Sons Of The Forest Cheats Trainer And Console Commands For PC

Sons Of The Forest Cheats Trainer And Console Commands For PC have been searched by many gamers. Sons of the Forest became a famous survival horror video game and the players are looking for Sons Of The Forest Cheats Trainer And Console Commands For PC to move forward in the game. Get here Sons Of The Forest Cheats Trainer And Console Commands For PC.

by V Gomala

Updated Feb 28, 2023

Sons Of The Forest Cheats Trainer And Console Commands For PC

Son Of The Forest Cheats And Commands

Sons of the Forest is a popular survival horror video game that was developed by Endnight Games and then published by Newnight. Sons of the Forest presents a unique survival horror experience unmatched by several games today. While the survival elements of the game are exciting enough, particularly making sure you have sufficient food to survive through the days, the game provides you with many weapons to defend yourself with. Each weapon in the Sons of the Forest serves a different purpose, excelling at typical ranges and tasks.

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Sons Of The Forest Cheats Trainer And Console Commands For PC

Sons of the Forest, the survival horror video game, has cheats. To enable cheats in the game, you need a couple of mods and you could find at Thunderstore, a famous mod repository for games like Boneworks, Valheim, and now Sons of the Forest. Below you can find Son Of The Forest Player and NPC/enemy cheats.

Sons Of The Forest Cheats PC

Player Cheats

godmode on

Toggles god mode. Type 'godmode off' to disable

survival on/off

Toggles survival needs on and off


Give yourself every item in the game

goto [x y z]

Teleport to map coordinates (ie: 110 -80 -900)

showhud on/off

Toggles the HUD on and off

settimeofday [1-24]

Changes the time of day

forcerain heavy

Changes weather to rain

forcerain sunny

Changes weather to sunny


Save your game without a shelter

NPC/enemy Cheats

addcharacter robby 1

Spawn an extra Kelvin


Spawn an extra Virginia

aighostplayer on/off

Enemies ignore you


AI entities (including friendly) freeze in place


AI entities (including friendly) completely vanish

The Forest Console Commands

  • allowCheats [on/off] – Lets you use console commands and cheats.
  • /help – Display a list of console commands.
  • /allowbuildingdestruction – Lets you to destroy structures.
  • resetHolesMode [on/off] – Remove all holes in structures when enabled.
  • /treeregrowmode – 10% of cut-down trees regrow when players sleep.
  • /allowenemiescreative – Lets enemies spawn in creative mode.
  • veganMode [on/off] – Remove all enemies when enabled.
  • difficulty [Peaceful/Normal/Hard/HardSurvival] – Set the difficulty level.
  • realisticPlayerDamage [on/off] – Players will take more damage when enabled, particularly in PvP.
  • /save [1/2/3/4/5] – Save the game in the designated slot.
  • saveFolderPath – Select the path for server saves.
  • /restart – Restart the server, deleting all saves and user information.
  • /shutdown – Shut down the server.
  • /kick [Steam ID] – Kick specified user from the server.
  • /ban [Steam ID] – Ban specified user from the server.
  • configfilepath – Select the path for server information to be saved.
  • /openlogs – Show the server logs.
  • /closelogs – Close the server logs.
  • targetFpsActive [FPS] – Set a specific FPS limit for the server.
  • targetFpsIdle [FPS] – Set a specific FPS limit for idle players.

Son Of The Forest Cheats (Other)

  • addallbookpages
  • ammohack
  • animallimitmult 
  • animalsenabled
  • addallitems
  • addallstoryitems
  • animstatesgui
  • addcharacter
  • anisoenabled
  • addmemory
  • addprefab
  • debugplayermelee
  • demomode
  • destroy
  • destroyfreeformstructure
  • destroyragdoll
  • destroywildcard
  • additem
  • additemswithtag
  • Anisominmax
  • applydefaultmaterials 
  • areashadow
  • astar
  • audio2dtest
  • audiodebug
  • audiodebugstates 
  • audiodescription
  • diagrenderers
  • diggingclear
  • disablecomponent
  • disablegameobjecttester
  • disablego
  • disablegowildcard 
  • disablescene
  • addvirginia
  • aiangerlevel 
  • aianimspeed
  • aiarmorlevel
  • aiarmortier
  • aidisable
  • aidodgetest
  • aidummy
  • aiforcestrafe
  • aighostplayer
  • aigodmode
  • aijumpdebug
  • aiknockdowndisable
  • aimemoryadjust
  • aipause
  • aipoolstats
  • airadar
  • airunworldevent
  • aishowanims
  • aishowdebug
  • aishowdebugcamera
  • aishoweventmemory
  • aishowhealth
  • aishownavgraph
  • aishowpaths
  • aishowplayerinfluences
  • aishowstats
  • aishowsurvivalstats
  • aishowthoughts
  • aistatadjust
  • aistructurelog
  • aitestsleep
  • aithought
  • audioparameter
  • audioplayevent 
  • billboardenabled
  • billboardignorechanges
  • blockplayerfinaldeath 
  • breakobjects
  • buffstats 
  • buildermode
  • buildhack
  • cameradiss 
  • camerafov
  • capsulemode
  • cavelight
  • characterlods
  • checkattachedentities
  • checkexitmenu
  • checkfrozenentities
  • clear
  • clearallsettings
  • clearaudioparameters
  • clearbushradius
  • clearmidactionflag
  • cloudenable cloudfactor
  • cloudshadowsenable
  • combatteststart
  • count
  • countgowithlayer
  • countlinkedstructures
  • counttag
  • createlight
  • aithoughtnocooldown
  • aivailstats
  • aiverboselog
  • creepyvillage
  • aivillageclosest
  • aiworldeventstats
  • aiworldstats
  • aizonestats
  • allowasync
  • disconnectplayer 
  • disconnectplayers
  • dismemberradius
  • dumplobbyinfo
  • duplicateobject
  • dynamicresolutioncycletest
  • dynamicresolutionoverride
  • dynamicresolutiontarget
  • enablecheats
  • enablecollisionbasedkillbox
  • enablecomponent
  • enablego
  • enablescene
  • enablestructureghosts
  • energyhack
  • exportlinkedstructurestojson
  • exposuresetspeed
  • filteraudio
  • findobjectswithshader
  • firstlookforce
  • follow
  • followstop 
  • footstepdebug 
  • forcecloud
  • forcecloudprofile
  • forceplayerexpression
  • forcerain
  • forceremovetrees
  • freecamera
  • gainstrength
  • gameoverdelaytime
  • rumbletest 
  • save 
  • saveplayer
  • season
  • sendmessageto 
  • setcurrentday
  • godmode goto
  • gotocoords
  • gotoforce
  • logshownone 
  • logshowwarnings 
  • logtextures 
  • logvirtual
  • gototag
  • gotozone
  • mipmapstreaming 
  • mipmapstreamingbudget
  • gravity
  • heallocalplayer
  • mipmapstreamingdiscard
  • setdifficultymode
  • mousexsensitivity
  • setexitedendgame
  • mouseysensitivity
  • setgamemode
  • navgraphforceupdate
  • help
  • hideworldposfor
  • grabsgeneratebuilt
  • greebledrockscollision
  • hitlocalplayer
  • igniteradius
  • importlinkedstructuresfromfile
  • inspectgo
  • instantbookbuild
  • instantrespawnhere
  • invertlook
  • invisible
  • netanimator
  • netskinnedbones
  • netspawnplayer
  • openmacrosfolder
  • outputsnappointstofile
  • physicsupdatetime
  • playcutscene
  • playdeathcutscene
  • playdeathmarker
  • playdeathmarkerindex
  • joinsteamlobby
  • playeranimparams
  • jumptimeofday
  • playerdebugcamera
  • kickplayers
  • killlocalplayer
  • killradius
  • knockdownlocalplayer
  • lightninghittreechance
  • lightninghittreemustbeinfrontplayer
  • lightninginterval
  • listactiveentities
  • listdeathmarkers
  • listitems
  • listgowithlayer
  • listitemswithtags
  • listobjects
  • loadmacros
  • loaddebugconsolemod
  • loadplayer
  • loadscene
  • loadscenesingle 
  • locktimeofday 
  • loddebugbillboards 
  • loddebugmaterials 
  • loddebugranges 
  • lodforce2ddistance 
  • lodforce3ddistance
  • playerinterruptkeys
  • playernetanimator
  • playervisibility
  • playgameover
  • postprocessingcomponent
  • profilersample
  • profilersnapshot
  • qualitytexture 
  • radiodebug 
  • refillcontainers
  • refreshentities
  • regenhealth
  • removeallitems
  • removeallstoryitems
  • removedead
  • removeitem
  • removeliving
  • removeshader
  • renderspheres
  • replaceshader
  • Reporterrors
  • reportlogsnow 
  • reportwarningsnow 
  • resetinputaxes 
  • resetsettings 
  • revivelocalplayer
  • gamepaddeadzone
  • gamepadxsensitivity
  • damagedebug
  • gamepadysensitivity
  • logging
  • damagefreeformstructure
  • gccollect
  • loghack
  • deathcount
  • getgamemode
  • logshowerrors
  • robbycarry
  • getlayerculldistance
  • logshowinfo
  • debugplayerhitlog
  • robbyincutscenes
  • setgamesetupsetting
  • setgametimespeed
  • setinventorypercent
  • setlayerculldistance setlookrotation
  • setopeningcrash 
  • setplayerrace 
  • setproperty 
  • setsetting 
  • setspeakermode
  • setstat
  • setstrengthlevel
  • settimeofday
  • setwindintensity
  • setworldobjectstaterange
  • showactivelights
  • showbutterfly info
  • showcollisionobjectnames
  • showdebugzones
  • showfps
  • showhud
  • showinworldui
  • showmeshmaterialnames
  • showmeshobjectnames
  • showmeshtrianglecounts
  • showobjectlocation
  • showprojectiletrails
  • showstimuli
  • showtriggercollision
  • showworldobjects
  • showui
  • showworldposfor
  • slapchop
  • spawnedobjectstats
  • spawnfallingtree spawnitem
  • spawnpickup
  • spawnrenderspheres
  • spawnworldobject speedyrun
  • sprinttoggle
  • superjump 
  • survival 
  • targetframerate 
  • terrainparallax 
  • terrainpixelerror
  • terrainrender 
  • terrainrendersimple
  • terraintess 
  • terraintessdist 
  • testeventmask
  • testingsamplefps
  • timeofdayconnectiondebug
  • timeofday 
  • timescale
  • togglebeamdebug 
  • togglefiredebug togglefpsdisplay
  • togglego 
  • togglegrabberdebug
  • togglegrabsfacedebug
  • toggleocclusionculling
  • toggleoverlay
  • toggleplayerstats
  • togglestructureresistancedebug
  • togglesuperstructurerooms visualdeb
  • ug
  • togglevsync
  • toggleworkscheduler
  • trailer3
  • treecutsimulatebolt treefallcontactinfo
  • treeocclusionbonus
  • treeradius treescutall
  • unloadscene
  • unloadunusedassets
  • unlockseason

Disclaimer: The above information is for general informational purposes only. All information on the Site is provided in good faith, however we make no representation or warranty of any kind, express or implied, regarding the accuracy, adequacy, validity, reliability, availability or completeness of any information on the Site.

Sons Of The Forest Cheats Trainer And Console Commands For PC - FAQ

1. What is Sons Of The Forest?

Sons of the Forest is a popular survival horror video game.

2. Who developed Sons Of The Forest?

The game was developed by Endnight Games and then published by Newnight.
