The Irish Daily Mail Cryptic Crossword Clue Solved (March 28, 2024)

Are you trying to figure out what the clue for today's Irish Daily Mail Cryptic Crossword might be? Check this article for the solution.

by J Nandhini

Updated Mar 28, 2024

The Irish Daily Mail Cryptic Crossword Clue Solved (March 28, 2024)

To solve a crossword clue, you need more patience because it is not easy to solve a crossword and you must try hard to solve it. If you are looking for the answer to solve today’s The Irish Daily Mail Cryptic Crossword Clue, you can check here. You can check various crossword puzzles and solutions on our website. Today, we have The Irish Daily Mail Cryptic Crossword Clue.

Stint bursar arranged for a committee of experts (6,5)


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This clue suggests that we're looking for a phrase that means a committee of experts. "Stint bursar arranged" indicates an anagram, where the letters of "stint bursar" need to be rearranged. When rearranged, it gives us "brains trust," which indeed refers to a group of experts assembled to provide advice or solutions.

Weary fellow at oil gauge regularly (7)


This clue seems to describe a word meaning "weary" that can be found by taking every other letter ("regularly") from the phrase "fellow at oil gauge." Doing so gives us "fatigue," which indeed means weariness or exhaustion.

Woman sat here in a fidgety state (7)


Here, we're looking for a word for a woman's name that can be found within the phrase "fidgety state." If you look closely, you can find the name "THERESA" spelled out within those letters, which matches the clue.

Divided union's leader appearing in court (3)

Answer: CUT

The clue suggests that we need a word for "divided" that also contains the first letter ("leader") of the word "union." This gives us "cut," which means divided, and indeed contains the letter "u," the first letter of "union."

Cleo fine to wander overlooking northern bit of Arctic landscape? (3,4)

Answer: ICE FLOE

Arctic landscape. "Cleo fine to wander" suggests an anagram, where the letters of "Cleo fine" need to be rearranged. If we also include the letter "N" (northern bit), we get "ice" (from "Cleo") and "floe," which together form "ICE FLOE," a term for a large flat mass of ice floating in the sea.

Integrate baron somehow into centre for body (7)


This clue indicates a word for "centre for body" that includes a rearranged form of "baron" inside it. "Integrate" suggests mixing these elements together. When we do this, we get "onboard," which can mean the central part of a ship or aircraft, or a term for being present or involved in an activity.

Leaders in heist often frustrating German court (3)

Answer: HOF

"German court" which is made up of the initial letters ("leaders") of "heist often frustrating." These letters spell out "HOF," which indeed refers to a German court, typically a royal or aristocratic court.

Note Greek character in Black Sea resort (5)

Answer: SOCHI

Here, we're looking for a term for a Black Sea resort that includes a Greek character. "Note" suggests we should take note of something, in this case, a Greek letter. The Greek letter "chi" is represented by the letter "X," which, when inserted into "SOCHI," gives us the answer, as "SOCHI" becomes "S" (note) + "O" (Greek character) + "CHI," a famous resort city in Russia located on the Black Sea coast.

Former country pile lacking sun for leave of absence (5)

Answer: EXEAT

This clue suggests a term for "leave of absence" that can be derived from rearranging "former country pile" after removing the letters for "sun." Doing so gives us "EXEAT," which indeed refers to a formal leave of absence granted to a student, especially from a college or university.

Feature of fish, we hear, in narrow stream (5)

Answer: GHYLL

This clue suggests a word that sounds like a "feature of fish" and relates to a "narrow stream." "We hear" indicates a homophonic clue where the answer sounds like another word. "Ghyll" sounds like "gill," which is indeed a feature of fish, and it also refers to a narrow mountain stream or ravine, especially in Northern England.

Doc at ground for group of eight (5)

Answer: OCTAD

Here, we're looking for a word for "group of eight" that involves a "doc" (doctor) and "ground." "Doc" is a slang term for a doctor, and "ground" could refer to a suffix indicating a grouping. When you combine "doc" and "ad" (a common suffix for a group of things), you get "octad," which indeed means a group of eight.

Throw ball in lake close to club (3)

Answer: LOB

This clue hints at a word meaning "throw ball" that can be found within the phrase "lake close to club." The word "LOB" means to throw something, like a ball, in a high arc. It's also hidden within the phrase, "lake close to club."

Incenses volatile sergeant endlessly (7)


The clue suggests a word meaning "incenses" that involves a "volatile sergeant endlessly." "Volatile" here implies something that is easily angered or agitated, and "sergeant endlessly" suggests removing the last letter of "sergeant." Removing "t" from "sergeant" gives us "sergean," which, when combined with "enrages," forms "ENRAGES," meaning to incense or make angry.

Reserve way in front of street and yard (7)


This clue suggests a word meaning "reserve" that can be found within the phrase "way in front of street and yard." The word "MODESTY" fits this criteria. It means reserve or propriety in behavior, and it's made up of "mode" (way) placed before "st" (street) and followed by "y" (yard).

Principle in Chinese philosophy appreciated by Oscar (3)

Answer: TAO

"TAO" refers to the Tao, a principle in Taoism, a Chinese philosophy. Additionally, it's appreciated by Oscar, referring to the playwright Oscar Wilde, who appreciated Eastern philosophies.

Mother keeping headgear for holy leader (7)


This clue indicates a term for a holy leader, where "mother" is keeping or containing a type of headgear. "MAHATMA" fits this description. It refers to a holy or revered leader, and it's constructed from "ma" (mother) containing "hat" (headgear).

A number of coolers? (7)


This clue plays on the double meaning of "coolers." In one sense, it could refer to devices used to keep things cool, but in this context, it refers to places where individuals are kept confined. "PRISONS" fits this interpretation, as it is indeed a number of places where individuals are confined, but it's also a term for cooling off or restricting someone's freedom.

Printed yarn devised for a social event (6,5)


This clue suggests a phrase that describes a social event that has been organized or planned out ("devised") and involves printed material ("printed yarn"). "DINNER PARTY" fits this description, as it refers to a social gathering where dinner is served, and invitations or printed material are often involved in organizing such events.

Stroke or caress initially obscured perennial plant (9,6)


The clue suggests a phrase that describes a perennial plant, where the initial letters of "stroke" and "caress" are hidden within it. "BUTTERFLY ORCHID" fits this description. It's a type of perennial plant, and the initial letters of "stroke" and "caress" are hidden within the phrase.

Financial backer with these people in devotional exercise (7)


In this clue, "these people" refers to angels, who are often associated with devotional exercises or prayers. A financial backer could be described as an "angel" who invests in a venture. Combining "angel" with "us" (as implied by "these people"), you get "ANGELUS," which is a devotional exercise in Christianity.

Female relative, one entering Tyneside church (5)

Answer: NIECE

Here, "female relative" refers to a niece. The word "one" suggests the letter "I" as in the numeral one. "Entering" indicates that "I" is placed within another word, which is "NECE" (a shortened form of "Tyneside"). Thus, putting "I" inside "NECE" gives us "NIECE," which is a female relative.

One producing skinny depictions? (9)


This clue plays with the idea of "skinny depictions," which could be tattoos. Someone who produces tattoos is a tattooist. The word "skinny" here might refer to the slim lines often used in tattoo designs. So, "one producing skinny depictions" leads us to "TATTOOIST," which is a person who creates tattoos.

Exploit timeless piece of furniture at one's disposal (7)


"Timeless piece of furniture" refers to something that doesn't go out of style or remains useful over time. A common piece of furniture that fits this description is a table. When something is at one's disposal, it means it's available for use. So, combining "use" (exploit) with "able" (timeless piece of furniture), you get "USEABLE," which means something that is available or able to be used.

Host's moderately different in an often repeated event (3,4,3,5)


"Host's" here implies possession or belonging to the host. "Moderately different" hints at variations or changes that aren't significant. The phrase "often repeated event" suggests something familiar that happens frequently. Putting these together, you get "THE SAME OLD STORY," which is a phrase indicating a repetitive situation with little change.

Distant circle following member of a school? (6)

Answer: OFFISH

"Distant" here might suggest being reserved or aloof. "Circle following" implies that something follows or is behind a circle. In this context, "member of a school" refers to a fish, as fish often move in schools. Putting these together, you get "OFFISH," which means being distant or reserved, often used to describe someone's demeanor.

Board replaced tense French actress (6)

Answer: BARDOT

"Replaced tense" hints at the removal of tension or stress. "French actress" directs us to think of a well-known French female performer. Brigitte Bardot, a French actress, fits this description. So, replacing the tense of the word "board" with Bardot, you get "BARDOT," which is the last name of the French actress Brigitte Bardot.

Educator's fancy hollow piece of pastry (9)


In this clue, "educator's" suggests something related to education or teaching. "Fancy" implies something elaborate or decorative. "Hollow piece of pastry" indicates a type of pastry with a hollow center. Putting these together, you get "CROUSTADE," which is a type of pastry that typically has a hollow center and may be served as a decorative or fancy dish

Attractive son touring Spain in twinkling lights (6)

Answer: GLEAMS

Here, "attractive" suggests something that is appealing or visually pleasing. "Son touring Spain" indicates that the word for "son" (S) is placed within the letters for "Spain" (PAIN), creating "SPAINS." "In twinkling lights" suggests something that glimmers or shines. Putting these together, you get "GLEAMS," which means to shine or emit a twinkling light.

Relieve admiral William after dismissing British figure (7)


"Admiral William" refers to the initials A and W. "Dismissing British figure" means removing the letter B (which stands for British) from the word "relieve." So, you get "LIEVE," which, when combined with "AW" (Admiral William), gives you "LIGHTEN," which means to make something less heavy or burdensome.

More dubious party found on unstable ridge (7)


  • In this clue, "more dubious" suggests that we're looking for a word that means even less trustworthy or suspicious than usual.
  • "Party" could refer to a group or gathering, but in this context, it could also imply a political party or any group of people.
  • "Unstable ridge" implies a precarious or shaky area, which metaphorically could represent something unreliable or uncertain.

Expression of surprise roughly typical of a lad? (6)

Answer: BOYISH

This clue plays with the idea of a common expression of surprise. "Roughly typical of a lad" suggests that the answer relates to something characteristic of a young boy. Putting these together, you get "BOYISH," which means having qualities or characteristics typically associated with a boy, such as youthful exuberance or innocence.

Deal with second young dog (3,2)

Answer: MOP UP

  • "Deal with" suggests taking care of or managing something.
  • "Second" implies the second letter of a word.
  • "Young dog" refers to a puppy.
  • "Second young dog" suggests taking the second letter of the word "puppy," which is "U."
  • "Deal with" can mean to clean or tidy up.

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