Thomas Joseph Crossword Clues and Answers for April 11, 2024

Get into this Thomas Joseph Crossword puzzle challenge and try to solve it without exceeding the deadline, and we have covered the answers in this article.

by Gayathri

Updated Apr 11, 2024

Thomas Joseph Crossword Clues and Answers for April 11, 2024

Thomas Joseph Crossword

Solving crossword puzzles is a great way to boost your problem-solving skills as well as the strategies behind puzzles. Thomas Joseph Crossword is a tricky and challenging puzzle that can help you improve your knowledge of tackling puzzles on time. Try it in the first attempt to solve the crossword, but it requires some practice to reach higher levels of challenges. If you need help or got stuck with answers, we have included the answer for better clarity.

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"Drat!": This exclamation is used to express annoyance or frustration. The answer is CURSES, which represents a mild form of swearing or cursing often used to vent frustration or disappointment.

"Hello" singer    


"Hello" singer: Here, we're looking for the name of the artist who sings the song "Hello." The answer is ADELE, referring to the British singer-songwriter Adele, known for her powerful vocals and hit songs such as "Hello," "Someone Like You," and "Rolling in the Deep."

Avignon's river    


Avignon's river: This clue directs us to the name of a river associated with the city of Avignon. The answer is RHONE, which is a major river in France that flows through the city of Avignon, known for its scenic beauty and historical significance.

Ballet bend    


Ballet bend: This phrase describes a movement commonly seen in ballet. The answer is PLIE, which is a ballet term referring to a bending of the knees while keeping the back straight, often used as a warm-up exercise or as part of dance sequences to add grace and fluidity.

Bert's buddy    


Bert's buddy - ERNIE: In the beloved children's television show "Sesame Street," this character is Bert's cheerful and mischievous companion, known for his distinctive orange features and playful antics, delighting audiences with his lighthearted adventures and endearing friendship.



Blazing - HOT: Describing a state of intense heat or temperature, this word evokes the sensation of warmth and fervor, whether from a scorching sun, a roaring fire, or the spicy bite of chili peppers, igniting the senses with its fiery intensity.

Bomb unit    


Bomb unit - MEGATON: A unit of measurement used to quantify the explosive power of nuclear weapons, this term denotes the equivalent of one million tons of TNT, representing a staggering amount of destructive force capable of devastating entire cities and regions.

Brighton brews    


Brighton brews - ALES: In the bustling seaside town of Brighton, England, this term refers to the traditional fermented beverages known as ales, enjoyed by locals and visitors alike for their rich flavors and cultural significance, adding to the vibrant tapestry of culinary delights found in the city.

Budget item    


Budget item - RENT: A significant expense for many individuals and families, this item represents the cost of housing accommodations, whether in the form of monthly payments for a rental property or mortgage payments for homeowners, often occupying a substantial portion of one's financial resources.

Business bigwigs    


Business bigwigs - EXECS: Within the corporate world, these influential figures hold positions of power and authority as executives, overseeing strategic decision-making and management of operations within companies and organizations, guiding their success and shaping the trajectory of industries and economies.

Butter unit    


"Butter unit" - This clue refers to a standard measurement typically used for butter. The answer is "BAR," indicating a unit of butter often sold in rectangular-shaped blocks, commonly found in grocery stores or used for baking and cooking.

Casual tops    


"Casual tops" - This clue directs attention to a type of clothing typically worn in relaxed or informal settings. The answer is "TEES," referring to T-shirts, comfortable garments with short sleeves and a round neckline, commonly worn as casual attire.



"Change" - This clue suggests the act of altering or modifying something. The answer is "ALTER," indicating the action of making adjustments or amendments to a particular object, situation, or state of affairs.

Chick holder    


"Chick holder" - This clue describes an object or container used to hold and protect young birds. The answer is "EGG," representing the protective covering that encases a developing chick until it hatches, serving as its initial environment and source of nutrients.

Cowboy nickname    


"Cowboy nickname" - This clue prompts recognition of a moniker commonly associated with individuals from a particular cultural background or profession. The answer is "TEX," a nickname often used to refer to cowboys or people from the state of Texas, emphasizing their regional identity.

Cry of insight    


"Cry of insight" - This clue indicates an exclamation uttered when one suddenly understands or comprehends something. The answer is "AHA," representing the sound often made when a person experiences a moment of realization or enlightenment, signaling a breakthrough in understanding or problem-solving.

Draw attention away from    


Draw attention away from: This phrase refers to an action often seen in theater when one actor deliberately attracts attention away from another. The answer is UPSTAGE, which is a term used in theater to describe when an actor moves to a position on stage that is more prominent or closer to the audience, diverting attention from other performers.

Early hour    


Early hour: Here, we're asked for a term that represents a time of day that is early or near the beginning. The answer is ONE, which refers to the first hour of the day, typically between midnight and 1 o'clock in the morning.

Fake coin    


Fake coin: This clue points to an object that resembles a genuine currency but is not authentic. The answer is SLUG, which is a counterfeit coin or token used to deceive or defraud others, often made of a cheaper metal or material than the genuine currency.

Fix text    


Fix text: This phrase indicates the action of correcting or adjusting written material. The answer is EDIT, which refers to the process of revising, correcting, or modifying text to improve its clarity, coherence, or accuracy.

Hedge trimmers    


Hedge trimmers: This term describes a tool used for cutting and shaping hedges or bushes. The answer is PRUNERS, which are handheld gardening tools with sharp blades designed for trimming and pruning plants, particularly shrubs and small branches.



Hire: Here, we're looking for a word that means to employ or engage someone for a job or position. The answer is ENGAGE, which describes the action of formally hiring or contracting someone to perform work or services.

Indonesian island    


Indonesian island: This clue directs us to the name of an island located in Indonesia. The answer is SUMATRA, which is one of the largest islands in Indonesia, known for its diverse ecosystems, including rainforests, mountains, and wildlife habitats.

Joining forces    


Joining forces - TEAMING: This term describes the collaborative effort of individuals or groups coming together to work towards a common goal or objective, pooling their resources, skills, and expertise to achieve greater effectiveness and success through synergy and cooperation.

Kind of boom    


Kind of boom - SONIC: Referring to the rapid expansion of sound waves beyond the speed of sound, this term characterizes the phenomenon known as a sonic boom, which occurs when an object travels through the air faster than the speed of sound, creating a distinctive shockwave and loud noise.

Last letter    


Last letter - ZEE: In the English alphabet, this letter represents the final character and the 26th letter overall, known as "Zee" in American English and "Zed" in British English, marking the conclusion of the alphabetical sequence and often used in contexts such as spelling and alphabetical listings.



Madden - ENRAGE: This verb describes the act of provoking intense anger or frustration in someone, often as a result of perceived injustice, disrespect, or provocation, eliciting strong emotional reactions and inciting feelings of indignation or hostility in the affected individual.

Make amends    


Make amends - ATONE: When one seeks to rectify past wrongs or mistakes, they engage in the process of atonement, acknowledging their errors and taking steps to make reparations or seek forgiveness, demonstrating remorse and a commitment to reconciliation or redemption.

Many viral posts    


Many viral posts - MEMES: In the realm of internet culture, these humorous or poignant images, videos, or phrases spread rapidly across social media platforms, capturing the zeitgeist and reflecting shared experiences, values, and emotions within online communities, often achieving widespread popularity and recognition.

Mountain lions    


Mountain lions - COUGARS: Also known as pumas or mountain lions, these large feline predators inhabit various habitats across the Americas, ranging from mountains and forests to deserts and grasslands, where they stalk and ambush prey with their stealth and agility, embodying the apex predators of their ecosystems.

Not moving    


"Not moving" - This clue describes a state of immobility or lack of motion. The answer is "STILL," indicating a condition where there is no movement or activity, often associated with calmness or tranquility.

Out of bed    


"Out of bed" - This clue suggests the action of rising from a prone position, particularly after sleeping or resting. The answer is "RISEN," indicating the state of being upright or standing after getting out of bed, symbolizing the transition from a horizontal to a vertical position.



"Placid" - This clue refers to a serene and peaceful state, typically characterized by calmness and tranquility. The answer is "SERENE," describing a tranquil environment or demeanor, free from disturbance or agitation.

Plucked instrument    


"Plucked instrument" - This clue directs attention to a musical instrument that produces sound when its strings are plucked. The answer is "HARP," referring to a stringed instrument with a triangular frame and strings of varying lengths, played by plucking or strumming the strings to produce musical notes.

Pool need    


"Pool need" - This clue indicates an essential tool or equipment required for playing a game of pool. The answer is "CUE," referring to the long, tapered stick used by players to strike the cue ball and maneuver it around the pool table during gameplay.



"Posh" - This clue describes something stylish, sophisticated, or luxurious in appearance or demeanor. The answer is "ELEGANT," suggesting a refined and tasteful quality, often associated with gracefulness and sophistication.

Pottery coat    


"Pottery coat" - This clue refers to a type of surface covering applied to pottery to give it a glossy or shiny finish. The answer is "GLAZE," indicating the coating of glass-like material applied to pottery before firing, enhancing its appearance and durability.

Pricing word    


"Pricing word" - This clue suggests a term commonly used in indicating the cost or value of something. The answer is "PER," representing a unit of measurement or rate used to express the price or value of an item, often used in combination with other units to calculate costs or expenses.

Purple hue    


Purple hue: This clue refers to a color commonly associated with flowers and fragrances. The answer is LILAC, which is a light to medium purple color resembling the flowers of the lilac plant.

Relay section    


Relay section: Here, we're looking for a part of a relay race. The answer is LEG, which represents one segment of a relay race where a runner completes a portion of the overall distance before passing the baton to the next runner.

Run riot    


Run riot: This phrase describes a situation where there is uncontrolled and violent behavior or activity. The answer is RAMPAGE, which denotes a period of frenzied or chaotic behavior, often involving destruction or violence.

Sandy color    


Sandy color: This clue points to a shade often seen in beaches and deserts. The answer is TAN, which is a light brown color resembling the color of sand, commonly used to describe various shades of beige or light brown.



Seize: Here, we're asked for a word meaning to grab or take hold of something forcibly. The answer is GRAB, which means to take or grasp something suddenly and firmly.

Sirius, for one    


Sirius, for one: This clue refers to a celestial object commonly seen in the night sky. The answer is STAR, which represents a luminous celestial body consisting of hot gases that emit light and heat energy.

Striped cat    


Striped cat: This phrase describes a large carnivorous mammal known for its distinctive coat pattern. The answer is TIGER, which is a predatory feline species characterized by its orange coat with black stripes.

Texas player    


Texas player: Here, we're looking for the name of a sports team associated with the state of Texas. The answer is ASTRO, referring to the Houston Astros, a professional baseball team based in Houston, Texas, that competes in Major League Baseball (MLB).

Thurman of film    


Thurman of film - UMA: Known for her versatile performances in a variety of film genres, this actress has captivated audiences with her talent and presence on the silver screen, earning critical acclaim and international recognition for her roles in iconic movies such as "Pulp Fiction" and "Kill Bill."

Wise ones    


Wise ones - SAGES: Revered for their profound wisdom and insight, these individuals possess deep knowledge and experience in matters of philosophy, spirituality, and life, offering guidance and counsel to those seeking enlightenment or solutions to complex problems.

Wish granter    


Wish granter - GENIE: Popularized in folklore and fairy tales, this magical being is known for its ability to grant wishes to those who summon it, often trapped within a lamp or container until released by a fortunate seeker, embodying the allure of limitless possibilities and desires fulfilled.

Yoga needs    


Yoga needs - MATS: Essential equipment for practitioners of yoga, these padded surfaces provide cushioning and support during various poses and exercises, enhancing comfort and stability while practicing mindfulness, flexibility, and strength on the mat.

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