155+ RIP Quotes And Messages To Help Those That are Grieving

Rest in Peace Quotes to Remember and Reflect, Find comfort and solace with our collection of RIP Quotes, you're coping with grief or looking for a way to express your condolences, our RIP Quotes can help you find peace and healing.

by Suganya

Updated Aug 09, 2023

155+ RIP Quotes And Messages To Help Those That are Grieving

Heartfelt RIP Quotes

When you lose someone you love, the pain is unbearable, and you are left with a void in your soul that you are unable to imagine ever being filled. We have put together a collection of RIP Quotes to help you express how much that person meant to you. But we do hope that these sayings and messages will give you a little encouragement and give you something to say when things are tough.

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RIP Quotes and Messages a Respectable Condolence

"Always in our thoughts. forever in our hearts. - Rest In Peace"

155+ RIP Quotes And Messages To Help Those That are Grieving

"May you be granted the peace you deserve." - Rest In Peace

"There's nothing more beautiful than a life fully lived." - Rest In Peace

"A single person is missing for you, and the whole world is empty. - Rest In Peace"

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"There's a time for all seasons, and it was time for yours to come to an end. - Rest In Peace"

"I know you’re always there, in our hearts, watching over and guiding us. We miss you so much. - Rest In Peace"

"You may not be here anymore, but you're still in our hearts - Rest In Peace"

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"Well meet again. Dont know where dont know when, but I know well meet again, some sunny day. Vera Lynn, Well Meet Again - Rest In Peace"

"To lose someone you love is to alter your life forever. - Rest In Peace"

"A great soul serves everyone all the time. A great soul never dies. It brings us together again and again. - Rest In Peace"

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"Life is pleasant, death is peaceful. It's the transition that troublesome. - Rest In Peace"

"There are no goodbyes for us. Wherever you are, you will always be in my heart. - Rest In Peace"

"Cowards die many times before their deaths; the valiant never taste of death but once. - Rest In Peace"

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"The two hardest things to say in life are hello for the first time and goodbye for the last. - Rest In Peace"

"Those who walk uprightly enter into peace; they find rest as they lie in death. - Rest In Peace"

"Only in the agony of parting do we look into the depths of love. - Rest In Peace"

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"Death is just another stage of life, although the one you kind of hope comes last. - Rest In Peace"

"Goodbyes are only for those who love with their eyes. Because for those who love with heart and soul, there is no such thing as separation. - Rest In Peace"

"You will rest, and then at the end of the days, you will rise to receive your allotted inheritance. - Rest In Peace"

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"When he died, all things soft and beautiful and bright would be buried with him. - Rest In Peace"

"I love you every day. And now I will miss you every day. - Rest In Peace"

"Because death is the only thing that could have ever kept him from you. - Rest In Peace"

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"The mightiest power of death is not that it can make people die, but that it can make the people you left behind want to stop living. - Rest In Peace"

"When you were born, you cried, and the world rejoiced. Live your life in a manner so that when you die the world cries, and you rejoice. - Rest In Peace"

"People you love never die Not completely. They live in your mind, the way they always lived inside you. You keep their light alive. - Rest In Peace"

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"Death is not extinguishing the light; it is only putting out the lamp because the dawn has come. - Rest In Peace"

"The sorrow we feel when we lose a loved one is the price we pay to have had them in our lives. - Rest In Peace"

RIP Quotes For Friend

"Death may have taken you from us, But it shall give you external rest and serenity. - Rest In Peace"

155+ RIP Quotes And Messages To Help Those That are Grieving

"And then I heard the angel say, Shes with you every day. - Rest In Peace"

"The Remembrance of the good done those we have loved is the only consolation when we have lost them. - Rest In Peace"

"Those we love and lose are always connected by heartstrings into infinity. - Rest In Peace"

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"You cant truly heal from a loss until you allow yourself to FEEL the loss. - Rest In Peace"

"The sun, the moon, the wind, the stars, will forever be around, reminding you of the love you shared, and the peace shes finally found. - Rest In Peace"

"Once upon a memory someone wiped away a tear, held me close and loved me, Thank you, dear. - Rest In Peace"

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"Say not in grief he is no more but in thankfulness that he was. - Rest In Peace"

"As long as I can I will look at this world for both of us, as long as I can, I will laugh with the birds, I will sing with the flowers, I will pray to the stars, for both of us. - Rest In Peace"

"The object is not to forget, but to remember to go on. - Rest In Peace"

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"Those we have held in our arms for a short while we hold in our hearts forever. - Rest In Peace"

"Our joys will be greater, our love will be deeper, our life will be fuller because we shared your moment. - Rest In Peace"

"Do not think of me as gone. I am with you still in each new dawn. - Rest In Peace"

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"Gone from our sight, but never from our hearts. - Rest In Peace"

"Our thoughts and prayers are with you. - Rest In Peace"

"I wish you healing and peace. - Rest In Peace"

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"I hope you feel surrounded by much love. - Rest In Peace"

"We are so sorry for your loss. - Rest In Peace"

"We are thinking of you during these difficult times. - Rest In Peace"

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"May my condolences bring you comfort and may my prayers ease the pain of this loss. - Rest In Peace"

"We pray the love for the lost is forever carried in your memory. - Rest In Peace"

RIP Quotes For Brother

"We will miss you deeply, may you rest easy in grace and love. - Rest In Peace"

155+ RIP Quotes And Messages To Help Those That are Grieving

"Wishing you peace and strength during this difficult time. - Rest In Peace"

"Words cant express how saddened we are to hear of your loss. - Rest In Peace"

"May the memory of [insert name] bring you comfort and peace. - Rest In Peace"

"Today and always, may loving memories bring you peace, comfort, and strength. - Rest In Peace"

"My heart is with you in your time of sorrow. - Rest In Peace"

"May the sorrow you feel in your heart lighten by the love that surrounds you. - Rest In Peace"

"Im missing [insert name] along with you. With heartfelt condolences. - Rest In Peace"

"Please accept my heartfelt sympathies for your loss. - Rest In Peace"

"I am sending you this card to let you know that I am thinking of you. I am sorry for your loss. - Rest In Peace"

"We are here for you and your family, now and forever. - Rest In Peace"

"Death is something inevitable. When a man has done what he considers to be his duty to his people and his country, he can rest in peace. I believe I have made that effort and that is, therefore, why I will sleep for the eternity. - Rest In Peace"

"You embrace death because life doesnt exist without it. - Rest In Peace"

"Across the years I will walk with you, in deep green forests, on shores of sand and when our time on earth is through, in heaven too, you will have my hand! - Rest In Peace"

"He who has gone, so we but cherish his memory, abides with us, more potent, nay, more present than the living man. - Rest In Peace"

"When it comes time to die, be not like those whose hearts are filled with the fear of death, so when their time comes, they weep and pray for a little more time to live their lives over again in a different way. Sing your death song and die like a hero going home. - Rest In Peace"

"Like the ocean, life ebbs and flows with the occasional RIP. - Rest In Peace"

"Death is only passing through Gods other door. - Rest In Peace"

"As a well-spent day brings happy sleep, so a life well used brings happy death. - Rest In Peace"

"What is lovely never dies, but passes into other loveliness, Star-dust, or sea-foam, flower or winged air. - Rest In Peace"

"A thousand words wont bring you back, I know because Ive tried; neither will a thousand tears, I know because Ive cried. - Rest In Peace"

RIP Quotes For Cat

What we have once enjoyed and deeply loved we can never lose, for all that we love deeply becomes a part of us. - Rest In Peace

155+ RIP Quotes And Messages To Help Those That are Grieving

"Many beautiful angels are leaping through heaven with a meow. - Rest In Peace"

"What greater gift than the love of a cat? - Rest In Peace"

"To make heaven the perfect resting place for loved ones we adore, God made sure those Pearly Gates contained a kitty door. - Rest In Peace"

"One cat just leads to another. - Rest In Peace"

"The empty place in your heart is the surest sign that you loved your pet dearly and gave them the beautiful gift of a full and happy life. - Rest In Peace"

"Time spent with cats is never wasted. - Rest In Peace"

"The littlest feet make the biggest footprints in our hearts. - Rest In Peace"

"That one place in our hearts belongs to themand always will. - Rest In Peace"

"Those we love dont go away, they walk beside us everyday, unseen, unheard, but always near. Still loved, still missed and very dear. - Rest In Peace"

"Our pets are only ever lent to us. We never know just how long we will be able to keep them for, to kiss them, cuddle them, praise them and hold them tightly. But most of all tell them you love them every day. - Rest In Peace"

"The memories and paw prints of a beloved cat remain in our hearts and souls forever. - Rest In Peace"

"I wanted to spend the rest of my life with you; but instead I am deeply honored knowing you spent the rest of your life with me. - Rest In Peace"

"No amount of time can erase the memory of a good cat. - Rest In Peace"

"Although its difficult today to see beyond the sorrow, May looking back in memory help comfort you tomorrow. - Rest In Peace"

"Sometimes the smallest things take up the most room in your heart. - Rest In Peace"

"Farewell is never forever. Though your precious cat isnt on earth, their soul is forever connected to yours. - Rest In Peace"

"Until one has loved an animal, a part of ones soul remains unawakened. - Rest In Peace"

"If having a soul means being able to feel love and loyalty and gratitude, then animals are better off than a lot of humans. - Rest In Peace"

"Some angels dont have wings, sometimes they have whiskers. - Rest In Peace"

RIP Quotes For Grandpa

"Goodbyes are not forever, are not the end; it simply means Ill miss you until we meet again. - Rest In Peace

155+ RIP Quotes And Messages To Help Those That are Grieving

"No goodbye is ever permanent. A goodbye is just a see you soon. - Rest In Peace"

"Sometimes goodbye is a painful way to say I love you. - Rest In Peace"

"The story of life is quicker than the wink of an eye, the story of goodbye, goodbye forever. - Rest In Peace"

"Its never easy to say goodbye, but a goodbye does not mean its the end. It simply means until we meet again. - Rest In Peace"

"My goodbye is only for a moment, but my love will remain forever. - Rest In Peace"

"No goodbye can erase the memories we shared together. - Rest In Peace"

"Goodbye is a goodbye that comes with a heavy heart, but goodbye doesnt mean forever. - Rest In Peace"

"Grandfathers are for loving and fixing things. - Rest In Peace"

"A grandfather is someone with silver in his hair and gold in his heart. - Rest In Peace"

"One of the greatest titles in the world is grandparent, and one of the biggest blessings in the world is to have grandparents who love you. - Rest In Peace"

"A grandfather is someone you can look up to no matter how tall you grow. - Rest In Peace"

"Grandfathers are just antique little boys. - Rest In Peace"

"The simplest toy, one which even the youngest child can operate, is called a grandpa. - Rest In Peace"

"A grandfather is someone who has served his time. - Rest In Peace"

"Grandfathers are the keepers of stories, the tellers of tales. - Rest In Peace"

"Grandfathers are as sweet and gentle as a summer rain and as special as a rainbow in the sky. - Rest In Peace"

"Grandpas are superheroes that can fix anything with love, laughter, and a piece of duct tape. - Rest In Peace"

"A grandfather is someone who loves you unconditionally and always has time to listen. - Rest In Peace"

"Grandfathers are part of the tapestry that life weaves around us. - Rest In Peace"

RIP Quotes For Best Friend

"I remember the last moments of joy we shared. Rest until we meet again. - Rest In Peace"

155+ RIP Quotes And Messages To Help Those That are Grieving

"He spoke well who said that graves are the footprints of angels. - Rest In Peace"

"What is lovely never dies, but passes into another loveliness, Star-dust or sea-foam, Flower or winged air. - Rest In Peace"

"What we have once enjoyed we can never lose. All that we love deeply becomes a part of us. - Rest In Peace"

"Only a moment you stayed, but what an imprint your footprints have left on our hearts. - Rest In Peace"

"A great soul serves everyone all the time. A great soul never dies. It brings us together again and again. - Rest In Peace"

"If I had a flower for every time I thought of you, I could walk in my garden forever. - Rest In Peace"

"Unable are the loved to die, for love is immortality. - Rest In Peace"

"There are no goodbyes for us. Wherever you are, you will always be in my heart. - Rest In Peace"

"Like a bird singing in the rain, let grateful memories survive in a time of sorrow. - Rest In Peace"

"Gone too soon. Rest in peace my friend. - Rest In Peace"

"You are always loved and never forgotten. May your soul rest in peace! - Rest In Peace"

"The loss of a friend like you is something that can never be recovered. - Rest In Peace"

"Friends are forever, you might lose them but youll never forget them. - Rest In Peace"

"Ever has it been that love knows not its own depth until the hour of separation. - Rest In Peace"

"The bitterest tears shed over graves are for words left unsaid and deeds left undone. - Rest In Peace"

"Those who walk uprightly enter into peace; they find rest as they lie in death. - Rest In Peace"

"Dont be surprised if you grieve more for a friend than you did for a recently deceased relative. - Rest In Peace"

"Fate is beyond your control and letting you leave like that was the most difficult thing to happen. - Rest In Peace"

"Though we cannot see you or meet you, you will always stay alive and smiling in our memories and hearts. - Rest In Peace"

"I wish you could stay more with all of us. You could spend more time and spread more happiness around you. - Rest In Peace"

"It breaks my heart; it makes me sad to think of all the times we had. You made me laugh and you made me cry. - Rest In Peace"

Best RIP Quotes to Help Those That are Grieving

"May you rest in heaven I know you made it there. - Rest In Peace"

155+ RIP Quotes And Messages To Help Those That are Grieving

"Tell your friend that in his death, a part of you dies and goes with him. Wherever he goes, you also go. He will not be alone. - Rest In Peace!"

"You have left and nothing can compensate for your presence but there is no one as special and as wonderful as you. - Rest In Peace"

"Some truths in life are hard to accept. Your departure is one of those hard truths. Your memories will never be forgotten! - Rest In Peace"

"We cannot believe that you are no longer with us. This is a tragedy for us, we will pray for you dear friend. Rest in peace. - Rest In Peace"

"We always thought wed look back on our tears and laugh, but we never thought wed look back on our laughter and cry. - Rest In Peace"

"A thousand words wont bring you back, I know because Ive tried; neither will a thousand tears, I know because Ive cried. - Rest In Peace"

"Your lost friends are not dead, but gone before, advanced a stage or two upon that road which you must travel in the steps they trod - Rest In Peace."

"It is a great happiness to meet a true friend, and a great sorrow to lose him. You always helped me and I do not know how to thank you. - Rest In Peace"

"You will always be remembered no matter what. Your presence, love, and kindness will forever be with us. Rest for now until we meet again. - Rest In Peace"

"There are some who rule this land and think themselves to be kings. You ruled the hearts of people around you and will do so in paradise too. - Rest In Peace"

"Today, you are not here with us but we will always remember you as a winner, who lived like a king all his life. May your soul rest in peace. - Rest In Peace"

"Even in death, you are still loved and forever will be. We are not saying goodbye forever but goodbye for now. I pray that you find peace and rest wherever you are. - Rest In Peace"

"A man may die but his legacy will continue through his deeds. Today the pain of losing you is difficult to bear because this world needed you for some more years. - Rest In Peace"

"I ask fate why you are no longer with us? I ask God why he took you? I believe that you have found peace. All our friends will pray for you. Rest in peace dear friend. - Rest In Peace"

"I dont know how to console my grieving heart at your departure. I know mourning is not the best way to say goodbye to you, but I dont know how to control myself! - Rest In Peace"

"I have not just lost a very good friend I had but I have lost my partner in good and bad things. Your memories will always be there to fill the void you have left in our hearts. - Rest In Peace"

"You have accomplished many good things in life. You worked hard and always followed the path of honesty. You sleep well, my friend. God has a beautiful reward for you! - Rest In Peace"

"The body is but an outer covering for the soul. The reality is the soul that never dies but just changes form. So, we know that in some way, you will always be there around us. -Rest In Peace"

"Tears are sometimes an inappropriate response to death. When a life has been lived completely honestly, the correct response to deaths perfect punctuation mark is a smile. -Rest In Peace"

"You were always known as the bundle of energy, someone who has never surrendered to situations. Today, we have lost a man of good deeds who is now with God. I wish you had not left us so early!!! - Rest In Peace"

Rest in Peace Quotes to Remember Your Loved Ones

Our dead are never dead to us until we have forgotten them. - Rest In Peace

155+ RIP Quotes And Messages To Help Those That are Grieving

"Earth to earth, ashes to ashes, dust to dust, in sure and certain hope of the resurrection. - Rest In Peace"

"Death leaves a heartache no one can heal. Love leaves a memory no one can steal. - Rest In Peace"

"Sadly enough, the most painful goodbyes are the ones that are left unsaid and never explained. - Rest In Peace"

"For no soul can ever be replaced, and death claims a beauty and a magnificence that will always be missed. - Rest In Peace"

"Never the spirit was born, the spirit shall cease to be never. Never was time it was not, end and beginning are dreams. - Rest In Peace"

"To live in hearts we leave behind is not to die. - Rest In Peace"

"Death is not the end. Death can never be the end. Death is the road. Life is the traveler. The soul is the guide. - Rest In Peace"

"It is well with my soul. - Rest In Peace"

"A peaceful death is the greatest gift that life can give us. - Rest In Peace"

"The sorrow we feel when we lose a loved one is the price we pay to have had them in our lives. - Rest In Peace"

"The greatest love story is not Romeo and Juliet who died together, but Grandma and Grandpa who grew old together. - Rest In Peace"

"My grandmother taught me everything except how to live without her. - Rest In Peace"

"To the well-organized mind, death is but the next great adventure. - Rest In Peace"

"Give sorrow words; the grief that does not speak. Whispers the oer fraught heart and bids it break. - Rest In Peace"

"Unable are the loved to die, for love is immortality. - Rest In Peace"

"In a world of such beauty as birds in flight, surely I can come to feel at home again, even after my loss. - Rest In Peace"

"Where you used to be, there is a hole in the world, which I find myself constantly walking around in the daytime, and falling in at night. - Rest In Peace"

"Sorrow makes us all children again - destroys all differences of intellect. The wisest know nothing. - Rest In Peace"

"Anyone who tells a story speaks a world into being. - Rest In Peace"

Rest in Peace Final Goodbye Death Quotes

"As you journey beyond this realm, may your spirit find eternal peace in the embrace of the stars."

"Though you have departed from our world, your light will forever shine in the memories we hold dear."

"In the garden of time, your presence remains as a cherished bloom, forever etched in the tapestry of our hearts."

"As the sun sets on your earthly voyage, may the dawn of eternity greet you with boundless serenity."

"You've crossed the horizon, but your legacy weaves the constellations of love into the fabric of our existence."

"In the stillness of your absence, we find solace knowing that you've embarked on a new journey among the stars."

"Though you've departed this realm, your essence lingers on the whispers of the wind and the touch of gentle rain."

"In the canvas of life, your chapter may have closed, but your story lives on in the hearts of those you touched."

"Goodbyes are not forever; they are the echoes of a love that transcends the boundaries of time and space."

"Rest in peace, dear soul, for you've left footprints of kindness that will forever mark the path of our lives."

Gone too soon Rest in Peace Quotes

"Your light may have flickered out too soon, but its warmth will forever linger in our hearts."

"In the tapestry of life, your thread was short but vibrant, leaving behind a legacy that time can never erase."

"The stars above now shine a little brighter, for they welcome a soul that left us too soon."

"Though you were here for but a moment, your impact will echo through eternity."

"The world was not ready to lose your radiance, but heaven gained an angel whose memory will never fade."

"Gone from our sight, but never from our hearts; your spirit lives on in the memories we hold dear."

"The clock of life may have stopped too soon, but its melody continues to resonate in the symphony of our days."

"Time may have claimed you too early, but its grasp cannot extinguish the light you ignited in our lives."

"You were a shooting star across our sky, leaving us in awe, and though you're gone, your brilliance remains."

"The world mourns the loss of your presence, but the universe celebrates the gift that was your life."

What are some different phrases to use instead of "Rest in Peace"?

30 Alternative ways to say "Rest in Peace”:

  1. May you rest peacefully.
  2. Rest in paradise
  3. Rest in power
  4. In Peace May You Rest.
  5. May She Rest In Peace
  6. May He Rest In Peace
  7. Eternal easy rest in sweet slumber
  8. God's blessings and peace
  9. I pray for God's peace
  10. May the heavenly host guide you in peace
  11. May you rest easy in grace and love
  12. May your soul find eternal rest
  13. Sleep well, dear one
  14. May your spirit soar in peace
  15. May you find eternal tranquility
  16. Rest gently in the arms of God
  17. May you find eternal rest in the afterlife
  18. May your journey to the afterlife be peaceful
  19. May you find eternal happiness in the afterlife
  20. May your soul find peace and comfort
  21. May you rest easy in eternal slumber
  22. May you find solace in the afterlife
  23. Rest in serenity and grace
  24. May you find eternal love and joy
  25. Rest in a state of divine peace
  26. May your soul find comfort and rest
  27. Rest peacefully in the hands of God
  28. May your spirit be at peace in the afterlife
  29. Rest in everlasting peace
  30. Eternal rest grant unto them
  31. May you find eternal peace

RIP Quotes With Images:

"Some truth in life are hard to accept. Your memories will never be forgotten! - Rest In Peace"

155+ RIP Quotes And Messages To Help Those That are Grieving

"You were the most amazing person and light of my life. I will miss you more than words can say. - Rest In Peace"

155+ RIP Quotes And Messages To Help Those That are Grieving

"Too well loved to ever be forgotten. - Rest In Peace"

155+ RIP Quotes And Messages To Help Those That are Grieving

"I feel your presence even though youre gone. You will be missed so much. - Rest In Peace"

155+ RIP Quotes And Messages To Help Those That are Grieving

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Rip Quotes - FAQs

1. What are Rip quotes?

Rest in peace is a well-known phrase that could be interpreted as a polite way to say goodbye.

2. Is it true that Rip Quotes can make you feel better?

Yes, after some period of time, it will heal the pain.

3. Are ripe quotations required?

Yes, these are used to convey condolences to the affected parties.
