Universal Crossword Puzzle for Today March 22, 2024

Do you get your Universal Crossword Puzzle for March 22? Let’s find the solution in an easy way for Today’s Buzz.

by Keerthika

Updated Mar 22, 2024

Universal Crossword Puzzle for Today March 22, 2024

Universal Crossword

The Universal Crossword puzzle includes a pair of answers: one with a tiny 15x15 grid and the other with a huge 21x21 grid. You may learn many things from these crosswords, including how to expand your vocabulary, improve your abilities, and how to solve problems by guessing multiple ways. If it takes time to complete, the puzzle will be worth it.  

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Pueblo material

Answer: ADOBE

Pueblo material refers to the substance historically used by Pueblo Native American communities to construct their homes and other structures. Pueblo architecture is characterized by buildings made from adobe, which is a mixture of earth, water, and sometimes organic materials like straw or grass. Adobe bricks are formed from this mixture and then sun-dried, creating durable and insulating walls.

Female sheep

Answer: EWE

agriculture and animal husbandry, the term female sheep refers to a specific gender of sheep. The female sheep is commonly known as a ewe. Ewes are important in sheep farming for their ability to give birth and produce milk for their lambs.

All two

Answer: BOTH

All Two Implies a Situation Where There Are Only Two Items or Entities Being Referred to, and the Term Both Succinctly Captures This Meaning. Both is Used to Indicate the Entirety or Entirety of Two Things, Emphasizing That They Are Considered Together.

Middle Eastern home of the world’s oldest capital

Answer: SYRIA

Middle Eastern home of the world's oldest capital suggests a location in the Middle East that is known for being the site of the oldest capital city in the world. Historically, the ancient city of Damascus, located in Syria, is recognized as one of the oldest continuously inhabited cities and is considered to have housed the world's oldest capital.

“Mercy me!”

Answer: EGAD

Mercy me! is an exclamation used to express surprise or astonishment. In the context of a crossword puzzle, the answer EGAD fits the pattern of an interjection commonly used to convey similar emotions.

Crowd’s clamor

Answer: ROAR

Crowd's Clamor Refers to the Loud, Collective Noise Made by a Large Group of People. In This Context, the Word Roar Accurately Represents the Loud and Tumultuous Sound Often Produced by a Crowd, Akin to the Roaring of a Crowd at a Sporting Event or Concert.

Pressure sources at school

Answer: PEERS

Pressure Sources at School Refers to Individuals or Influences Within the School Environment That Contribute to Feelings of Pressure or Stress Among Students. In Many Cases, Peers - Other Students Who May Exert Social Pressure or Influence - Can Be Significant Sources of Pressure,

Winter underwear


Winter underwear refers to clothing worn under outer garments during cold weather to provide extra warmth. One common type of winter underwear is LONGJOHNS, which are form-fitting garments that cover the legs and sometimes the torso, typically made of a warm, insulating material like cotton or wool.

Out of juice

Answer: DEAD

Out of Juice is Often Used Informally to Describe Something That Has Run Out of Power or Energy, Particularly in the Context of Electronic Devices Like Smartphones or Batteries. In This Context, Dead Accurately Represents the State of Being Without Power or Energy.

Like a highlighter hue

Answer: NEON

Like a Highlighter Hue a Color That is Very Bright and Fluorescent, Similar to the Hues Commonly Found in Highlighter Markers Used to Mark Important Information. Neon Accurately Represents This Description as It Refers to Colors That Are Intensely Bright and Often Fluorescent.


Answer: ELAN

Flair Typically Refers to a Distinctive and Stylish Elegance or Enthusiasm in Someone's Actions or Behavior. Elan Fits This Description as It Denotes a Particular Style, Panache, or Flair in Someone's Demeanor or Approach to Things, Often Characterized by Confidence and Energy.

Parks or Luxemburg

Answer: ROSA

Parks or Luxemburg likely refers to the civil rights activist Rosa Parks or the politician Rosa Luxemburg. In this context, the answer ROSA fits as it is a common first name shared by both individuals.

*Garlicky shrimp dish

Answer: SCAMP

Garlicky Shrimp Dish Suggests a Seafood Dish That Prominently Features Shrimp Seasoned With Garlic. Scamp Fits This Description as It Refers to a Type of Shrimp Dish That is Often Prepared With Garlic and Other Flavorful Ingredients.

Thanks for dinner

Answer: RACE

Thanks for dinner is a polite expression used to express gratitude to someone who has hosted or provided a meal. In this context, RACE seems to be an answer that does not directly correlate with the clue. It's possible that there may be an error in the puzzle or that additional context is needed to determine the correct answer.

He pities the fool

Answer: MRT

He pities the fool is famously associated with the character Mr. T, an actor and former professional wrestler known for his role as B.A. Baracus in the television series The A-Team. The abbreviation MRT seems to be an attempt to represent Mr. T in a shortened form.

Dissonant, perhaps

Answer: ATONAL

Dissonant, Perhaps a Musical Quality Characterized by the Absence of a Tonal Center or Traditional Harmony, Which is Known as Atonality. Atonal Fits This Description as It Refers to Music That Lacks a Specific Key or Tonal Center, Often Characterized by Dissonant Intervals and Unconventional Chord Progressions.

They’re practiced in pre-K

Answer: ABCS

In pre-kindergarten (pre-K) education, children often learn the fundamentals of language, including the alphabet. The term ABCS refers to the alphabet, specifically the sequence of letters from A to Z, which children practice and familiarize themselves with during their pre-K years.

Basic font

Answer: ARIAL

Basic Font Suggests a Simple and Commonly Used Typeface for Text. Arial Fits This Description as It is a Widely Recognized and Commonly Used Font in Digital and Print Media. It is Known for Its Clarity and Readability, Making It a Popular Choice for Various Purposes, Including Documents, Presentations, and Websites.

With little to no vermouth, or with no booze

Answer: DRY

With little to no vermouth, or with no booze a way of preparing a drink, particularly a martini, with a reduced amount of vermouth or without any alcohol. In this context, DRY is a term used to indicate that the drink has minimal or no added vermouth, resulting in a less sweet or less alcoholic beverage.

How to do your best THINKING?


How to do your best THINKING? suggests seeking innovative or unconventional approaches to problem-solving. OUTSIDETHEBOX fits this idea perfectly, as it implies thinking creatively or beyond traditional boundaries to generate unique and effective solutions.

Title for Maisel or Doubtfire

Answer: MRS

Title for Maisel or Doubtfire refers to the title Mrs. which is commonly used as a prefix for married women. In the television series The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel, the main character Miriam Midge Maisel is often referred to as Mrs. Maisel. Similarly, in the movie Mrs. Doubtfire, the main character Daniel Hillard disguises himself as a female housekeeper named Mrs. Doubtfire.

Sailors tie them

Answer: KNOTS      

Sailors tie them suggests an activity commonly associated with sailors, which is tying knots. Sailors often use various types of knots for different purposes such as securing lines, rigging sails, or mooring a vessel.

Colorful eye part

Answer: IRIS 

Colorful eye part a specific anatomical feature of the eye that is known for its vibrant colors. The IRIS fits this description perfectly as it is the pigmented, colored part of the eye that surrounds the pupil and controls the amount of light entering the eye.

Went off like a smoke detector

Answer: BEEPED

Went off like a smoke detector implies an action similar to the sound produced by a smoke detector when it detects smoke or fire. BEEPED accurately represents this action as it describes the short, sharp sound emitted by many smoke detectors when activated.

Tabby, for one

Answer: CAT 

Tabby Refers to a Type of Cat Characterized by Distinctive Markings on Its Fur, Typically Stripes, Swirls, or Spots. Therefore, the Cat Fits the Clue Because a Tabby is a Specific Breed or Type of Cat.

*Welles of old Hollywood

Answer: ORSO

Welles of old Hollywood refers to Orson Welles, a prominent figure in old Hollywood known for his work as a director, actor, and writer. ORSO seems to be an attempt to represent Orson in a shortened form.

Straight’s partner, or like a strait

Answer: ARROW 

Straight's partner, or like a strait suggests a word that is the opposite of straight or refers to a narrow waterway. ARROW fits this description as it is the opposite of straight and also sounds similar to strait, which is a narrow body of water.

Grad. degrees


Grad. degrees refers to advanced academic qualifications typically obtained after completing undergraduate studies. PHDS is the abbreviation for Doctor of Philosophy degrees, commonly referred to as PhDs, which are one of the most common types of graduate degrees awarded by universities worldwide.

___ on the back (encouragements)

Answer: PATS 

___ on the back (encouragements) suggests a gesture of approval or support, often expressed by physical contact on the back. PATS fits this description as it refers to gentle taps or strokes given as a form of encouragement or praise.

Soccer legend aka Edson Arantes do Nascimento

Answer: PELE

 Soccer legend aka Edson Arantes do Nascimento refers to the Brazilian football icon widely known as PELE. Pele is considered one of the greatest football players of all time, and his full name is Edson Arantes do Nascimento.

Actor Omar or Mike

Answer: EPPS

Actor Omar or Mike refers to actors named Omar Epps and Mike Epps. Both are well-known figures in the entertainment industry. Therefore, the answer EPPS represents their shared surname.

Flowery tropical tree


Flowery tropical tree suggests a type of tree known for its vibrant and abundant flowers, typically found in tropical regions. JACARANDA fits this description as it is a genus of flowering plants, including trees native to tropical and subtropical regions, known for their beautiful purple or blue flowers.

Guitar riffs’ relatives

Answer: LICKS 

Guitar riffs' relatives suggests a musical term related to guitar playing, particularly referring to short, melodic phrases or sequences often used in improvisation or as part of a guitar solo. LICKS fits this description as it commonly refers to short musical phrases or motifs played on the guitar, often used to add flair or embellishment to a piece of music.


Answer: USER

Manipulator typically refers to someone who tries to control or influence others for their own benefit. In the context of technology or digital platforms, a USER can also be seen as a manipulator if they exploit systems or other users for personal gain or advantage.

Do perfectly

Answer: NAIL

Do perfectly implies completing a task or action flawlessly. NAIL fits this description as it is a colloquial expression meaning to accomplish or achieve something successfully and accurately, as if hitting a target squarely on the head.

Eagle’s home

Answer: AERIE 

Eagle's home refers to the nest or dwelling place of an eagle, which is typically found high up in the mountains or cliffs. The word AERIE accurately represents this, as it specifically refers to the nest of a bird of prey, such as an eagle, built on a lofty location like a cliff or a high tree.

Vodka serving

Answer: SHOT

Vodka serving refers to the quantity of vodka typically consumed or served at one time. SHOT fits this description as it commonly refers to a small, measured amount of vodka (or any other alcoholic beverage) typically consumed quickly in a single gulp.

Jungfrau or the Matterhorn

Answer: ALP

Jungfrau or the Matterhorn refers to two famous peaks in the Alps mountain range. Therefore, the answer ALP represents the mountain range in which these peaks are located.

Boy band formed in 1995

Answer: NSYNC 

Boy band formed in 1995 refers to the popular American boy band *NSYNC, which was indeed formed in 1995. *NSYNC gained immense popularity in the late 1990s and early 2000s with hit songs and albums.

Venomous viper

Answer: ASP 

Venomous viper refers to a type of snake known for its venomous bite. The ASP is a specific type of venomous snake, commonly known as the Egyptian Cobra, which is native to North Africa and the Middle East.

Enhance with henna, say

Answer: DYE

Enhance with henna, say suggests a method of coloring or tinting something using henna, a natural dye derived from the leaves of the henna plant. DYE fits this description as it is a term that broadly refers to the process of coloring or tinting something with a substance.

Deposit in a vein

Answer: ORE

Deposit in a vein refers to the mineral deposits found within veins in rock formations, typically containing valuable materials like metals or gems. ORE is the term used to describe these mineral deposits that are mined for economic purposes.

Where chicks chirp


Where chicks chirp refers to the place where baby birds, or chicks, make their sounds, which is typically a bird's nest. BIRDNEST fits this description perfectly as it is the specific location where chicks are found and where they chirp.


Answer: EASE

Mock suggests imitating or making fun of someone or something. EASE fits this description as it can mean to make something less severe or intense, thus potentially mocking or diminishing the seriousness of a situation.

“I ___ Be Sedated” (song by the Ramones)

Answer: WANNA 

I ___ Be Sedated is a line from the song I Wanna Be Sedated by the Ramones. The word WANNA is a colloquial contraction of want to, commonly used in informal speech or song lyrics.

*Privacy privet

Answer: EDGE 

Privacy privet suggests a type of hedge or shrub used to create privacy barriers around properties. EDGE fits this description as it can refer to the outer boundary or border of something, such as a hedge that defines the edge of a property.

Wild horse


A wild horse typically refers to a free-roaming horse that has not been domesticated or trained by humans. BRONCO is a term commonly used to describe a type of wild or untamed horse, particularly in North America, often associated with rodeos and western culture.


Answer: OOH 

 ___-la-la! is commonly used to convey excitement, surprise, or delight. OOH fits this description as it is an exclamation often uttered to express awe, admiration, or enthusiasm.

Tropical vacation “souvenir”

Answer: TAN

Tropical vacation 'souvenir' suggests something acquired during a tropical vacation that one might bring back as a memento. TAN fits this description as it is often acquired during a tropical vacation due to exposure to the sun, resulting in a darker complexion.

Slugger’s scores: Abbr.

Answer: HRS

Slugger's scores: Abbr. indicates an abbreviation commonly used in baseball to represent a slugger's achievements. HRS stands for home runs, which are scored when a batter hits the ball out of the playing field, resulting in a run being scored for their team.

Mythical kingdom of gold


Mythical kingdom of gold refers to the legendary city or kingdom believed to be abundant in gold and precious treasures. ELDORADO is the name commonly associated with this mythical place, often depicted in folklore and literature as a paradise of wealth and riches.

Subway shove

Answer: JOSTLE

Subway shove refers to the act of pushing or jostling someone while traveling on a subway train, often due to crowded conditions. JOSTLE accurately represents this action as it means to bump or push someone roughly, especially in a crowded or confined space like a subway carriage.

Elbow’s spot

Answer: ARM 

Elbow's spot refers to the location on the human body where the elbow is located. While the elbow is part of the arm, it's more specifically the joint where the upper arm bone (humerus) meets the two bones of the forearm (radius and ulna). Therefore, ARM is the correct answer, representing the general area of the elbow.

Time of Taylor’s tour

Answer: ERA 

Time of Taylor's tour suggests a period associated with a concert tour by a performer named Taylor. ERA fits this description as it represents a distinct period of time, often characterized by significant events or cultural trends, and can also refer to a specific period of time during which a particular artist or performer, such as Taylor Swift, was active or touring.



Peon typically refers to a person of low social status or a menial worker, often employed in manual labor or unskilled tasks. LABORER accurately represents this, as it refers to someone who engages in physical work, particularly manual labor or tasks requiring minimal skill.

Finger pointer


Finger pointer suggests someone who accuses or blames others for wrongdoing. ACCUSER fits this description as it refers to a person who formally charges or accuses someone of committing a crime or wrongdoing.

Warm up for a workout


Warm up for a workout suggests a preparatory activity done before engaging in physical exercise to loosen muscles and increase flexibility. STRETCH fits this description perfectly as it refers to the action of elongating or extending muscles to improve their elasticity and range of motion, commonly done as part of a warm-up routine.

Small country in the Pyrenees


Small country in the Pyrenees refers to the principality of Andorra. Located in the eastern Pyrenees mountains between France and Spain, Andorra is known for its picturesque landscapes and as a popular tourist destination, particularly for skiing and hiking.

Person who swears by “Das Kapital”


Person who swears by 'Das Kapital' suggests someone who strongly believes in the principles outlined in Karl Marx's influential work Das Kapital, which is a foundational text of Marxism. Therefore, MARXIST accurately represents this individual, as it refers to someone who adheres to the political and economic theories developed by Karl Marx.

Layer of paper or wood


 Layer of paper or wood suggests a unit of thickness or stratification in materials like paper or wood. PLY fits this description as it refers to a single layer or thickness of material, commonly used to describe the layers in plywood or the layers of paper in a plywood sheet.

Spa sound

Answer: AAH 

Spa sound suggests a relaxing or contented expression often uttered during moments of relaxation or comfort. AAH fits this description as it is an exclamation commonly associated with relief, pleasure, or relaxation, often heard in spas or during massages.

“Let’s shake on that!”


The phrase Let's shake on that! is a colloquial expression used to confirm or finalize an agreement or deal between two parties. ITSADEAL perfectly represents this sentiment as it signifies mutual agreement or acceptance of the terms discussed.

Stick for a marshmallow

Answer: SKEWER

 Stick for a marshmallow suggests an object used to impale or skewer a marshmallow for roasting over a fire. SKEWER fits this description as it refers to a long, pointed metal or wooden rod commonly used for this purpose.

Neither Dem. nor Rep.

Answer: IND 

Neither Dem. nor Rep. refers to a political affiliation that is neither Democratic nor Republican. IND represents this as it is an abbreviation commonly used to denote an independent political affiliation, indicating a voter or candidate who does not align with either major political party.

Tissue tests


Tissue tests refers to medical procedures involving the examination of tissue samples to diagnose or monitor medical conditions. BIOPSIES fits this description as it specifically refers to the surgical removal and examination of a small piece of tissue from the body for diagnostic purposes.

Deg. from Wharton

Answer: MBA 

Deg. from Wharton suggests a specific academic qualification obtained from the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania. MBA fits this description as it stands for Master of Business Administration, a graduate degree commonly awarded by business schools such as Wharton.

Kind of pad with scour power


Kind of pad with scour power refers to a specific type of cleaning pad known for its abrasive properties. SOS fits this description as it is a brand of cleaning pads that are designed to remove tough stains and dirt with their scouring power.

Warhol’s soup can paintings and such

Answer: POPART

Warhol's soup can paintings and such refers to the iconic artworks created by the artist Andy Warhol, who was a leading figure in the Pop Art movement. POPART accurately represents this artistic movement, which emerged in the mid-20th century and featured imagery from popular culture, consumer products, and mass media.

Baker’s meas.

Answer: TSP

Baker’s meas. is asking for a unit of measurement typically used by bakers. In this context, meas. stands for measurement. The answer to this clue is TSP, which is an abbreviation for teaspoon.

Word before “code” or “colony”

Answer: PENAL 

 Word before 'code' or 'colony' is asking for a word that precedes both code and colony. The answer to this clue is PENAL.

*Hawaiian porch


 Hawaiian porch is asking for a term that describes a type of porch commonly found in Hawaiian architecture. The answer to this clue is LANAI.

*Pirate ship feature


On a pirate ship, a plan could refer to the layout or design of the ship itself, including its compartments, decks, and strategic features such as hiding spots for treasure or weapons. Pirates often had plans for their raids or journeys, plotting routes to find merchant ships to plunder or to evade pursuit by naval vessels. Therefore, PLAN could be interpreted as a key aspect of pirate ship operations.

Roast beef au ___


Jus is a French term meaning juice. In the context of roast beef au jus, it refers to the natural juices released from the meat during roasting. These juices are often collected, seasoned, and served as a sauce alongside the roast beef, enhancing its flavor and providing moisture. Therefore, jus is the appropriate completion for the phrase.

Volcanic residue


Ash is the fine, powdery residue that remains after volcanic activity. It is composed of pulverized rock, minerals, and volcanic glass. When a volcano erupts, it expels a mixture of lava, gases, and ash. The ash can be carried by wind over long distances and has significant effects on the environment, including agriculture, air quality, and aviation. Therefore, ash is the correct answer for the volcanic residue.

Corp. bigwig


CEO stands for Chief Executive Officer. In a corporation, the CEO is typically the highest-ranking officer responsible for making major corporate decisions, managing the overall operations and resources, and acting as the main liaison between the board of directors and corporate operations. They are considered the top bigwig or executive in the company. Therefore, CEO is the appropriate answer for the crossword clue Corp. bigwig.

Skordalia or guacamole

Answer: DIP

Skordalia and guacamole are types of dips. Skordalia is a Greek dip made primarily from mashed potatoes, garlic, olive oil, and sometimes nuts. Guacamole is a Mexican dip made from mashed avocados, onions, tomatoes, lime juice, and seasonings. Dips are typically served as accompaniments to various foods, such as chips, crackers, or vegetables, and are often used for dipping. Therefore, DIP is the appropriate answer for the crossword clue Skordalia or guacamole.

Snivel or sob

Answer: CRY

Snivel and Sob Are Verbs That Describe Actions Associated With Crying. Snivel Refers to Crying in a Weak or Whining Manner, Often Due to Being Upset or Complaining. Sob Refers to Crying Loudly and Uncontrollably, Often Accompanied by Audible Sounds or Heaving Breaths. In Both Cases, Tears Are Shed as a Manifestation of Emotional Distress or Sadness. Therefore, Cry is the Appropriate Answer for the Crossword Clue Snivel or Sob.



Kin is a term used to describe one's family or relatives. It encompasses a broader sense of family beyond just immediate family members, including extended relatives such as cousins, aunts, uncles, and grandparents. The term kin emphasizes the bond of familial connection and can refer to both close and distant relatives. Therefore, KIN is the appropriate answer for the crossword clue Family.

Fraction of a min.


SEC is an abbreviation for second, which is a commonly used unit of time in the International System of Units (SI). A second is a fraction of a minute, with 60 seconds making up one minute. Seconds are often used to measure shorter durations of time with more precision, such as in scientific experiments, sports timing, or everyday activities. Therefore, SEC is the appropriate answer for the crossword clue Fraction of a min.

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