Smallest Birds in the World - Top 10 Tiny Wonders

Wish to explore the colorful and cute smallest birds in the world? We recommend you to scroll down and find our list of the top 10 adorable little birds that are smaller in size.

by Krishika M

Updated Jun 02, 2023

Smallest Birds in the World - Top 10 Tiny Wonders

Smallest Birds in the World

The world of birds is incredibly diverse, ranging from soaring eagles with impressive wingspans to the tiniest of creatures that flit around with extraordinary agility. Among the avian realm, some species hold the notable distinction of being the smallest birds in the world. These delicate and diminutive creatures capture our imagination and showcase nature's remarkable ability to create wonders in small packages. Here is the list of the smallest birds in the world:

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Scientific Names


Bee Hummingbird

Mellisuga helenae


Esmeraldas Woodstar

Chaetocercus berlepschi


Bumblebee Hummingbird

Selasphorus heloisa


Cape Penduline Tit

Anthoscopus minutus


Pale-Billed Flowerpecker

Dicaeum erythrorhynchos


Common Firecrest

Regulus ignicapilla



Smicrornis brevirostris


Costa’s Hummingbird

Calypte costae



Regulus regulus


Calliope Hummingbird

Selasphorus calliope

Top 10 Smallest Birds in the World

The smallest birds in the world captivate our attention and remind us of the incredible diversity found in nature. From the vibrant colors of the bee hummingbird to the resilience of the weebill and the remarkable migratory journeys of the goldcrest, these tiny creatures leave a lasting impression. They serve as a testament to nature's ability to create wonders in even the most compact forms.

While these birds may be small in size, they showcase remarkable adaptations and behaviors. Their diminutive stature allows them to access nectar from delicate flowers, contributing to pollination and ecosystem health. Despite their small size, they exhibit resilience, agility, and remarkable migratory capabilities.

1. Bee Hummingbird (Mellisuga helenae)

The bee hummingbird, scientifically known as Mellisuga helenae, holds the remarkable distinction of being the smallest bird in the world. Measuring a mere 2.25 inches in length and weighing a mere 0.07 ounces, these tiny creatures are a true marvel of nature.

While most hummingbirds possess slender bodies, the bee hummingbird stands out with its plump physique and distinct appearance. Despite its small size, it exhibits unique features that set it apart from other hummingbird species.

Distinguishing between male and female bee hummingbirds is relatively easy due to their noticeable differences. The males boast vibrant and bright colors, with bluish upper parts, while the females exhibit less flamboyant hues, often appearing greenish in coloration.

Due to their diminutive size, bee hummingbirds do not lay a large number of eggs. Females typically lay only two eggs, which are approximately the size of coffee beans. This limited reproductive capacity further emphasizes the delicate nature of these remarkable birds.

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In terms of mating behavior, bee hummingbirds differ from birds that form lifelong monogamous pairs. Instead, they exhibit polygamous tendencies, engaging in multiple partnerships throughout their lives. These astonishing creatures primarily inhabit the island of Cuba and nearby regions in the Caribbean. Their small size allows them to access nectar from delicate flowers, making them important pollinators in their ecosystems.

The bee hummingbird serves as a captivating reminder of the incredible diversity and adaptability found within the avian world. Despite their miniature stature, these birds exhibit remarkable resilience and continue to fascinate scientists and nature enthusiasts alike.

Smallest Birds in the World - Top 10 Tiny Wonders
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2. Esmeraldas Woodstar (Chaetocercus berlepschi)

The Esmeraldas woodstar, scientifically known as Chaetocercus berlepschi, is a small neotropical species of bird belonging to the hummingbird family. These charming birds hold the distinction of being the smallest birds in South America.

Measuring only about 2.5 inches in length and weighing nearly 0.8 ounces, the Esmeraldas woodstar showcases remarkable adaptability despite its diminutive size. Although the woodstar family consists of six subspecies, their distinctions and characteristics are not extensively studied, leaving much to be discovered about these fascinating birds.

The Esmeraldas woodstar primarily inhabits semi-deciduous or evergreen forests in Ecuador, a country located in South America. Within these lush environments, they thrive by feeding on nectar from flowering shrubs and trees. Their small size and specialized feeding adaptations, such as their long bills and tongues, allow them to extract nectar with precision and efficiency.

Sexual dimorphism is prominent in the Esmeraldas woodstar, with males and females exhibiting distinct differences in appearance. One key distinguishing feature is the vibrant purple throat displayed by the males. This striking coloration serves as a visual cue for both attracting mates and establishing dominance within their territories.

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Despite being poorly studied, the Esmeraldas woodstar holds an important ecological role as pollinators. As they feed on nectar and move from flower to flower, they facilitate the transfer of pollen, contributing to the reproductive success of various plant species in their habitat.

Smallest Birds in the World - Top 10 Tiny Wonders

3. Bumblebee Hummingbird (Selasphorus heloisa)

The bumblebee hummingbird, scientifically known as Selasphorus heloisa, holds the distinction of being the second-smallest bird in the world, surpassed only by another member of its own family, the bee hummingbird.

Measuring a mere 3 inches in length and weighing no more than 0.1 ounces, the bumblebee hummingbird is an incredibly tiny bird. Despite its small size, it possesses remarkable characteristics and behaviors that contribute to its survival and uniqueness.

These little hummingbirds primarily feed on nectar, flitting from one flower to another in search of food. In their quest for sustenance, they visit an impressive average of up to 1,500 flowers per day. Their ability to hover and extract nectar from flowers with their long, slender bills showcases their specialized feeding adaptations.

Males of the species are highly territorial and vigorously defend their chosen territories against intruders. They engage in aggressive behaviors to establish dominance and protect their feeding and breeding areas. Females, on the other hand, take on the role of caregivers, attending to the needs of their young.

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During the nesting period, female bumblebee hummingbirds display exceptional hunting skills. They capture an astounding number of insects, sometimes reaching up to 2,000 in a single day. This insect-rich diet provides essential nutrients for both the females and their growing chicks.

The bumblebee hummingbird's small size and unique behaviors make it a captivating species to observe. Its ability to navigate its environment with agility and extract nectar from flowers with precision is a testament to its specialized adaptations. The territorial nature of the males and the hunting prowess of the females contribute to their survival and reproductive success.

Smallest Birds in the World - Top 10 Tiny Wonders
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4. Cape Penduline Tit (Anthoscopus minutus)

The Cape Penduline Tit, scientifically known as Anthoscopus minutus, holds the distinction of being one of the smallest bird species found in Africa. Despite their diminutive size, these birds possess remarkable characteristics and inhabit diverse regions.

Measuring a mere 3.15 inches in length, Cape Penduline Tits are known for their small size. They can be found in various countries across Africa, including Angola, Botswana, Zimbabwe, and South Africa. Their natural habitats primarily consist of dry shrublands and Mediterranean-type shrubby vegetation.

These birds demonstrate exceptional nest-building skills. They invest significant effort in constructing their nests, utilizing silken fibers from different plants. The nests are strategically designed, featuring one true entrance and one false entrance. This clever construction serves as a defensive mechanism against potential predators, such as snakes and other nest-dwelling threats, ensuring the safety of the birds and their offspring.

Cape Penduline Tits navigate their arid habitats with agility and resilience. They forage for food, predominantly feasting on insects and small invertebrates. Their diminutive size allows them to maneuver through the intricate foliage and extract sustenance from their surroundings.

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Observing these tiny avian creatures in their natural habitat is a testament to their adaptability and survival strategies. Despite their small stature, Cape Penduline Tits contribute to the ecological balance and biodiversity of the African continent.

Smallest Birds in the World - Top 10 Tiny Wonders

5. Pale-Billed Flowerpecker (Dicaeum erythrorhynchos)

The Pale-billed Flowerpecker, scientifically known as Dicaeum erythrorhynchos, holds the distinction of being the smallest bird species found in South Asian countries. Despite their diminutive size, these birds showcase remarkable features and behaviors. 

Measuring a mere 3.15 inches in length and weighing up to 0.28 ounces, Pale-billed Flowerpeckers are truly tiny. Their name originates from the pale pinkish coloration of their beaks, which distinguishes them from other bird species.

These avian creatures are commonly found in various habitats such as urban areas, mangrove forests, and deciduous forests. They display an omnivorous diet, feeding on small insects and spiders. Their small size allows them to navigate through the dense foliage in search of food.

Breeding among Pale-billed Flowerpeckers typically occurs between January and June, aligning with favorable climatic conditions. However, in specific regions, they have been known to raise additional broods. Their nests are intricately woven using plant fibers and spider silk, providing a secure environment for their young.

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Pale-billed Flowerpeckers are known for their agility and swift movements as they flit from flower to flower, playing a crucial role in pollination. Their petite size and vibrant plumage make them a fascinating sight for bird enthusiasts and nature lovers.

Smallest Birds in the World - Top 10 Tiny Wonders

6. Common Firecrest (Regulus ignicapilla)

The Common Firecrest, scientifically known as Regulus ignicapilla, is a striking bird that stands out with its vibrant appearance. These tiny birds bear a resemblance to their close relative, the goldcrest, but can be easily recognized by the distinctive yellow-black stripe on their neck.

Belonging to the kinglet family of birds, Common Firecrests share similarities in size and behavior with the goldcrest. They reach a length of only 3.5 inches and have a wingspan of approximately 5.11 inches. Weighing up to 0.17 ounces, they are considered one of the smallest bird species in the world.

In terms of habitat and diet, Common Firecrests exhibit some preferences. These birds are often found in gardens within urban areas, where they feed on spiders, moth eggs, and small insects. They play a beneficial role by helping to control insect populations.

Common Firecrests are primarily associated with evergreen woodlands, where they establish their nests and rear their young. They are known to form part of larger flocks composed of other small bird species, displaying a sociable nature.

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The song of the Common Firecrest is a delightful and high-pitched melody, often accompanied by quick and energetic movements as they forage for food. Their bright plumage and distinctive features make them a captivating sight for birdwatchers and nature enthusiasts.

Smallest Birds in the World - Top 10 Tiny Wonders

7. Weebill (Smicrornis brevirostris)

The Weebill, scientifically known as Smicrornis brevirostris, holds the title of the smallest bird species in Australia. Measuring only up to 3.5 inches in length, these tiny birds are found throughout mainland Australia, particularly in dry eucalyptus forests and mallee habitats.

Despite their small size, Weebills play an important ecological role. They contribute to maintaining the health of trees by feeding on a variety of insects that can harm the trees. By controlling insect populations, Weebills indirectly benefit the overall ecosystem of their habitats.

Unlike some bird species, Weebills do not have a fixed breeding season. Instead, their breeding patterns are influenced by climatic conditions. These birds have the ability to breed at any time of the year, but they most commonly engage in breeding activities from July to May.

During the breeding season, Weebills construct small, cup-shaped nests made of plant materials such as grass, bark, and spiderwebs. These nests are typically located in the forks of tree branches or amongst foliage. Female Weebills lay a clutch of eggs, and both parents share the responsibility of incubating the eggs and caring for the hatchlings.

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Weebills have distinctive plumage, characterized by shades of olive-green on their upperparts and a paler yellowish color on their underparts. Their small, compact bodies and short beaks are well-adapted for maneuvering through dense foliage in search of insects and foraging for small seeds.

These birds possess a melodious song, consisting of a series of high-pitched notes. Their vocalizations are often described as cheerful and can be heard as they move through the trees in search of food or communicate with other members of their species.

Smallest Birds in the World - Top 10 Tiny Wonders
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8. Costa’s Hummingbird (Calypte costae)

Costa's hummingbird, scientifically known as Calypte costae, is another fascinating member of the hummingbird family. These tiny birds weigh no more than 0.11 ounces, making them incredibly lightweight. They typically reach a maximum length of 3 to 3.5 inches, with a wingspan measuring around 4.3 inches.

Costa's hummingbirds predominantly inhabit deserts, semi-deserts, and open meadows in North America. These arid regions serve as their natural habitats, where they find suitable resources and nesting sites. However, if the living conditions in their native environment become harsh or resources become scarce, Costa's hummingbirds may undertake migrations to other countries in search of better conditions.

Reaching sexual maturity at around one year of age, Costa's hummingbirds engage in breeding activities between January and May each year. Unlike some other bird species, they do not form exclusive pairs. Instead, both male and female Costas engage in multiple mating interactions during the breeding season.

The vibrant plumage of the male Costa's hummingbird is a sight to behold. With stunning purple-blue feathers adorning their head and throat, they exhibit a striking and iridescent appearance. These beautiful colors play a crucial role in attracting mates and establishing dominance during territorial displays.

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Costa's hummingbirds, like their larger counterparts, feed primarily on nectar from flowering plants. Their long, slender bills are perfectly adapted for extracting nectar from flowers, and they play a vital role in pollination as they move from one blossom to another.

Smallest Birds in the World - Top 10 Tiny Wonders

9. Goldcrest (Regulus regulus)

The goldcrest, scientifically known as Regulus regulus, holds the distinction of being Britain's smallest bird. With an average weight ranging from 0.20 to 0.40 ounces, it is an incredibly lightweight species. Measuring only 3.7 inches in length and possessing a wingspan of 6.1 inches, the goldcrest is among the tiniest bird species in the world.

While primarily found in Europe, these remarkable birds also inhabit regions as far as the Himalayas and Japan. Despite their small size, goldcrests possess the strength and endurance to undertake extensive migratory journeys each year. These journeys span remarkable distances, presenting a fascinating question for ornithologists: How do these small birds cross the North Sea without any assistance?

Initially, researchers speculated that the goldcrests might rely on other migratory birds for guidance or aid. However, further investigations revealed that these tiny birds actually traverse thousands of miles entirely on their own. Their sheer determination and remarkable flying abilities enable them to accomplish this incredible feat.

The goldcrest's small size presents a unique challenge for its migration. With no larger body to withstand harsh weather conditions, the bird relies on its agility and adaptability. It is believed that they take advantage of favorable winds and make use of their lightweight bodies to navigate across vast distances.

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These birds captivate with their resilience and independence. Despite their delicate appearance, they possess the strength and fortitude to complete their extensive migratory journeys. The ability of the goldcrest to fly across thousands of miles unaided showcases the remarkable capabilities and adaptability of these small but mighty creatures.

Smallest Birds in the World - Top 10 Tiny Wonders

10. Calliope Hummingbird (Selasphorus calliope)

The Calliope hummingbird, scientifically known as Selasphorus calliope, holds the distinction of being the smallest bird in both the United States and Canada. Despite its diminutive size, this remarkable bird displays a fierce and determined nature, especially during the breeding season, when it fearlessly chases away larger avian species.

The Calliope hummingbird measures only about 3.5 inches (8.9 centimeters) in length and weighs a mere 0.1 ounces (2.8 grams). Its petite stature and lightweight build make it a true marvel of nature.

During the breeding season, male Calliope hummingbirds establish their territories and engage in territorial displays to attract females. Despite their small size, they exhibit remarkable aggression and will fearlessly confront larger birds, such as other hummingbird species or even sparrows, to defend their territory and ensure breeding success.

This tiny hummingbird species is known for its distinctive features, including a vibrant magenta throat patch, greenish upperparts, and white underparts with speckles. It possesses a long, slender bill ideally suited for sipping nectar from flowers, which constitutes a significant portion of its diet.

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The Calliope hummingbird's incredible energy and agility enable it to hover effortlessly while feeding on nectar, making quick movements from one flower to another. Its wings can beat up to 80 times per second, allowing it to maintain stability even in challenging flight conditions.

Despite its small size and its association with mountainous regions, the Calliope hummingbird is a migratory species, traveling long distances between its breeding grounds in the western United States and its wintering grounds in Mexico and Central America.

Smallest Birds in the World - Top 10 Tiny Wonders
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What is the Smallest Bird in the World?

The bee hummingbird (Mellisuga helenae) is a fascinating creature that has captured the attention of bird enthusiasts worldwide. Measuring a mere 2.25 inches (5.7 centimeters) in length and weighing only 0.07 ounces (2 grams), it holds the distinguished title of being the smallest bird in the world.

One of the most remarkable aspects of the bee hummingbird is its diminutive size. To put it into perspective, it is about the size of a large bumblebee, hence its name. Despite its small stature, this tiny bird possesses remarkable features and adaptations that allow it to thrive in its natural habitat.

The bee hummingbird is predominantly found in Cuba and nearby Caribbean regions, where it inhabits a variety of habitats including forests, gardens, and coastal areas. Its diet primarily consists of nectar from flowering plants, which it collects using its long, slender beak. This tiny bird plays a crucial role in pollination as it moves from flower to flower, transferring pollen and contributing to the reproduction of plants.

In addition to its small size, the bee hummingbird exhibits incredible agility and flight capabilities. It is known for its rapid wing beats, reaching an astonishing rate of up to 80 beats per second. This allows the bird to hover in mid-air, enabling it to access nectar from deep within flowers and even catch small insects on the wing.

The male and female bee hummingbirds display distinct differences in appearance. Males exhibit vibrant colors, with bluish upper parts and iridescent feathers that shimmer in the sunlight. Females, on the other hand, have a more subdued appearance, featuring greenish plumage that provides camouflage and protection while nesting.

Despite these challenges, the bee hummingbird has managed to adapt and thrive in its environment. It demonstrates nature's ability to create incredible wonders in miniature forms, captivating our imagination and reminding us of the astonishing diversity found within the avian world.

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Smallest Birds in the World - FAQs

1. What is the smallest bird in the world?

The bee hummingbird (Mellisuga helenae) holds the title of being the smallest bird species in the world.

2. How small is the bee hummingbird?

The bee hummingbird measures only about 2.25 inches (5.7 centimeters) in length, making it incredibly tiny.

3. Where is the bee hummingbird found?

The bee hummingbird is primarily found in Cuba and neighboring Caribbean regions, where it inhabits forests, gardens, and other suitable habitats.

4. How much does the bee hummingbird weigh?

Despite its small size, the bee hummingbird weighs only about 0.07 ounces (2 grams), making it one of the lightest bird species.

5. What is the difference between male and female bee hummingbirds?

Male bee hummingbirds have bright and vibrant colors, with bluish upper parts, while females are less colorful and have a greenish appearance. This sexual dimorphism helps in distinguishing between the two genders.
