Top 10 Mythical Creatures - Legendary Beauties and Beasts

In this article, you can know about the top 10 mythical creatures that are amazing in their own way, scroll down to know more about these Mythical creatures.

by Krishika M

Updated Apr 27, 2023

Top 10 Mythical Creatures - Legendary Beauties and Beasts

Mythical Creatures

Mythical creatures are creatures from legends and folklore that are believed to exist in the imagination or the supernatural world rather than in the real world. They often possess extraordinary abilities or characteristics that set them apart from ordinary animals or humans.

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These creatures come from a wide range of cultural and historical sources, and many of them have been depicted in art, literature, and popular culture. They can take many forms, including humanoids, animals, or hybrids of the two, and are often imbued with symbolic or metaphorical meanings that reflect the beliefs and values of the cultures from which they originate.

Some common examples of mythical creatures include dragons, unicorns, griffins, and centaurs, among others.

Mythical creatures are fantastical beings that appear in myths, legends, and folklore from around the world. They are often depicted as having extraordinary or supernatural powers and abilities and are sometimes worshipped or feared as gods or demons.

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These creatures can take many forms, such as animals, monsters, hybrids, or supernatural beings. Some of the most well-known mythical creatures include dragons, unicorns, griffins, centaurs, and minotaurs. Many of these creatures are known for their incredible strength, agility, or magical abilities, and are often depicted as having an important role in the myths or stories in which they appear.

Mythical creatures can also serve various roles in the stories in which they appear, such as acting as symbols, representing human traits or values, or serving as plot devices. Some are used to teach important moral lessons, while others are used to explain natural phenomena or supernatural events.

Top 10 Mythical Creatures

Here is the list of the top 10 mythical creatures:


Mythical Creatures




Greek and Roman



Greek and Roman


The Chimera




Greek and Roman



Greek and Roman


The Minotaur



The Kraken






The Sphinx

Greek and Egyptian


Mermaids (a.k.a. Sirens) 

Many cultures

1. Centaurs (Greek and Roman)

In Greek mythology, the centaur or hippocentaur is a creature with the upper body of a human and the lower body of a horse. According to one legend, the creation of the centaur can be traced back to Ixion, a mortal king who was invited to dine with the gods on Mount Olympus. During his visit, Ixion developed an infatuation with Hera, the wife of Zeus, and attempted to seduce her.

When Hera reported Ixion's behavior to her husband, Zeus decided to test her claims. He created a cloud in the shape of a beautiful nymph named Nephele, which he placed near Ixion. The mortal king was deceived by the illusion and proceeded to rape the cloud, mistaking it for Hera.

As a result of this union, Nephele gave birth to a son named Centaurus, who inherited both human and equine characteristics. Centaurus went on to sire many children with mares, giving rise to the race of centaurs who would roam the earth, embodying a blend of human and animal nature. Thus, the centaur was born from the illicit union of a mortal and a divine illusion.

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Top 10 Mythical Creatures - Legendary Beauties and Beasts

2. Basilisks (Greek and Roman)

According to Roman and Greek mythology, the basilisk, also known as a cockatrice, is a fearsome creature that is part bird and part snake. Its name comes from the Latin word "basiliscus," which means "little king." The basilisk is believed to be born from a serpent's egg that has been incubated by a cockerel. The resulting creature is said to be the king of all serpents and one of the deadliest creatures in mythology.

The basilisk's power lies in its ability to kill with a single glare. Legend has it that even catching a glimpse of its eyes can be fatal, making it a creature to be greatly feared. The basilisk is also believed to be extremely hostile towards humans, and its venom is said to be incredibly potent. In fact, it is said that the venom of a basilisk is so toxic that it can kill a man from a distance of up to one meter.

There are many stories of the basilisk's deadly power. In one tale, a warrior who attempted to slay the basilisk with a spear was killed when the venom traveled up the weapon and into his body. The venom was so potent that it not only killed the warrior but also his horse.

Despite its terrifying reputation, the basilisk has appeared in literature and popular culture throughout history, including in J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter series. In these stories, the basilisk is depicted as a deadly creature that can only be defeated by the hero's bravery and skill.

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Top 10 Mythical Creatures - Legendary Beauties and Beasts

3. The Chimera (Greek)

In Greek mythology, the Chimera is a ferocious monster that comes from Asia Minor. The creature has the body of a lion, but with a goat's head protruding from its back and a serpent for a tail. Most notably, the goat's head is said to have the ability to breathe fire, making the Chimera one of the most terrifying creatures in mythology.

According to legend, the Chimera was responsible for destroying many villages and killing numerous people and cattle before King Iobates called upon the hero Bellerophon to slay the beast. Despite the Chimera's immense strength, cunning, and venomous bite, Bellerophon was undeterred. Riding on the back of his winged horse, Pegasus, Bellerophon engaged the Chimera in a fierce battle.

Bellerophon eventually succeeded in defeating the Chimera by driving a lead-tipped spear into her flaming mouth, causing the molten metal to choke her. This heroic act cemented Bellerophon's place in mythology as a great hero who had successfully taken down one of the most fearsome creatures in the world.

The Chimera has continued to capture the imagination of people throughout history, appearing in numerous works of literature, art, and popular culture. It has become a symbol of the power and danger of mythical beasts, and a reminder of the bravery and courage that is required to face them.

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Top 10 Mythical Creatures - Legendary Beauties and Beasts

4. Medusa (Greek and Roman)

In Greek mythology, Medusa was one of the three Gorgon sisters, known for their terrifying appearance and ability to turn people to stone. Unlike her immortal sisters, Medusa was a mortal woman, renowned for her beauty. However, her fate took a dark turn when she was raped by Poseidon in Athena's temple.

In response to this violation, Athena transformed Medusa into a hideous creature with snakes for hair and the ability to turn anyone who looked into her eyes to stone. Medusa became a pariah, shunned by society and forced to flee to the deserts of Africa, where snakes would fall from her hair and give birth to many of the continent's poisonous serpents.

Medusa's story takes a heroic turn when the hero Perseus is tasked with slaying her. Using Athena's shield as a mirror, Perseus was able to avoid looking directly at Medusa and beheaded her while she slept. From the blood of her decapitated head, two creatures were born: Chrysaor and the winged horse, Pegasus.

Medusa's story has endured throughout the ages and has become a symbol of female strength and resilience in the face of adversity. Her image has been depicted in countless works of art and literature, and her legacy lives on as a cautionary tale of the dangers of pride and hubris.

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Top 10 Mythical Creatures - Legendary Beauties and Beasts

5. Cyclopes (Greek and Roman)

In Greek mythology, the Cyclopes were a race of giant one-eyed monsters with incredible strength and skill. According to Hesiod's Theogony, the Cyclopes were born to the primordial deities Uranus and Gaea, and were known for their exceptional craftsmanship as blacksmiths.

In fact, it was the Cyclopes who created some of the most iconic weapons of Greek mythology, including Zeus's thunderbolt, Hades' helmet of invisibility, and Poseidon's trident. These powerful weapons were instrumental in the defeat of the Titans and the establishment of the Olympian gods as the ruling pantheon.

However, in Homer's epic poem "The Odyssey," the Cyclopes take on a different persona. Here, they are depicted as violent and dimwitted creatures, with Polyphemus serving as the most well-known example. In this tale, Polyphemus attempts to eat the hero Odysseus and his crew, but is ultimately defeated when Odysseus blinds him with a burning stake and escapes.

Despite their differing portrayals in mythology, the Cyclopes remain a popular and enduring symbol of strength, craftsmanship, and the power of the gods. Their legacy has been immortalized in countless works of art and literature, and they continue to captivate and inspire people today.

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Top 10 Mythical Creatures - Legendary Beauties and Beasts

6. The Minotaur (Greek)

The Minotaur is a legendary creature from Greek mythology with the body of a man and the head of a bull. The mythological creature was believed to have lived in the Labyrinth, which was an elaborate maze below the palace of King Minos in Crete.

The story of the Minotaur begins with King Minos who was given a beautiful white bull by the sea god, Poseidon. But instead of sacrificing it as he was supposed to, Minos kept the bull, and this made Poseidon very angry. To punish Minos, Poseidon made the king's wife, Pasiphae, fall in love with the bull. As a result of this unnatural union, Pasiphae gave birth to the Minotaur.

The Minotaur had an insatiable appetite for human flesh and was kept imprisoned in the Labyrinth by King Minos. As a result, the king demanded a tribute of seven Athenian youths and seven maidens every nine years to feed the monster. Theseus, the son of the King of Athens, volunteered to be one of the victims and set out to slay the Minotaur.

Upon his arrival in Crete, Theseus met the daughter of King Minos, Ariadne, who fell in love with him and offered to help him defeat the Minotaur. She gave Theseus a sword to fight the monster and a ball of thread to guide him through the Labyrinth and back out. Theseus followed the thread to find his way out of the maze after slaying the Minotaur.

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With the help of Ariadne, Theseus succeeded in killing the Minotaur and finding his way out of the Labyrinth. He took Ariadne with him back to Athens, but on the way, he abandoned her on the island of Naxos. The myth of the Minotaur has inspired numerous works of art and literature over the centuries, and its tale remains one of the most famous in Greek mythology.

Top 10 Mythical Creatures - Legendary Beauties and Beasts

7. The Kraken (Scandinavian)

The Kraken is a mythical sea monster of immense size in Scandinavian folklore, said to inhabit the waters off the coasts of Norway and Greenland. It is typically depicted as resembling a giant squid or octopus, with long, writhing tentacles and a body that can reach extraordinary proportions. Some versions of the myth even describe it as having a crab-like appearance, with a hard exoskeleton and sharp claws.

Legend has it that the Kraken is capable of attacking and destroying ships, with tales of the monster pulling entire vessels and their crew into the depths of the ocean. It is also said to have the ability to create massive whirlpools that can drag ships under, with sailors reportedly hearing its terrifying roar as it approaches.

While the existence of the Kraken is purely mythical, it is believed that the story may have originated from sightings of real-life giant squids. These massive creatures can grow up to 18 meters in length and have been known to attack ships, inspiring tales of sea monsters that have persisted throughout history.

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Top 10 Mythical Creatures - Legendary Beauties and Beasts

8. Cerberus (Greek)

In Greek mythology, Cerberus is a fearsome creature who stands guard at the entrance to the Underworld. He is depicted as a massive dog with three heads, each of which represents a different aspect of time: past, present, and future. Additionally, Cerberus has a serpent's tail, a mane made of snakes, and lion-like claws.

The role of Cerberus was to prevent the dead from leaving the underworld and to keep the living from entering. He was fiercely loyal to his master, Hades, and was known to be virtually invincible. His deadly breath, venomous saliva, and razor-sharp teeth made him a formidable opponent for any mortal who dared to cross his path.

In some myths, Cerberus could be subdued by music or a particular herb, and in others, heroes such as Heracles and Orpheus were able to overcome him through strength and cunning. Despite his terrifying appearance and fearsome reputation, Cerberus was an essential part of Greek mythology and a symbol of the finality of death.

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Top 10 Mythical Creatures - Legendary Beauties and Beasts

9. The Sphinx (Greek and Egyptian)

The Sphinx is a creature that appears in the mythology of both Greece and Egypt, although there are some differences in their depictions. In Greek mythology, the Sphinx was depicted as a woman with the wings of a bird and the body of a lion.

She is often portrayed as a cunning and dangerous creature who preyed on travelers. In contrast, in ancient Egyptian mythology, the Sphinx was considered a symbol of royal power and was often depicted with the face of a pharaoh.

The most famous story involving the Sphinx comes from Greek mythology. According to the myth, the Sphinx took up residence outside the city of Thebes and asked travelers a riddle: "What creature walks on four legs in the morning, two legs in the afternoon, and three legs in the evening?" Those who could not solve the riddle were devoured by the Sphinx.

Oedipus, the hero of the story, was able to solve the riddle, answering that the creature was man - crawling on all fours as a baby, walking on two legs as an adult, and using a cane as an elderly person. With the riddle solved, the Sphinx was so frustrated and ashamed that she killed herself.

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The story of the Sphinx has become a classic example of a riddle or puzzle that requires careful thought and analysis to solve. It has also been a popular subject in art and literature throughout history.

Top 10 Mythical Creatures - Legendary Beauties and Beasts

10. Mermaids (a.k.a. Sirens) (Many cultures)

Mermaids, also known as sirens, are mythical creatures that have captivated human imagination for centuries. They are usually depicted as having the upper body of a woman and the lower body of a fish, with a beautiful voice that lures sailors to their deaths.

In various legends, mermaids are said to be able to control the sea and weather, causing storms, shipwrecks, and drownings. They are often portrayed as malicious and dangerous, tempting men to their doom with their enchanting songs.

Mermen, on the other hand, are their male counterparts, and although they are less well-known, they are just as feared. In some legends, they are described as handsome, muscular beings with the tail of a fish. Like mermaids, they are believed to have the power to summon storms and sink ships, but they are also said to be able to control the tides and waves.

Despite the danger associated with these creatures, mermaids and mermen remain popular figures in art, literature, and popular culture, inspiring countless tales of love, adventure, and tragedy in the deep blue sea.

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Top 10 Mythical Creatures - Legendary Beauties and Beasts

Strongest Mythical Creature

In Greek mythology, Typhon is known as the "Father of all Monsters." He was born as the last child of Gaia, the goddess of the Earth, and Tartarus, the god of the underworld. Typhon is considered one of the most powerful and deadliest creatures in Greek mythology, feared by gods and mortals alike.

Typhon is usually depicted as a massive serpentine creature with multiple heads and wings. Some versions of the myth describe him as having hundreds of dragon heads and the ability to breathe fire. According to legend, Typhon was so tall that his head touched the stars, and his arms were so long that he could reach both the east and west horizons simultaneously.

Typhon was seen as a force of chaos and destruction, and he was responsible for some of the most catastrophic events in Greek mythology. He fought against the gods in the Titanomachy and was defeated by Zeus, who struck him down with a thunderbolt and buried him under a mountain. However, it was believed that Typhon would one day break free from his prison and wreak havoc on the world once again.

Legendary Creatures that Capture the Imagination

Here are five more legendary creatures that capture the imagination:

Chimera: The Chimera is a fire-breathing monster from Greek mythology, with the head of a lion, the body of a goat, and the tail of a serpent. It was said to terrorize Lycia, and was eventually defeated by the hero Bellerophon.

Phoenix: The Phoenix is a mythical bird from Egyptian mythology, known for its ability to be reborn from its own ashes. It was said to live for hundreds of years before bursting into flames and then being reborn anew.

Yeti: The Yeti, also known as the Abominable Snowman, is a legendary creature said to inhabit the snowy mountains of Nepal, Tibet, and Bhutan. It is described as a large, ape-like creature with white fur, and is believed by many to be a real, undiscovered species.

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Centaur: The Centaur is a creature from Greek mythology, with the upper body of a human and the lower body of a horse. They were said to be wild and uncontrollable, but also had a reputation for their wisdom and intelligence.

Dragon: Dragons are mythical creatures found in many different cultures around the world, from Chinese mythology to European folklore. They are typically portrayed as large, winged reptiles with sharp teeth and claws, and are often associated with fire and destruction. However, in some cultures, dragons are revered as powerful and wise creatures that bring good luck and fortune.

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Top 10 Mythical Creatures - FAQs

1. Are dragons real?

No, dragons are purely mythical creatures and do not exist in reality.

2. What is the origin of the unicorn myth?

The myth of the unicorn likely originated from various ancient stories and legends, and has been a part of many different cultures throughout history.

3. What makes Medusa's head so dangerous?

Medusa's head is said to have the power to turn people to stone, which makes it a powerful weapon in Greek mythology.

4. Did mermaids ever really exist?

There is no evidence to suggest that mermaids, or any other similar aquatic creatures, ever existed in reality.

5. What is the connection between the Kraken and giant squids?

It is believed that the myth of the Kraken could have originated from sightings of giant squids, which can grow up to 18 meters in length and are rarely seen by humans.
