue "money in Spain and France," as the euro is the common currency shared by both countries.

Be very fond of


"Adore" is a verb that means to love or admire someone or something very much. When you adore someone or something, you have strong feelings of affection, admiration, or reverence towards them. It implies a deep emotional attachment and often involves feelings of warmth, tenderness, and admiration. The term aligns perfectly with the clue "be very fond of," as adoration denotes a strong and deep-seated fondness or affection.



"Rate" is a verb that means to assign a value, grade, or score to something based on its perceived quality, performance, or worth. When you rate something, you are evaluating it to determine its level of excellence, effectiveness, or importance. This assessment can be based on various criteria, such as quality, performance, reliability, or desirability. The term aligns perfectly with the clue "evaluate," as rating involves making a judgment or assessment of something's value or quality.

Restaurant’s listing


A "menu" is a list of dishes and beverages offered for sale at a restaurant or eatery. It typically includes descriptions of each item, along with prices, allowing customers to choose what they would like to order. Menus can vary widely in format, style, and content depending on the type of cuisine, the restaurant's theme, and the preferences of the establishment. The term aligns perfectly with the clue "restaurant's listing," as the menu is indeed the listing of food and drink options available for customers to order.

Ignited again


"Relit" is the past tense or past participle form of the verb "relight," which means to ignite or light something again after it has been extinguished or turned off. When something is relit, it means that the flame or source of illumination has been reignited or rekindled. This term is commonly used in contexts where a flame, fire, or light source needs to be reestablished after being extinguished temporarily.

List-ending abbreviation


"Et al." is an abbreviation derived from the Latin phrase "et alii" or "et alia," which translates to "and others" in English. It is used in citations, lists, and references to indicate that there are additional individuals, authors, or items not specifically named in the list, but are included in the same category or group as those mentioned. "Et al." is commonly used to save space and streamline lists, especially in academic papers, legal documents, and bibliographies. The term aligns perfectly with the clue "list-ending abbreviation," as "et al." is frequently used at the end of a list to denote unspecified additional items or individuals.

“Hey you!” whisper


"Psst" is an informal interjection often used to attract someone's attention, typically in a discreet or secretive manner. It is commonly whispered or uttered softly to indicate that the speaker has something to communicate or wants to convey a message to the person being addressed. "Psst" is often used in informal settings or situations where speaking aloud may not be appropriate or when the speaker wants to maintain secrecy or privacy. The term aligns perfectly with the clue "'Hey you!' whisper," as "psst" is a whispered expression commonly used to get someone's attention.

Snooty people


"Snobs" are people who exhibit snobbish behavior, characterized by an exaggerated sense of self-importance and a disdainful attitude towards those they consider beneath them in terms of social status, wealth, or sophistication. Snobs often prioritize exclusivity and status symbols and may look down on others for not meeting their standards or criteria for acceptability. The term aligns perfectly with the clue "snooty people," as "snobs" specifically refers to individuals who exhibit such behavior.

Farmer’s place, in a kids’ song


In many children's songs and nursery rhymes, "the dell" is often referenced as a picturesque and idyllic setting associated with farming or rural life. A dell typically refers to a small, secluded valley or hollow, often lush with vegetation and surrounded by hills or trees. It's commonly depicted as a peaceful and serene place, evoking images of nature and the countryside. The term aligns perfectly with the clue "farmer's place, in a kids' song," as "dell" is a word frequently used in children's songs to describe a charming and pastoral location.

Whirl around


"Spin" is a verb that means to rotate swiftly around an axis or central point, often creating a circular or spiral motion. When something spins, it turns or whirls around rapidly, typically with a twisting or spiraling motion. This term is commonly used to describe the movement of objects such as tops, wheels, or dancers, as well as the motion of celestial bodies like planets or galaxies. The term aligns perfectly with the clue "whirl around," as spinning involves rapid rotation or circular movement.



"Aired" is the past tense form of the verb "air," which means to broadcast or transmit content, such as television shows, radio programs, or podcasts, for public consumption. When content is aired, it is made available to a broad audience through various channels of communication. This term is commonly used in the context of media production and distribution to indicate that a program or segment has been broadcasted to viewers or listeners. The term aligns perfectly with the clue "broadcasted," as airing content involves transmitting it to an audience for consumption.

White, after a blizzard


"Snowy" is an adjective that means covered or characterized by snow. After a blizzard, the landscape often appears white and pristine due to the accumulation of snow. This adjective aptly describes the condition of the surroundings after a heavy snowfall, where everything is blanketed in a layer of snow. The term aligns perfectly with the clue "white, after a blizzard," as "snowy" precisely captures the appearance of the landscape following such weather conditions.

Had a feeling about


"Sensed" is the past tense form of the verb "sense," which means to perceive or become aware of something through the senses or intuition. When someone has "sensed" something, it indicates that they have felt, detected, or intuited it, often without explicit evidence or logical reasoning. This term is commonly used to describe moments of intuitive understanding or awareness, where one feels or perceives something without needing concrete proof. The term aligns perfectly with the clue "had a feeling about," as "sensed" denotes the act of perceiving or becoming aware of something intuitively.

Actor Connery or Penn


 "Sean" is the first name shared by both actors Sean Connery and Sean Penn. Both actors are well-known figures in the film industry, with Connery being celebrated for his iconic portrayal of James Bond and Penn renowned for his versatile performances and directorial work. The term aligns perfectly with the clue "Actor Connery or Penn," as "Sean" is the common first name shared by both individuals.

Bath powder ingredient


"Talc" is a mineral substance commonly used in various personal care products, including bath powders. It is known for its softness and ability to absorb moisture, making it a popular ingredient in cosmetic and skincare products. In bath powders, talc is often used to provide a silky texture and to absorb excess moisture, leaving the skin feeling smooth and refreshed after bathing. The term aligns perfectly with the clue "bath powder ingredient," as talc is frequently used in the formulation of such products.

Salt Lake City’s state


"Utah" is the state in the United States where Salt Lake City, the capital and largest city of Utah, is located. Salt Lake City is known for its stunning natural landscapes, including the Great Salt Lake and nearby mountain ranges. The state of Utah is also renowned for its outdoor recreational opportunities, including skiing, hiking, and mountain biking. The term aligns perfectly with the clue "Salt Lake City's state," as Utah is indeed the state where Salt Lake City is situated.

Audition recordings


"Demos" is a shortened form of the word "demonstrations," and in the context of auditions, it refers to recordings or samples of a performer's work used to demonstrate their skills or abilities to potential employers or collaborators. These recordings can include songs, monologues, scenes, or other performances tailored to showcase the performer's talents. Demos are commonly submitted or presented during auditions as a way for performers to showcase their abilities and suitability for specific roles or projects. The term aligns perfectly with the clue "audition recordings," as demos are recordings made specifically for audition purposes.

Sleeps noisily


"Snores" is a verb that describes the act of making loud, harsh sounds during sleep, known as snoring. When someone snores, they produce noisy, often rhythmic sounds caused by the obstruction or partial blockage of the airway during sleep. This obstruction leads to vibrations in the throat tissues, resulting in the characteristic snoring sound. Snoring can occur due to various factors, including nasal congestion, sleeping position, or anatomical abnormalities in the airway. The term aligns perfectly with the clue "sleeps noisily," as snoring is the specific action of producing loud sounds while sleeping.

Largest-area Great Lake


"Superior" refers to Lake Superior, which is the largest by surface area among the Great Lakes of North America. Lake Superior is the largest freshwater lake in the world by surface area, covering approximately 31,700 square miles (82,100 square kilometers). It is one of the five interconnected lakes that make up the Great Lakes system, located between the United States and Canada. Lake Superior is known for its vast size, stunning scenery, and significant ecological importance. The term aligns perfectly with the clue "largest-area Great Lake," as Lake Superior holds this distinction among the Great Lakes.

Be sure of


"Know" is a verb that means to have information, understanding, or awareness about something with certainty. When you "know" something, you are confident in the accuracy or truth of that information. It implies a level of certainty or assurance about the subject in question. The term aligns perfectly with the clue "be sure of," as knowing something implies having confidence or certainty about it.

Not doing anything


"Idle" is an adjective that means not active or not engaged in any activity. When someone or something is described as idle, it indicates a period of inactivity or a lack of purposeful action. It can refer to a person who is not currently working or occupied, a machine or engine that is not in use, or a situation where no progress or development is occurring. The term aligns perfectly with the clue "not doing anything," as idle accurately describes a state of inactivity or lack of action.

Tips of shoes


"Toes" refers to the digits located at the front of the foot, which are often covered by the tips or front portion of shoes. The toes play a crucial role in providing balance, stability, and propulsion during walking and other activities. In the context of shoes, the term "toes" specifically refers to the area where the foot extends beyond the sole and is enclosed by the shoe's material. The term aligns perfectly with the clue "tips of shoes," as toes are indeed the frontmost part of the foot that comes into contact with the inside of shoes.

“Drink” suffix for lemon


"Ade" is a suffix commonly used to denote a type of beverage made by diluting fruit juice with water and sweetening it, often with sugar or another sweetener. In the case of lemon, adding the suffix "ade" to it results in the word "lemonade," which refers to a refreshing drink made from lemon juice, water, and sugar. Lemonade is a popular beverage enjoyed around the world for its tart and sweet flavor. The term aligns perfectly with the clue "drink suffix for lemon," as "ade" is the suffix commonly used in the name of lemon-based beverages.

Tomatoes, in food fights


"Ammo" is an abbreviation for "ammunition," which refers to the material used in combat or conflict, typically in the form of projectiles or bullets. In the context of food fights, tomatoes are often used as projectiles or "ammo," as participants throw them at each other during the playful chaos of the food fight. The term aligns perfectly with the clue "tomatoes, in food fights," as "ammo" refers to the ammunition or projectiles used in such situations, and tomatoes are a common choice for this purpose.

Yale student


"Eli" is a colloquial term used to refer to a student or alumni of Yale University. The term originates from the Hebrew name "Elihu," which is often associated with Yale due to its use in the university's alma mater song, "Bright College Years." Over time, "Eli" became a nickname for Yale students and is commonly used in reference to them. The term aligns perfectly with the clue "Yale student," as "Eli" is specifically associated with students of Yale University.

Physicians, for short


 "Docs" is a shortened form of the word "doctors," commonly used as an informal or colloquial term to refer to medical professionals or physicians. It is often used in casual conversation or informal contexts where brevity is preferred. The term aligns perfectly with the clue "physicians, for short," as "docs" is a commonly recognized abbreviation for doctors or medical practitioners.

Puts into categories


"Sorts" is a verb that means to arrange or categorize items into different groups or classes based on similarities, differences, or specific characteristics. When someone "sorts" items, they are organizing them systematically to facilitate better organization, identification, or understanding. This action is commonly performed to streamline processes, improve efficiency, or make information more accessible. The term aligns perfectly with the clue "puts into categories," as sorting involves organizing items into distinct groups or classes based on shared traits or attributes.

Goes bad, as apples


"Rots" is a verb that describes the process of decomposition or decay, particularly when organic matter, such as apples, undergoes spoilage due to the growth of bacteria, fungi, or other microorganisms. When apples "rot," they become soft, discolored, and emit an unpleasant odor as they break down. This deterioration renders them unfit for consumption. The term aligns perfectly with the clue "goes bad, as apples," as "rots" specifically describes the decay process that apples undergo when they spoil.

Hang on to


"Keep" is a verb that means to retain possession or control of something, preventing its loss, disposal, or release. When someone "keeps" something, they hold onto it, ensuring that it remains in their possession or under their control. This action can involve physically holding onto an object, maintaining ownership or custody of it, or preserving its condition or existence over time. The term aligns perfectly with the clue "hang on to," as keeping something implies holding onto it or retaining possession of it.

All-hours cash device: Abbr.


 "ATM" is an abbreviation for "Automated Teller Machine," which is a device used for financial transactions, typically allowing users to withdraw cash, check balances, and perform other banking activities without the need for a human teller. ATMs are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, providing convenient access to cash and banking services at various locations such as banks, convenience stores, and shopping centers. The term aligns perfectly with the clue "all-hours cash device: Abbr.," as "ATM" is the abbreviated term used to refer to these machines.

Get ready, for short


"Prep" is a shortened form of the word "prepare," often used as a colloquial or informal term to indicate getting ready for a particular task, event, or situation. When someone says they need to "prep" for something, they are expressing the need to make preparations or take steps in advance to ensure readiness. The term aligns perfectly with the clue "get ready, for short," as "prep" serves as a brief and convenient way to convey the idea of preparing for something.

“Look, I did it!” shout


"Tada" is an exclamation commonly used to announce or celebrate the completion of a task or the achievement of a goal. It is often accompanied by a flourish or dramatic gesture, emphasizing the sense of accomplishment or satisfaction. When someone says "tada," they are typically drawing attention to something they have successfully done or accomplished. The term aligns perfectly with the clue "Look, I did it!" shout, as "tada" is frequently exclaimed in such situations to express triumph or pride in an achievement.

With no clutter


"Neat" is an adjective that means tidy, organized, or free from clutter. When something is described as "neat," it implies that it is well-arranged, clean, and without any unnecessary or disorganized elements. This term is commonly used to describe environments, spaces, or arrangements that are visually appealing due to their cleanliness and orderliness. The term aligns perfectly with the clue "with no clutter," as "neat" specifically conveys the absence of clutter or mess.

No longer wet


"Dry" is an adjective that means lacking moisture or free from liquid. When something is described as "dry," it indicates that it has lost any wetness or dampness it previously had. This term is commonly used to describe objects, surfaces, or materials that have been exposed to air or heat and have consequently evaporated or absorbed any moisture. The term aligns perfectly with the clue "no longer wet," as "dry" precisely conveys the absence of moisture.



"Finds out" is a verb phrase that means to discover or learn about something through investigation, observation, or inquiry. When someone "finds out" something, they uncover new information or become aware of something that was previously unknown to them. This term is commonly used to describe the process of discovering facts, truths, or secrets. The term aligns with the clue "discovers," as "finds out" specifically describes the action of uncovering information or gaining knowledge about something.

__ and square (honestly)


"Fair" is an adjective that means just, equitable, or honest. When something is described as "fair," it indicates that it is characterized by impartiality, honesty, and adherence to principles of justice. The term is often used to describe actions, decisions, or behaviors that are morally upright and free from bias or favoritism. The phrase "fair and square" emphasizes the idea of honesty and fairness in a straightforward and direct manner. The term aligns with the clue "__ and square (honestly)," as "fair" denotes honesty and integrity in this context.

__-med student


 "__-med student" is "PRE." This prefix is used to indicate that someone is in the process of preparing to become a medical professional, typically by completing pre-medical studies or prerequisites before entering medical school. In crossword puzzles, understanding the context of the clues is crucial for finding the correct answers, and "PRE" aligns perfectly with the description of someone who is in the preparatory stage of medical education.

Trees with aromatic wood


"Trees with aromatic wood" suggests that the answer is a term describing a type of tree known for having wood with a pleasant scent. The term "CEDARS" fits this description perfectly, as cedar trees are known for their aromatic wood, which often emits a distinct and pleasing fragrance. Cedar wood is commonly used in various applications, including furniture making, construction, and for its natural insect-repelling properties.

Salaried athlete


"Salaried athlete" is "PRO." This term refers to an athlete who is a professional in their field, meaning they receive payment or a salary for participating in their sport. Unlike amateur athletes who may participate in sports for recreational purposes or without financial compensation, professional athletes make a living from their athletic endeavors. 



"Holy" suggests that the answer is a term describing something that is regarded with reverence or deep respect, often associated with religious significance. The term "SACRED" fits this description perfectly, as it refers to something that is considered holy, divine, or spiritually significant in various religious or cultural contexts. Sacred objects, places, rituals, or texts are revered and treated with utmost respect by believers.

Make broader


"Make broader" is "WIDEN." Widen means to increase the width or breadth of something, making it broader than it was previously. This term can be applied in various contexts, such as widening a road to accommodate more traffic, widening one's knowledge or perspective on a topic, or broadening the scope of a project or discussion. In crossword puzzles, understanding the context of the clues is essential for finding the correct answers, and "WIDEN" perfectly fits the description of making something broader.

Glide around a rink


"Glide around a rink" is "SKATE." Skating involves the activity of moving smoothly and gracefully on ice, usually using ice skates. Whether it's figure skating, ice hockey, or recreational skating, the act of gliding around an ice rink is commonly referred to as skating.

Piece of a rose


"Piece of a rose" that the is a term describing one of the individual parts that make up a rose flower. The term "PETAL" fits this description perfectly, as petals are the colorful, often fragrant, leaf-like structures that surround the reproductive organs of a flower, including roses.

Fill-in worker, for short


"Fill-in worker, for short" is "TEMP." This term is short for "temporary" and is commonly used to describe individuals who are hired on a short-term basis to substitute for regular employees. Temps are often brought in to cover for employees who are absent or to handle temporary increases in workload

Color variations


"Color variations" is "HUES." Hues represent the full spectrum of colors, including all the different shades, tones, and tints that exist. From the vibrant reds to the soothing blues and everything in between, hues encompass the diversity of color variations found in the world.

Decorative vases


"Decorative vases" is "URNS." Urns are vessels or containers that are often used for decorative purposes, particularly for displaying flowers, plants, or other ornamental items. They come in various shapes, sizes, and designs, ranging from classic to contemporary styles. Urns are commonly seen in interior decor, landscaping, and artistic arrangements due to their aesthetic appeal and versatility.

One-person performance


"One-person performance" that the is a term describing a type of performance where only one individual is involved. The term "SOLO" fits this description perfectly, as it commonly refers to a performance, act, or musical piece that is executed by a single person.

Baby’s bed


"Baby's bed" is a clue indicating that the is a term used to describe a specific type of bed intended for infants or young children. The term "CRIB" is commonly associated with this context, referring to a small bed with high sides, often featuring slats or bars, designed to provide a safe and secure sleeping environment for babies.

Air Force planes


"Air Force planes" and "JETS" are clues that the is a term related to aircraft used by the Air Force. The term "JETS" typically refers to jet-powered airplanes, which are commonly utilized by various Air Forces around the world for reconnaissance, combat, and other missions. The clue "Air Force planes" further reinforces the idea that the answer is likely a specific type of aircraft commonly associated with military aviation.

Shout out


"Shout out" or requests you to "YELL," they are essentially asking for attention or recognition, often in a loud and emphatic manner. This could happen in various contexts, such as social media platforms, events, or even in person.

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