Universal Crossword Puzzle for March 25, 2024

Solve your Universal Crossword Puzzle for Today and get the answer. Let’s see the clear explanation for the given hint in this article.

by Keerthika

Updated Mar 25, 2024

Universal Crossword Puzzle for March 25, 2024

Universal Crossword

The Universal Crossword is a game which everyone should experience. This crossword game helps us in so many ways like improving our skills and developing critical thinking abilities. For a possible answer and simple clue explanation, check and visit our page for the day to day universal crossword puzzles.

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Not together

Answer: APART

When Things Are "Not Together," They Are "Apart" From Each Other, Indicating a Spatial or Relational Distance Between Them.

Follow, as rules

Answer: OBEY 

When someone "follows" rules, they "OBEY" them. This word signifies compliance or adherence to the regulations or guidelines specified.

___ pal

Answer: GAL

GAL pal is often used to refer to a close female friend. It's a casual and friendly way to describe a female companion or buddy. Therefore, "GAL" is the appropriate word to complete the phrase, forming the expression "GAL pal."


Answer: MELEE

A "Brawl" Typically Refers to a Noisy, Disorderly, and Often Violent Fight Involving a Group of People. Similarly, a "Melee" Describes a Confused and Chaotic Situation Where Numerous Individuals Are Engaged in Rough or Violent Activity. Therefore, "Melee" is the Fitting Answer as It Captures the Essence of a Disorderly and Tumultuous Altercation Involving Multiple Participants.

Was a passenger on


Was a Passenger on" a Vehicle or an Animal, They "Rode" It. This Word Signifies the Action of Traveling as a Passenger, Indicating That the Person Was Not the One Driving or Controlling the Mode of Transportation but Rather Being Transported by It. Therefore, "Rode" is the Appropriate Answer, Indicating the Act of Being a Passenger on a Vehicle or Animal.

Solo such as "La donna e mobile"

Answer: ARIA

The clue "Solo such as 'La donna e mobile'" suggests that we're looking for a term that describes a type of solo performance, and it's exemplified by the piece "La donna e mobile. An aria is a solo vocal piece within an opera, typically expressing the emotions or thoughts of a character. "La donna e mobile" is a famous aria from Giuseppe Verdi's opera "Rigoletto," sung by the Duke of Mantua. So, the term "ARIA" fits perfectly as it encapsulates the idea of a solo performance, particularly within the context of opera.

Skirmish at a wedding dress shop?


"Skirmish at a wedding dress shop?" suggests that we're looking for a word that fits into the pattern _ _ _ _ _ _ _ T, and it's related to a commotion or conflict that might occur at a wedding dress shop.Given the context of a wedding dress shop, the word that comes to mind is "BRIDESBOUT." This word combines "brides" and "bout," with "bout" referring to a short period of intense activity or a fight, which fits the idea of a skirmish. So, "BRIDESBOUT" could represent a commotion or altercation happening among brides or regarding wedding dresses in a shop setting.

Old MacDonald had one

Answer: FARM 

"FARM." In the song, Old MacDonald is depicted as a farmer, and the song's lyrics typically describe the various animals and sounds found on his farm. So, when the clue mentions "Old MacDonald had one," it refers to the fact that Old MacDonald had a farm, where he kept animals like cows, ducks, pigs, and more. Therefore, "FARM" is the fitting answer to this clue.


Answer: USES

"USES." When someone employs something, they are utilizing it for a particular purpose or task. "USES" fits this description perfectly, as it is a verb that means to employ or make use of something. So, "USES" is the appropriate answer to the clue "Employs."

“…..the season..."

Answer: TIS

TIS." The phrase "‘Tis the season..." is a well-known expression often used during the holiday season, especially around Christmas. It signifies that it is the appropriate time for particular activities or traditions associated with the season, such as giving gifts, spending time with loved ones, or spreading joy and cheer.

Soup scoop

Answer: LADLE 

The clue "Soup scoop" The answer to this is "LADLE." A ladle is a long-handled spoon with a deep bowl, designed for scooping and serving liquids, particularly soups and stews. It's an essential kitchen tool for transferring liquid from a pot or a bowl into individual serving containers.

Moral wrong

Answer: SIN 

Moral wrong suggests that we're searching for a term that denotes an action or behavior that is considered morally incorrect or unacceptable. "SIN." In moral and religious contexts, a sin refers to an action that transgresses against divine law or moral principles. It implies a violation of ethical standards and often carries connotations of guilt or wrongdoing.

Boston hockey player sculpted out of a dairy product?


Boston hockey player sculpted out of a dairy product? The answer to this is "BUTTERBRUIN." This term combines "BUTTER," a dairy product, with "BRUIN," which is a nickname for the Boston Bruins, a professional hockey team based in Boston. The Boston Bruins are a well-known team in the National Hockey League (NHL),

Impulsive hurry

Answer: HASTE

HASTE." Haste refers to the state of being in a hurry or rushing to do something without taking the time to consider the consequences thoroughly. It implies an impulsive or rash decision-making process, often driven by urgency or impatience

Batters who don't play the field, briefly

Answer: DHS

Batters who don’t play the field, briefly suggests that we're looking for a term or abbreviation that describes baseball players who only bat and do not take part in defensive positions.

"DHS" In baseball, "DH" stands for "designated hitter." This player is designated to bat in place of the pitcher in the lineup, allowing them to focus solely on their batting performance without needing to play a defensive position in the field.

Insect with a leaf-cutter variety

Answer: ANT

Insect with a leaf-cutter variety" suggests that we're looking for a type of insect that includes a variety known for cutting leaves. "ANT." Ants are social insects known for their highly organized colonies. Among the different species of ants, there is a variety commonly referred to as leaf-cutter ants.

Gender-affirming treatment: Abbr.

Answer: HRT

Gender-affirming treatment: Abbr." "HRT." HRT stands for Hormone Replacement Therapy, which is a medical treatment often used as part of gender-affirming care for transgender individuals.

Game with Skip cards

Answer: UNO

Game with Skip cards "UNO." UNO is a popular card game played with a specially printed deck. In UNO, Skip cards are one of the types of special cards that allow players to skip the next player's turn when played.


Answer: ATE

Dined suggests that we're looking for a word that describes the action of eating a meal. "ATE." "ATE" is the past tense form of the verb "eat." When someone dined, they consumed food during a meal, and "ATE" perfectly fits this description.

Shiny bracelets?


Shiny bracelets? that we're looking for a term or phrase that describes bracelets that are shiny or luminous."BRIGHTBANGLES." This term combines "BRIGHT," indicating something shiny or luminous, with "BANGLES," which are typically decorative bracelets worn around the wrist.

___ Alamos

Answer: LOS

 "LOS." When combined with "Alamos," it forms the place name "Los Alamos." "Los Alamos" is a location in the United States, particularly known for its association with the Los Alamos National Laboratory, which played a crucial role in the development of the atomic bomb during World War II.

Bourbon alternative

Answer: RYE

Bourbon alternative" that we're for a type of alcoholic beverage that can serve as an alternative to bourbon. "RYE." Rye whiskey is a type of whiskey that is similar to bourbon but is made primarily from rye grain instead of corn.

Snaky fish

Answer: EEL

Snaky fish, slender body resembling a snake. "EEL." Eels are elongated fish with snake-like bodies, lacking pelvic fins and having relatively small pectoral fins.


Answer: SUM 

"Total" is likely asking for a word that means the sum or aggregate of something. "SUM," as indicated below the clue. "SUM" is a word that directly means the result of adding numbers together.

What some Midwesterners call soda

Answer: POP

POP" is often used by Midwesterners to refer to carbonated soft drinks, which are commonly known as soda in other parts of the United States. This regional variation in terminology reflects the diverse linguistic landscape within the country.

Liability’s opposite

Answer: ASSET

"liability" refers to an obligation or debt that a company owes to another entity. The opposite of a liability would be an asset, which is something of value that a company owns or controls, and which can be used to generate future economic benefits.

Getting sand in your bikini bottom, say?


"Getting sand in your bikini bottom, say?" implies a situation where someone is experiencing annoyance or discomfort, specifically due to sand getting into their bikini bottom while at the beach. The answer to this clue is "BEACHBOTHER." In this context, "BEACHBOTHER" combines "beach" with "bother" to create a term that encapsulates the irritation or inconvenience caused by sand in one's bikini bottom.

Experiencing little to no romantic attraction, for short

Answer: ARO

Experiencing little to no romantic attraction, for short," the phrase "for short" indicates that we're looking for an abbreviation or shortened form of the term describing a lack of romantic attraction. "ARO," which stands for "aromantic." Aromantic individuals experience little to no romantic attraction towards others. Therefore, in this context, "ARO" is the abbreviation used to represent this lack of romantic attraction.

Certain prenatal test, familiarly

Answer: AMNIO

Certain prenatal test, familiarly" suggests that we're looking for a term that refers to a prenatal test, and it's something that people might refer to in a familiar or shortened way. The answer to this clue is "AMNIO."

Issa of "Insecure"

Answer: RAE

"Issa Rae" is an American actress, writer, and producer who gained prominence for her role as Issa Dee on the HBO television series "Insecure." The clue is asking for the actress's name, and since her character's name is Issa, the answer is simply "RAE," which is her last name.

Fuzzy image

Answer: BLUR

Fuzzy image" likely refers to a term associated with image processing or photography. One common term that fits this description is "BLUR."

Word before "canal" or "beer"

Answer: ROOT

Root is the Word That Comes Before "Canal" to Form "Root Canal" and Before "Beer" to Form "Root Beer." These Are Both Common Compound Terms Where "Root" Serves as the First Word.

Interfere with a radar system?


"interfere with a radar system" means to disrupt its functionality. In the context of the crossword question, "BLOCKBLIPS" suggests a method of interference. This likely refers to the act of blocking or obstructing the radar system's ability to detect signals or blips, which are indicative of objects or targets in its range. By blocking these blips, the radar system would be unable to accurately track or identify targets, leading to interference with its normal operation.

What nomads do

Answer: ROVE 

Nomads are groups of people who move from place to place rather than settling permanently in one location. The term "ROVE" encapsulates the primary activity associated with nomads: roaming or wandering. Nomadic lifestyles involve frequent movement across landscapes in search of resources such as food, water, and pasture for their livestock.

Corner piece in 65-Across

Answer: ROOK

Corner piece in 65-Across likely indicates that we need to find a word related to a corner that fits into a specific position in the answer to 65-Across. Given that "ROOK" is the solution, In chess, the rook is usually placed in the corner squares of the board at the beginning of the game. So, "ROOK" is a fitting answer to the clue "Corner piece in 65-Across."

Division of "The Divine Comedy"

Answer: CANTO

The Divine Comedy," which is one of the greatest works of world literature, Dante Alighieri takes the reader on a journey through Hell (Inferno), Purgatory (Purgatorio), and Heaven (Paradiso). Each of these sections is further divided into smaller units called "Cantos.

Press (manicure option)

Answer: ONS

The clue "Press (manicure option)" In the world of manicures, there are various options for enhancing the appearance of nails. One popular choice is "Press-Ons." Press-Ons are artificial nails that come pre-designed and can be easily attached to natural nails using adhesive.

European peaks

Answer: ALPS

European peaks," the answer is "ALPS." This clue likely refers to the famous mountain range in Europe known as the Alps.

Mating competition?

Answer: CHESS

Mating Competition" in the Context of Chess Refers to the Strategic Goal of Putting the Opponent's King in a Position Where It is Threatened With Capture, Known as Checkmate. In Chess, Players Strive to Outmaneuver Their Opponent's Pieces to Create Opportunities for a Decisive Attack on the Enemy King. This Process Involves Tactical Calculations, Positional Understanding, and Long-term Planning.

Attack by surprise  

Answer: AMBUSH

"AMBUSH" is the answer to the crossword clue "Attack by surprise." An ambush is a military tactic where attackers surprise their opponents by lying in wait and striking unexpectedly. This strategy is often employed to gain the element of surprise, catch the enemy off guard, and inflict maximum damage or disruption. In essence, an ambush involves careful planning and coordination to execute a sudden and effective attack. So, the answer "AMBUSH" fits the clue perfectly, as it succinctly captures the idea of a surprise attack.

Iran, historically  

Answer: PERSIA

Iran, known as Persia in historical contexts, has a rich and storied past. The name "Persia" has deep historical roots and is often associated with ancient civilizations and empires that thrived in the region. 

Unearthly life forms  

Answer:  ALIENS

The clue hints at creatures that are not from Earth, often depicted in science fiction as coming from other planets or galaxies. "ALIENS," which fits the definition of unearthly life forms.

Cincinnati baseball team

 Answer:  REDS

Cincinnati baseball team" suggests that we're looking for the name of the professional baseball team based in Cincinnati, Ohio. In this context, the answer is "REDS".

It may have a V-neck  

Answer: TEE

 It may have a V-neck" suggests that we're looking for a type of garment that commonly features a V-shaped neckline. In this context, the answer is "TEE".

Eye hole?  

Answer: ORBIT

Eye hole?" that we're looking for a term related to the anatomy of the eye. In this context, the answer is "ORBIT".

Raise, as morale  

Answer: BOOST

 Raise, as morale that we're looking for a term that means to improve or elevate the spirits or confidence of a person or a group."BOOST".

End of an academic URL 

Answer: EDU

"End of an academic URL" indicates that we need to identify the last part of a web address (URL) associated with educational institutions. In this context, the answer is "EDU".

“Even so …” 

 Answer:  YET

Even so ... that we're looking for a term used to introduce a contrasting or unexpected statement following a previous point. "YET".

One who’s done with school


"One who's done with school" suggests that we're looking for a term that describes someone who has successfully completed their education at a certain level, such as high school or college. In this context, the answer is "GRADUATE".

Delta and United, for two 


 "Delta and United, for two" suggests that we're looking for a term that describes the category to which Delta and United belong. In this context, the answer is "AIRLINES".


Answer: LAMENT

"Bemoan" that we're looking for a term that means to express sorrow, grief, or regret about something. In this context, the answer is "LAMENT".

In the distance

Answer: AFAR

"In the distance" that we're looking for a term that describes something located far away or at a considerable distance. In this context, the answer is "AFAR".

Disco ___ of “The Simpsons” 

  Answer: STU

Disco ___ of 'The Simpsons that we're looking for a character's name from "The Simpsons" television show associated with disco. In this context, the answer is "STU".

Abbr. in a birth announcement  

Answer: LBS

 In a birth announcement, "LBS" could stand for "pounds." When a baby's weight is mentioned in a birth announcement, it's common to use the abbreviation "lbs" to indicate pounds. So, the answer to the crossword clue "Abbr. in a birth announcement" would be "LBS" for pounds.

Icy hazard for a ship 

Answer: BERG

An "icy hazard for a ship" refers to a large mass of floating ice in the ocean, which is commonly known as an iceberg. Therefore, the answer to the crossword clue "Icy hazard for a ship" is "BERG," which is a shortened form of "iceberg." Icebergs pose significant risks to ships as they can damage or even sink vessels that collide with them.

Poet St. Vincent Millay  

Answer: EDNA

Poet St. Vincent Millay suggests a specific poet's name that fits into the crossword puzzle. Here's the explanation along with the answer: EDNA is the answer. It refers to Edna St. Vincent Millay, an American poet and playwright who rose to prominence in the early 20th century. Known for her lyrical poetry and sonnets, Millay's works often explored themes of love, feminism, and social justice.

River at Lyon  

Answer: RHONE

River at Lyon indicates a specific river that flows through the city of Lyon. Here's the explanation along with the answer: The answer is "RHONE." The Rhône is a major river in Europe that runs through Switzerland and France, with Lyon being one of the significant cities situated along its course.

Not that  

 Answer: THIS

Not that  Here's the explanation along with the answer: The answer is "THIS." When someone says "Not that," they are typically referring to something else, and in this context, "THIS" serves as a direct contrast or alternative.


Answer: THROB

Palpitate, often associated with the beating or pulsating of the heart. Here's the explanation along with the answer: The answer is "THROB." When something palpitates, it often means it's pulsating or beating rapidly and strongly. Similarly, when something is described as "throbbing," it implies a strong, rhythmic pulsation or beating, often felt as a sensation of intense and regular movement.

Purple yam

Answer: UBE

Purple yam a term that refers to a specific type of yam that is purple in color. Here's the explanation along with the answer: The answer is "UBE." Ube is a type of yam that is native to Southeast Asia and is known for its vibrant purple color. It is widely used in various culinary applications, particularly in Filipino cuisine, where it is prized for its distinct flavor and color.

“___ fair in love and war”

Answer: ALLS

___ fair in love and war is a well-known saying that implies that anything is acceptable or allowed in the pursuit of love or during times of conflict. Here's the explanation along with the answer:  "ALL'S." The phrase "All's fair in love and war"  matters of both love and warfare, any means or tactics may be considered justifiable or acceptable, regardless of whether they are considered fair or moral in other contexts.

Rare occasion, metaphorically  


Rare occasion, metaphorically  Here's the explanation along with the answer: The answer is "BLUEMOON." The term "blue moon" is used metaphorically to describe an event that occurs very rarely or only once in a while. In astronomy, a blue moon traditionally refers to the second full moon that occurs within a calendar month. Since full moons happen approximately every 29.5 days, having two full moons in one month is considered uncommon, hence the phrase "once in a blue moon."

Some patrons of Rasputin  


Some patrons of Rasputin  historical group or family associated with Rasputin, the infamous Russian mystic and advisor to the Romanov family, who were the last imperial dynasty to rule Russia. The Romanovs were patrons of Rasputin, particularly Tsar Nicholas II and his wife, Empress Alexandra. Rasputin gained significant influence over the Romanovs due to his perceived ability to help their son, Tsarevich Alexei, who suffered from hemophilia.

Mistake in an email 

 Answer: TYPO

"Mistake in an email" likely refers to a common error that occurs when typing or composing an email.  A "typo" is a shorthand for "typographical error," which is a mistake made during the typing or printing process.


  Answer: GEAR

 "Accoutrements" refers to additional items or equipment associated with a particular activity or purpose. It implies the accessories or Gear that one might use in a specific context.

Pizza place popular in food courts  

Answer: SBARRO

When someone mentions a "Pizza place popular in food courts," they are likely referring to Sbarro, a well-known pizza chain that has a significant presence in food courts across various locations. Therefore, "SBARRO" fits perfectly as the answer to this crossword clue.

National dish of Vietnam

Answer: PHO

 National dish of Vietnam, they are referring to pho, a traditional Vietnamese noodle soup that has gained worldwide popularity. Pho is celebrated for its rich broth, rice noodles, and various toppings, making it an iconic representation of Vietnamese culinary heritage. Therefore, "PHO" is the correct answer to this crossword clue.

Contact lens solution 

Answer: SALINE

 "Contact lens solution," they are typically talking about saline solution, which is a sterile solution containing salt that is used to clean, rinse, and store contact lenses. Saline solution helps to keep lenses moist and comfortable for wear. Therefore, "SALINE" is the correct answer to this crossword clue.


Answer: ERUPTS

Explodes, it means there's a sudden and violent release of energy, often accompanied by loud noise, forceful ejection of material, or both. "ERUPTS" perfectly captures this description, as it denotes a sudden bursting forth or outburst, commonly associated with volcanoes, geysers, or even emotions. Therefore, "ERUPTS" is the correct answer to this crossword clue.

Sculpted midsections  

Answer: TORSOS

Sculpted midsections suggests that we're looking for a word that describes the middle portion of the body, particularly in a toned or well-defined manner. In anatomy, the term for this area is "torso." The torso encompasses the chest, abdomen, and back, and it's often associated with fitness and sculpting exercises aimed at toning these areas. Therefore, "TORSOS" is the appropriate answer, as it refers to the sculpted midsections described in the clue.

Give credit to  

Answer: CITE

Give credit to" when we mention the origin of something, such as a quote, fact, or concept, we "cite" it. This term is commonly used in academic writing, journalism, and other forms of communication to provide proper attribution. Therefore, "CITE" is the appropriate answer, as it fits the context of the clue.

Batch of Brownies?  

Answer: TROOP

Batch of Brownies?" uses wordplay to hint at a different meaning than what might be initially perceived. While "Batch of Brownies" might typically refer to a group of baked chocolate treats, in this context, it's hinting at another kind of batch - a group or gathering. "Brownies" can also refer to a level in the Girl Scouts organization, which is composed of young girls. These groups are often referred to as "troops." Therefore, "TROOP" is the appropriate answer, as it fits the wordplay used in the clue to convey the idea of a batch or group.

Talentless writers  

Answer: HACKS

 Talentless writers "hack" is often used to describe someone who produces mediocre or uninspired writing, typically for quick financial gain rather than for artistic or creative purposes. "Hack" can also refer to someone who performs dull, routine tasks without much skill or enthusiasm. Therefore, "HACKS" is the appropriate answer, as it fits the description of talentless writers provided in the clue.

“A mouse!”  

Answer: EEK

A mouse! is an exclamation surprise, typically in response to encountering a small rodent like a mouse. "EEK" is an onomatopoeic expression often used to represent a startled or frightened reaction, especially when encountering something unexpected or alarming, such as a mouse. It mimics the sound someone might make when startled or scared. Therefore, "EEK" is the appropriate answer, as it reflects the startled reaction indicated in the clue.


Answer: BLAH

Unexciting that we're looking for a word that describes something dull, boring, or lacking in interest. "BLAH" is an informal term often used to express a feeling of boredom or indifference. It conveys a sense of monotony or lack of excitement. People might describe something as "blah" when they find it uninteresting or uninspiring. Therefore, "BLAH" is the appropriate answer, as it fits the description of something unexciting provided in the clue.

A ___ That Fits (subreddit with lingerie advice) 

Answer: BRA

A ___ That Fits indicates that we're looking for a subreddit or online community focused on providing advice or guidance related to lingerie, specifically bras. The missing word is "BRA."

Response to a funny DM

Answer:  LOL

Response to a funny DM suggests that we're looking for a common abbreviation or acronym used to express laughter or amusement in response to a direct message (DM) that is humorous. "LOL" is an abbreviation for "laugh out loud," often used in online communication, including messaging apps and social media platforms, to indicate that something is funny. It's a quick and informal way to acknowledge humor and express amusement. Therefore, "LOL" is the appropriate answer, as it fits the context of the clue.

Discreetly email  

Answer:  BCC

Discreetly email. "BCC" stands for "blind carbon copy." When you send an email with recipients listed in the BCC field, each recipient receives a copy of the email, but their email addresses are not visible to other recipients. This allows the sender to discreetly email multiple individuals without revealing their identities to each other. It's commonly used in situations where the sender wants to protect the privacy of the recipients or keep their email addresses confidential. Therefore, "BCC" is the appropriate answer, as it fits the description of discreetly emailing provided in the clue.

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