The Irish Independent Cryptic Crossword Clues and Solutions for 26th March 2024

Complete today’s The Irish Independent Cryptic crossword easily with our answers. Enrich your vocabulary and enhance your thinking skills by solving this puzzle.

by Abisha

Updated Mar 26, 2024

The Irish Independent Cryptic Crossword Clues and Solutions for 26th March 2024

Do you have the habit of solving crosswords daily? Then, you can try today’s The Irish Independent Cryptic crossword. This crossword can be challenging because of its hard clues. You need to have practice and better understanding of the clues to crack them.

If you need help with any clues or want to verify your answers, you can find the answers here.

Usual position at the back of public ground (11)


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"Public ground" suggests a park or open area. "Usual position at the back" could refer to a space that's frequently found there. COMMONPLACE fits well because it means "ordinary" or "widespread," which could describe something typically found in public parks (like benches towards the back).

Accommodating place that is barred (3)

Solution: INN

"Accommodating place" implies a place to stay, like a hotel. "Barred" might be a double entendre. Literally, it could mean a place with a bar (which inns often have). Figuratively, it could suggest a place that's been closed or restricted (which might be the case due to the current situation).

Wallets in which musical scores are kept? (9)


This clue is a bit of a trick. A wallet is typically used for money or cards. However, NOTECASES (specifically designed to hold musical scores) fits the bill for what musicians might use to carry their sheet music.

Defence submissions give satisfaction, we hear (5)

Solution: PLEAS

In court, "defence submissions" are arguments presented by the defendant's side. "Give satisfaction" means to please someone. While phrased indirectly, PLEAS (arguments intended to convince the court) connects to the idea of providing satisfaction in a legal context.

To be concerned about container for firearm (7)

Solution: CARBINE

"Concerned about" suggests worry or anxiety. "Container for firearm" describes a gun case or holster. CARBINE (a lightweight rifle) makes sense because someone might be concerned about the proper storage or handling of a firearm.

Suppress a kind of racket (6)

Solution: SQUASH

"Suppress" means to stop or silence. "Racket" can refer to a noisy disturbance. SQUASH (6 letters) works well because it's both a sport involving hitting a ball with a racket and a slang term for stopping or silencing someone.

The others take father in for a meal (6)

Solution: REPAST

"The others" suggests a group of people. "Take father in" implies treating him to a meal. REPAST refers to a meal, particularly a formal or festive one, which aligns with taking someone out to eat.

When the char arrives (7)

Solution: TEATIME

"Char" can be a misspelling of "chair," but it can also be a slang term for "cup of tea" (particularly in Britain). "Arrives" suggests a specific time. TEATIME (a time for drinking tea, often in the afternoon) fits the bill.

Near a strange site for engagements (5)

Solution: ARENA

  • "Strange site for engagements" is a bit of a trick. An arena is a large stadium or venue for events.
  • While not the typical place for engagements (like proposals), ARENA (a place where contests or fights are held) works because some proposals might be elaborate productions and could be seen as a kind of public "showdown."

Align oneself with Eastern tea blend (9)


  • "Align oneself with" suggests going along with something. "Eastern tea blend" hints at a specific type of tea.
  • ORIENTATE (to position oneself in a particular direction) works here because Eastern cultures have strong traditions around tea ceremonies and etiquette. Aligning oneself with an Eastern tea blend could be a metaphorical way of embracing Eastern tea culture.

The sun shines on lovers, initially (3)

Solution: SOL

This is a double entendre. "The sun shines on lovers" is a romantic image. "Sol" is the Latin word for sun. So, SOL (3 letters) works both literally (the sun) and figuratively (as a symbol of love and happiness).

On a watery bed where there's a nude in distress! (5,3,3)


  • This clue is quite descriptive. "Watery bed" suggests something underwater. "Nude in distress" adds a layer of whimsy.
  • UNDERTHESEA (a play on "under the sea") fits because it describes the ocean floor, where a "nude" (a metaphorical personification of something lacking protection) might be "in distress" due to the harsh environment.

Make an admission as proprietors do (3)

Solution: OWN

"Proprietors" are business owners. When they "make an admission," they might acknowledge something about their product or service. OWN (3 letters) works because it suggests acknowledging ownership or responsibility.

Simon becomes a labyrinthine character (5)

Solution: MINOS

This clue is a mythological reference. "Labyrinthine" means complex and maze-like. In Greek myth, King Minos of Crete built the labyrinth that housed the Minotaur. So, MINOS (5 letters) is the answer because he's associated with a labyrinth.

Printed warning to intending skaters! (6)

Solution: NOTICE

"Printed warning" suggests a sign or posted information. "Intending skaters" implies people who plan to skate. NOTICE (6 letters) fits the bill because it's a written statement meant to inform or warn people, likely about safety precautions for skaters.

What cattle eat in Switzerland (7)

Solution: LUCERNE

This is a geographical clue. Lucerne is a type of alfalfa, a legume grown for animal feed. LUCERNE (7 letters) is a specific type of plant commonly eaten by cattle in Switzerland.

Find fault with those in the play over one entrance (9)


  • "Find fault with" means to criticize. "Those in the play" suggests actors. "One entrance" might refer to a specific part of the performance.
  • CASTIGATE (9 letters) works because it means to severely criticize someone, which could be directed at actors for a flawed entrance in a play.

The layout of Diana's place (11)


"Layout" suggests the arrangement of something. "Diana's place" might refer to her home or another space she occupies. DISPOSITION (11 letters) describes the way things are arranged or positioned, making it a good fit for the layout of Diana's place.

Sees all tiny changes in a fundamental way (11)


"Sees all tiny changes" suggests noticing even the smallest details. "In a fundamental way" implies understanding the core nature of something. ESSENTIALLY (11 letters) means at the basic level and captures the idea of noticing how tiny changes affect the fundamental nature of something.

Cautioned when instruction goes wrong (9)


  • This clue is a bit of a double entendre. "Instruction" can refer to teaching or directions. "Goes wrong" implies something negative.
  • EDUCATION (9 letters) works because it involves providing guidance, but it can also be criticized for potential flaws (like rote memorization or lack of critical thinking skills). So, the clue suggests a cautionary aspect to education.

In which one experiments with scenic arrangement before the end of the movie (7)

Solution: SCIENCE

  • This clue might be a bit misleading. Science fiction movies often depict futuristic technology that might involve manipulating landscapes.
  • However, the answer is SCIENCE (7 letters). It could be a play on words, suggesting that science fiction movies "experiment" with the way scenes are set (with fantastical landscapes) "before the end" (meaning it's all fictional).

Take back what was said about hypocrisy (6)

Solution: RECANT

"Take back what was said" means to retract a statement. "Hypocrisy" is the act of pretending to have certain beliefs while acting differently. RECANT (6 letters) perfectly fits because it describes withdrawing a previously made statement, which could be done if someone was accused of hypocrisy.

We are teetering around a sharp mountain ridge (5)

Solution: ARETE

"Teetering" suggests being precariously balanced. "Sharp mountain ridge" describes a specific geographical feature. ARETE (5 letters) refers to a narrow, jagged ridge between peaks, which perfectly captures the image of teetering on a dangerous mountain edge.

Hut is a little too big for the woman (3)

Solution: SHE

This clue is a bit of a size comparison. A hut is a small dwelling. SHE (3 letters) refers to a woman, and the clue suggests that the hut might be slightly too large for her to comfortably occupy.

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