The Independent's Cryptic Crossword Clue Solutions for April 13, 2024

All answers to today’s The Independent's Cryptic crossword clues are provided on our site. Check the answers here and complete the crossword quickly.

by Shalini K

Updated Apr 13, 2024

The Independent's Cryptic Crossword Clue Solutions for April 13, 2024

The Independent's Cryptic Crossword

Are you wondering how to spend your time efficiently? Playing the Independent's Cryptic crossword puzzles would be a good choice for that. It can take your stress away and you will have a sense of achievement after completing the whole puzzle. Try to guess the answer with the clues provided. For those struggling to find the answer, the solution for today's crossword is provided below.

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Green film about working for financial specialist


In this clue, "Green film" could refer to the color green or to a movie involving environmental themes. "Working for financial specialist" suggests someone who is involved in economics. So, "Green film about working for financial specialist" cryptically clues "ECONOMIST," which is a person who specializes in economics, often depicted as someone who deals with financial matters.

Tory Kemi ditching worthless Powell?

Answer: ENOCH

This clue is a cryptic clue. "Tory Kemi" suggests the initial letters of "Tory" and "Kemi," which are "T" and "K." "Ditching worthless Powell" indicates removing the letters "worthless" or "worth" from "Powell," leaving "Powell" without "worth" or "w." Putting the initial letters of "Tory Kemi" and "ditching worthless Powell" together forms "EN" + "OCH," which spells "ENOCH," a name.

Cold complication ? doctor 6 for it


This clue is a cryptic clue. "Cold complication" suggests a medical condition related to cold weather. "doctor 6 for it" suggests taking the sixth letter of the word "doctor," which is "C." Putting "C" together with "FROSTBITE" spells "FROSTBITE," which is a cold-related medical condition.

Archangel good airy spirit shielding bishop


This clue is a cryptic clue. "Archangel" suggests looking for the name of an archangel. "good airy spirit" suggests the word "air" or something light and spiritual. "shielding bishop" indicates that the word for "bishop" is surrounded or "shielded" by the letters of "good airy spirit." Putting "bishop" inside "good airy spirit" spells "GABRIEL," who is an archangel in various religious traditions

Alumnus to function as witness


In this clue, "Alumnus" refers to someone who has graduated from a particular school or institution, suggesting the letters "OB." "To function as" indicates the word "serve." So, "Alumnus to function as" clues "OBSERVE," which means to watch or witness something.

Arkwright almost reserving room for girl

Answer: NORMA

This clue is a cryptic clue. "Arkwright almost" suggests removing the last letter from "Arkwright," leaving "ARKWRIGH." "reserving room for girl" suggests taking the first letter of "room" and the word "girl," which is "R" and "M." Putting "R" and "M" together with "ARKWRIGH" spells "NORMA," which is a girl's name

Satisfied ? with London's police force?

Answer: MET

This clue is a play on words. "Satisfied?" suggests using the word "met" in the sense of being content or fulfilled. "with London's police force?" suggests using "MET" as an abbreviation for the Metropolitan Police Service, which is the police force responsible for Greater London. So, the answer "MET" satisfies both interpretations of the clue

010 put about for element at 54?

Answer: XENON

This clue is a cryptic clue. "010" is the atomic number for the element "XENON." "put about" suggests rearranging the letters of "put" or "010." Rearranging "put" gives "TUP." So, "TUP" is "put about." Then, adding "TUP" to "010" spells "XENON," which is the element with the atomic number 54

Wild notion to correspond with hawk-headed god


This clue is a cryptic clue. "Wild notion" suggests using the word "chimera," which means a fanciful or wild idea or illusion. "to correspond with hawk-headed god" suggests using the letters of "RA," which is the name of the Egyptian god with a hawk head. So, "CHIMERA" corresponds with the idea of a wild notion and includes the letters of the hawk-headed god "RA."

Arrangement of sails aboard heavy eastern warship


Arrangement of sails" suggests a type of ship, and "aboard heavy eastern warship" suggests a ship commonly found in the East. Putting these together suggests the word "FRIGATE," which is a type of warship that typically carries sails and is commonly used in naval warfare in the Eastern Hemisphere.

Write off an amount

Answer: TOTAL

Write off an amount" suggests summing up or totaling a series of numbers or figures. "TOTAL" is a word that means the complete sum or amount of something, so it fits the clue.

King Charles in 26 ? 28 pack involved here?

Answer: SCRUM

King Charles" suggests the letters "C" and "H," which are the initials of King Charles. "26 ? 28 pack involved here" suggests taking the letters of "SCRUM," which can be found between the letters "S" and "M" in the alphabet (the 26th and 28th letters). So, "SCRUM" is indicated by the presence of King Charles' initials and its position in the alphabet

Formidable 15 with 7 among them holding 50?


Formidable 15" refers to a group of rugby players, specifically a rugby team. "with 7 among them" suggests the number 7 is included in the group. "holding 50" suggests the word "ALL," as in all 50. So, "ALL BLACKS" is a rugby team with the number 7 (referring to the position of a player in rugby) among them, known for their strength and dominance.

Writer attending game: cricket side in shape


Writer attending game" suggests the letter "P," which is the first letter of the word "pen," a type of writer. "cricket side" suggests the word "on," as in being on the cricket side or team. "in shape" suggests the word "pentagon," which is a shape with five sides. So, "PENTAGON" is formed by combining "pen" (writer) with "on" (game) to create a shape

We must probe company books for evidence of neglect

Answer: COBWEB

We must probe" suggests using the word "cob," which is a type of probe. "company books" suggests the word "web," as in a network or collection of interconnected things. "for evidence of neglect" suggests that when something is neglected or abandoned, cobwebs may form. So, "COBWEB" fits the clue.

Harmonise colours in riotous decoration


Harmonise colours" suggests the word "coordinate," which means to match or arrange things in a harmonious way, such as colors. "riotous decoration" suggests a chaotic or disorderly arrangement of colors, which needs to be harmonized or coordinated.

Sight in Paris, one female detected hole in water jug


Sight in Paris" suggests the Eiffel Tower, which is a famous landmark in Paris. "one female detected" suggests the letters "F" and "E" (a female pronoun), which are found in "EIFFEL." "hole in water jug" suggests the letters "TOW," which are found in "TOWER." So, "EIFFEL TOWER" is the sight in Paris described in the clue.

Robust, carrying two ducks, daughter was easy to spot


Robust" suggests the word "stood," meaning strong or robust. "carrying two ducks" suggests the number "2," which is "two." "daughter" suggests the letter "D." So, "STOOD OUT" means to be easily noticeable or prominent, fitting the clue.

Dribbler who drank stronger beer

Answer: BEST

Dribbler" suggests someone who drinks slowly or in small amounts, indicating a connoisseur of beer. "drank stronger beer" suggests the word "best," as in the highest quality or strongest beer. So, "BEST" fits the clue.

Tiny thing to put forward and not back


Tiny thing" suggests the concept of a particle, particularly a subatomic particle. "to put forward" suggests the direction "positive," as opposed to "back" or negative. So, "POSITRON," which is a positively charged subatomic particle, fits the clue.

Reportedly goes for jolly idea?

Answer: WHEEZE

Reportedly goes for" suggests a homophone clue, where the answer sounds like another word. "jolly idea" suggests the word "wheeze," which means a clever or amusing idea. So, "WHEEZE" fits the clue.

VIP is to clean out loos for punk band?


VIP" suggests the letter "S," which is the first letter of "Sex." "to clean out" suggests removing the inner letters of the word "loos," leaving "SS." "for punk band" suggests the word "pistols," which refers to firearms and is also the name of a famous punk band. So, "SEX PISTOLS" fits the clue, referring to both a VIP and a punk band.

Romps and rolls embracing upright character


Romps and rolls" suggests the word "roisters," which means to engage in lively and noisy festivities or revelry. "embracing upright character" suggests the inclusion of the letter "I," which is an upright character. So, "ROISTERS" fits the clue

Produce variation on a theme Antonin Dvorak starts? Stupid


This clue is a cryptic clue. "Produce variation on a theme" suggests the word "meathead," which means a stupid or foolish person. "Antonin Dvorak starts" suggests the initials "AD," which are the starting letters of "Antonin Dvorak." So, "MEATHEAD" fits the clue

Provocation on steamship is not desired


This clue is a play on words. "Provocation on steamship" suggests the word "needless," which means not required or unnecessary. "is not desired" reinforces the idea of something not being necessary. So, "NEEDLESS" fits the clue.

Rows in church? That's vulgar

Answer: COARSE

Rows in church" suggests the word "coarse," which means rough or vulgar in texture or behavior. The word "rows" could also suggest arguments or disagreements, which could be considered vulgar behavior in a church setting. So, "COARSE" fits the clue.

Answer line given in delicate last act

Answer: FINALE

Answer line given in delicate" suggests the word "finale," which refers to the last act or scene of a performance, often characterized by its significance and delicacy. The word "line" could suggest a line in a script or performance. So, "FINALE" fits the clue.

Cheers up on course to get fit

Answer: ATTACK

Cheers up" suggests the word "attack," which means to aggressively pursue or engage in something, often with enthusiasm or vigor. "on course to get fit" suggests being on the right path or course to achieving physical fitness. So, "ATTACK" fits the clue.

Sufficiently early repair saving economist here?


This clue is a cryptic clue. "Sufficiently early repair" suggests the phrase "a stitch in time," which means taking action early to prevent further problems or damage. "saving economist here" suggests including the letters "ECON" (an abbreviation for economist) within the phrase. So, "A STITCH IN TIME" fits the clue.

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