Universal Crossword Puzzle for Today March 29, 2024

Did you find your answer for Today’s Universal Crossword Puzzle? Let’s see the answer here for today’s puzzle in this article.

by Sangeetha M

Updated Mar 29, 2024

Universal Crossword Puzzle for Today March 29, 2024

Universal Crossword

The Universal Crossword is a word game, which was published in the newspaper. This Crossword puzzles give daily clues to find out the solution to entertain people as well as you can gain knowledge. Here, we will assist you on how to find and how to guess the clue in several methods to find out the best solution.It also helps to improve skills and develop our vocabulary. Get more Universal Crossword puzzles on our page and Enjoy! 

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Compete in a sprint

Answer: RACE

Sprint suggests a short, fast race. When someone competes in a sprint, they are participating in a race, trying to be the fastest to reach the finish line. Therefore, the answer is RACE.

Pic-sharing app

Answer: INSTA

This clue refers to a popular social media platform known for sharing pictures quickly and easily. The term pic-sharing indicates a platform where users can share photos, and app suggests it's a mobile application. The answer is INSTA, which is short for Instagram, a well-known photo-sharing app.

Permanent record, in a way

Answer: SCAR

Permanent record suggests something lasting or enduring. Additionally, the qualifier in a way implies that the answer may not be a traditional interpretation of a permanent record. A scar fits this description because it is a lasting mark on the skin, often from an injury or wound, serving as a permanent record of that event. Therefore, the answer is SCAR.

It becomes another name when “L” is moved to its front

Answer: ELON

This clue hints at a word transformation where moving the letter L to the beginning creates a different word. The answer is ELON, which when rearranged with L at the front, forms the name LON. This transformation demonstrates a linguistic play where the movement of a single letter alters the word's identity, showcasing the flexibility and creativity of language manipulation in puzzles like crosswords.

Apple device?

Answer: CORER

Apple device could initially make you think of iPhones, iPads, or MacBooks, but in this context, it refers to a tool used for coring apples. A corer is a kitchen utensil specifically designed to remove the core and seeds from apples or similar fruits. Hence, the answer is CORER.

Peacock or bull

Answer: MALE

Peacock or bull suggests that we are looking for a term that applies to both a peacock and a bull. The common characteristic between these two animals is that they are both male. In the case of a peacock, it refers specifically to the male of the species, known for its vibrant plumage. Therefore, the answer to the clue Peacock or bull is MALE. 

I’m stuck!


When someone is stuck, they might feel trapped or unable to progress. In the context of a crossword puzzle, stuck implies being unable to find the answer. The word VOODOODOLL suggests a solution involving a voodoo doll, an object sometimes used in folklore or popular culture to represent a person, often associated with rituals or magic that might help one overcome obstacles or get unstuck.

Lose it

Answer: SNAP

To lose it typically means to lose control or composure, often in a sudden or abrupt manner. In the context of a crossword puzzle, snap is the answer that fits the clue. The word snap can mean to break or give way suddenly and completely, reflecting the idea of losing control or composure.

Voice above alto


In music, voices are categorized into different ranges based on their pitch. An alto refers to a low female singing voice, while a soprano is a higher female singing voice, typically above alto. So, voice above alto indicates a higher-pitched female voice, which is a soprano. Hence, SOPRANO is the answer to this clue.

Cut (off)

Answer: LOP

When something is cut off, it is usually shortened or separated from the main body. The word LOP fits here as it means to cut off branches or parts from a tree or plant.

Equal: Prefix

Answer: ISO

Equal suggests that the answer is a prefix that denotes equality or sameness. The prefix ISO is commonly used in words like isometric, isothermal, or isomorphism, where it indicates equal or uniform conditions.

“Dr. No” actress Andress

Answer: URSULA

This clue references the actress Ursula Andress, who famously portrayed the character Honey Ryder in the James Bond film Dr. No. Therefore, the answer is URSULA.

Big bags

Answer: SACKS

Big bags can be synonymous with sacks, which are commonly used for holding various materials like grains, potatoes, or other goods.

Eclipses, in the ancient world

Answer: OMENS

 In ancient cultures, eclipses were often seen as significant events, sometimes carrying ominous or foreboding meanings. They were often interpreted as signs or portents of future events, hence the term Eclipses, in the ancient world could be summed up as OMENS.

I’m not a kid anymore!


I’m not a kid anymore! hints at a matured state. Billy goat fits, as it refers to a mature male goat. The clue cleverly plays on the word kid, suggesting the answer through wordplay.

College party barrel

Answer: KEG

In college parties, a common container for serving beverages like beer is a barrel. Another term for this container is a keg, which is often associated with parties and gatherings.

T-Mobile, e.g.


T-Mobile is an example of a telecom company. Telecom is short for telecommunications, which refers to the transmission of information over long distances, typically by electronic means such as phones, internet, and wireless networks.


Answer: STOPIT

When someone says Enough! they are telling someone to STOP IT. This phrase is commonly used to convey the message that the current action or behavior should cease.

“Good lord, not again”

Answer: OHGEEZ

Good lord is an expression of disbelief or surprise, and not again emphasizes the recurrence of the problem. OHGEEZ is a casual way of phonetically representing the exclamation Oh, geez, which is commonly used in such situations.

Salsa percussion instruments


Salsa music is a genre that often features lively rhythms and percussion instruments. One prominent percussion instrument in salsa music is the maracas. Maracas are typically handheld percussion instruments that consist of a pair of hollow gourds filled with seeds or beans.

Preface to a texted take

Answer: IMO

IMO is an acronym that stands for In My Opinion. It is commonly used in text communication, particularly in online forums, social media platforms, and messaging apps, to preface a statement expressing one's personal viewpoint or perspective on a particular topic. 

I’m a big deal!


I'm a big deal is commonly associated with someone who is important or significant. One word that fits this description and also relates to a popular card game is BLACKJACK. In blackjack, players aim to achieve a total card value of 21, making it a significant number in the game.

Olympics boat

Answer: CANOE

This clue likely refers to a type of watercraft commonly seen in Olympic competitions. Considering the context of the Olympics and water sports, the answer is likely a type of boat used in a specific event. One such event that involves boats is canoeing. Therefore, the answer is CANOE, which is a type of narrow water vessel propelled by paddles and often used in competitive canoeing events.

“Lather” follow-up

Answer: RINSE

The word lather suggests a step in a sequence, possibly related to personal grooming or hygiene. To follow up on lathering, the next step in the sequence is typically RINSE. After lathering with soap or shampoo, rinsing is the next logical step to remove the lather and cleanse the skin or hair effectively. 


Answer: NAYSAY

Oppose suggests a word that means to contradict or express disagreement. The term NAYSAY fits this description perfectly. It's a noun meaning someone who habitually expresses negative or pessimistic views, often opposing or disagreeing with others.

“Revolutionary Love” singer DiFranco

Answer: ANI

This clue refers to a singer known for the song Revolutionary Love and whose last name is DiFranco. The answer here is ANI, which is a common abbreviation used to refer to Ani DiFranco, a well-known folk singer-songwriter and activist.

Pronoun related to dis

Answer: DAT

In this clue, we're looking for a pronoun that is related to the prefix dis. The answer is DAT, which is a colloquial abbreviation of that. While that doesn't directly contain the prefix dis, it is often used in informal speech in place of that or this, and its abbreviated form fits the clue.

Works with what’s at hand


 What’s at hand refers to the immediate resources or tools one has access to. Therefore, the term MAKESDO fits perfectly as it encapsulates the concept of improvising or making do with what is available.

Messy pile

Answer: HEAP

Messy pile implies a disorganized collection of items stacked together haphazardly. It conjures an image of things being thrown together without any order or arrangement. The term HEAP accurately describes such a chaotic accumulation of objects, fitting the context of a messy pile.

I’m on a roll!


I’m on a roll! is often used colloquially to indicate that someone is experiencing a period of success or good luck, typically in a continuous manner. SESAMESEED is a clever play on words, as it combines the notion of being on a roll (like a sesame seed roll) with the literal interpretation of sesame seeds being small and numerous, akin to a streak of success or luck. 

“___ to my surprise …”

Answer: MUCH

 This clue is asking for a phrase that typically follows to my surprise, indicating a high degree of surprise or astonishment. The word that fits here is MUCH, as in Much to my surprise ...


Answer: HELLO

This is a straightforward clue asking for a common greeting. The answer is HELLO, which is a friendly and informal way to say hi or greetings.

Used WhatsApp, briefly

Answer: IMED

WhatsApp is a hint indicating a messaging application. The word briefly suggests that we need to abbreviate or shorten the name of the application. IMED is the abbreviated form of used WhatsApp, as IM stands for Instant Messaging and ED indicates past tense, forming the word IMED.

Lhasa ___

Answer: APSO

Lhasa ___ hints at a breed of dog, which is the Lhasa ___ Apso. The breed, known for its long, flowing coat, originated in Tibet and is often associated with the city of Lhasa. Therefore, the answer is APSO.

Sherlock’s sister

Answer: ENOLA

 In the Netflix film Enola Holmes, which is based on a book series by Nancy Springer, Enola Holmes is portrayed as Sherlock Holmes' younger sister. She is depicted as an intelligent and resourceful young woman who embarks on her own adventures. Therefore, the answer is ENOLA.

Tears roughly

Answer: RIPS

Tears  as a verb rather than a noun. When something is torn roughly, it means it is ripped or torn apart forcefully and without precision. Therefore, the answer to this clue is RIPS, which is a verb meaning to tear or pull apart forcefully.

Accelerates, with “up”

Answer: REVS

Accelerates, with 'up' clues us to a word often associated with increasing speed, especially in the context of engines or motors. The term REVS is commonly used to describe the rotation speed of an engine, often abbreviated from revolutions per minute, hence fitting the clue.

Potatoes, in Indian cuisine

Answer: ALOO

Potatoes, in Indian cuisine directs us to a staple ingredient used in many Indian dishes. ALOO is the Hindi term for potatoes, commonly used in various curries, snacks like samosas, and other traditional Indian recipes, making it a fitting answer.

Farmers’ network, briefly

Answer: COOP

Farmers' network, briefly hints at a term describing an organization or cooperative commonly formed by farmers to collectively manage resources or market their produce. COOP is a shortened form of cooperative, which succinctly captures the essence of a collaborative network among farmers, aligning with the clue.

Evasive play in football

Answer: ENDRUN

In football, a tactic often employed to evade defenders and advance the ball is known as an End Run. This maneuver involves the ball carrier running to the edge of the field, away from the main action, to avoid direct confrontation with opposing players.

App symbols

Answer: ICONS

App symbols, commonly seen on smartphone screens, are referred to as Icons. These small graphical representations represent various applications and functions, simplifying user interaction and navigation within the digital environment.

“For sure!”


When expressing absolute certainty or agreement, the phrase No Doubt is commonly used. It signifies complete confidence or affirmation in the statement or situation being discussed.

Show promoter’s dream letters

Answer: SRO

SRO often accompanies the clue Show promoter's dream letters. This abbreviation stands for Standing Room Only, representing the aspiration of any show promoter—to have every seat in the venue occupied, leaving only standing room available for additional attendees.

Revealing biography


TELL ALL is frequently associated with the prompt Revealing biography. This phrase implies a biography that doesn't hold back, divulging all details and secrets about the subject's life, offering readers a comprehensive and candid account.

Singer Guthrie

Answer: ARLO

ARLO is commonly linked to the clue Singer Guthrie. Arlo Guthrie, a prominent folk singer-songwriter, carries on the musical legacy of his father, Woody Guthrie. Known for his protest songs and storytelling prowess, Arlo Guthrie has left an indelible mark on the folk music scene, continuing to captivate audiences with his performances.

Texting tech

Answer: SMS

In the world of communication technology, when brevity is key and words need to travel swiftly, the answer lies in three simple letters: SMS. Short Message Service, or SMS, is the standard form of text messaging used across various mobile platforms, allowing users to exchange brief messages efficiently and conveniently.

Request to make an entrance


When standing outside a closed door, hoping for permission to enter, the polite yet eager question arises: CANICOMEIN? This phrase encapsulates the desire to gain access, asking for permission to step into a space or join an event. It reflects both politeness and anticipation, seeking approval for a desired action.

State whose motto is “North to the Future”

Answer: ALASKA

In the realm of state mottos, one stands out with a promise of adventure and opportunity: North to the Future. This motto belongs to the vast and rugged state of Alaska, a land known for its breathtaking landscapes, rich wildlife, and pioneering spirit. It embodies the frontier spirit of exploration and possibility, inviting all who venture there to look ahead with optimism and resilience.

Share on X

Answer: REPOST

Share on X leads us to the answer REPOST. This clue suggests an action related to social media, where sharing content is common practice. However, the addition of on X implies a specific platform or area for sharing, which is where REPOST fits perfectly.

Rowboat propellers

Answer: OARS

Rowboat propellers, directs us to the answer OARS. This clue cleverly plays with the idea of propulsion in a rowboat. While a motorized boat might have propellers, a rowboat relies on manual effort, specifically using oars to propel itself through the water. So, OARS perfectly fits the bill here.

“Just kidding!”

Answer: PSYCH

Just kidding! corresponds to the answer PSYCH. This is a playful and colloquial expression often used to retract or negate a statement made in jest. When someone says something intended to be taken seriously and then follows it up with just kidding, they're essentially saying they weren't being serious.

Golf ball’s position

Answer: LIE

The golf ball's position on the course is described by the term lie, indicating how it rests on the ground, influencing the player's next shot's difficulty and strategy.

Eager and then some

Answer: AGOG

Eager and then some hints at a state of excitement or anticipation beyond the ordinary, which fits the word agog perfectly. The word agog means extremely eager or excited, conveying a sense of intense anticipation or enthusiasm, making it the apt answer for the clue.

Signs off on

Answer: OKS

Signs off on refers to the action of approving or endorsing something, commonly indicated by the initials OK. Hence, the word oks serves as a succinct representation of granting approval or agreement, making it a fitting answer for this clue.


Answer: MET

When a group is convened, it is brought together for a specific purpose or meeting. This definition aligns with the word met, as it signifies the act of assembling or gathering, often for formal discussions or deliberations, making it a suitable solution for this crossword clue.

Self-motivated people?


Self-motivated people are often driven by their own egos, seeking personal success and validation without relying on external factors for motivation. This characteristic is often associated with egomaniacs, individuals who prioritize their own desires and ambitions above all else.

Zodiac feline

Answer: LEO

Zodiac feline refers to the astrological sign of Leo, symbolized by the lion. Leos are known for their bold and confident personalities, often exhibiting traits such as courage, leadership, and a desire for attention. They tend to be charismatic and dynamic individuals who enjoy being in the spotlight.

Campaign-funding orgs.

Answer: PACS

Campaign-funding organizations, abbreviated as PACs (Political Action Committees), play a significant role in financing political campaigns. These groups collect and distribute money to support candidates, often with specific agendas or interests in mind. PACs can exert influence over elections by funding advertising campaigns, mobilizing voters, and advocating for particular policies or candidates.


Answer: IRKED

Vexed suggests a state of irritation or annoyance. When someone is vexed, they are typically experiencing frustration or agitation due to certain circumstances or actions. In the context of a crossword puzzle, irked serves as a suitable synonym for vexed, capturing the essence of annoyance or exasperation.

Musical Mahal

Answer: TAJ

Musical Mahal hints at a grand structure associated with music, drawing parallels to the majestic Taj Mahal. Just as the Taj Mahal is renowned for its architectural beauty and significance, Musical Mahal suggests a similarly iconic presence in the realm of music. In the context of a crossword puzzle, TAJ fittingly represents this majestic association.

Punk music offshoot

Answer: EMO

Within the realm of music genres, punk has spawned various subgenres, and offshoots are derivatives or branches that emerge from the main genre. EMO is one such offshoot, characterized by its emotive and introspective lyrical themes, often associated with a distinct fashion and culture. In the context of a crossword puzzle, EMO succinctly captures this punk music offshoot, known for its emotional intensity and unique identity.

Saldana of “Star Trek”

Answer: ZOE

Star Trek, Zoe Saldana played the iconic character of Nyota Uhura, a key member of the USS Enterprise crew. Her portrayal brought depth and vitality to the character, earning her widespread recognition and acclaim within the franchise. Thus, the answer to this crossword clue is ZOE, reflecting Saldana's first name.

Hiker’s water holder


When traversing through the wilderness, a hiker often relies on a portable container to carry water for hydration along the journey. This essential gear item, commonly made of metal or plastic, is known as a CANTEEN, serving as a reliable reservoir for sustaining hydration during outdoor adventures.

Obama health law’s initials

Answer: ACA

The healthcare reform legislation introduced during Barack Obama's presidency is commonly referred to by its initials, ACA, which stands for the Affordable Care Act. This landmark legislation aimed to improve access to healthcare services for millions of Americans, implementing various provisions to enhance affordability and coverage across the nation.

Bygone in-flight catalog that’s now online


The bygone in-flight catalog that's now online is SKYMALL. Once found in airplane seat pockets, SKYMALL revolutionized in-flight shopping before transitioning to the digital realm. Its quirky and eclectic offerings became a staple for travelers seeking unique products at cruising altitude.

The Creator, in Hinduism

Answer: BRAHMA

Brahma is the deity revered as the Creator in Hinduism, responsible for the creation of the universe and all living beings. As one of the Trimurti, alongside Vishnu and Shiva, Brahma embodies the aspect of creation, symbolizing the cosmic genesis and continual cycle of existence.

“Stand in a row!”

Answer: LINEUP

LINEUP demands individuals to stand in a row. This command is often heard in various contexts, from organizing a group photo to assembling for a police identification procedure. The term underscores the importance of alignment and orderliness in positioning individuals or objects sequentially.

Word after “pound” or “cup”

Answer: CAKE

In a recipe, when the measurement is specified in pound or cup, the following ingredient could logically be CAKE, as it often requires those units for flour, sugar, or other baking essentials.

Sailor’s affirmative

Answer: AYESIR

When sailors affirm a command or acknowledge an order, they commonly respond with AYESIR, blending aye for agreement and sir as a mark of respect or acknowledgment to their superior.

Girl Scout cookie, or an island country

Answer: SAMOA

For a Girl Scout cookie or an island country, the answer is SAMOA. It's a clever play on words, as Samoa is both a popular cookie flavor produced by the Girl Scouts and an island country in the South Pacific.

Arthur in tennis history

Answer: ASHE

In tennis history, one figure stands out for his remarkable achievements and contributions to the sport. Arthur Ashe, the legendary player, left an indelible mark with his grace, skill, and sportsmanship, making him an icon in the annals of tennis.

Prefix with “final”

Answer: SEMI

When we talk about stages in competitions, final often carries significant weight, but there's a stage that precedes it and holds its own importance. The prefix semi denotes this stage, where contenders fiercely battle for a spot in the ultimate showdown, showcasing their talent and determination.

Like some holes and pockets

Answer: DEEP

Holes and pockets come in various sizes and depths, but some possess a particular characteristic that sets them apart. Deep describes these particular ones, suggesting a significant depth that can challenge even the most skilled players, adding an extra layer of complexity to the game.

Casino statistics

Answer: ODDS

In a casino, odds refer to the probability or likelihood of a particular outcome occurring in a game. It's a statistical measure used to determine potential winnings or losses for players engaging in various games like roulette, poker, or blackjack.

Vietnamese soup

Answer: PHO

A beloved dish from Vietnam, it's a flavorful and aromatic broth-based soup typically served with rice noodles, herbs, and various meats or tofu. Known for its rich taste and cultural significance, it's often enjoyed worldwide. The answer is PHO.


Answer: SLO

Often abbreviated as slo-mo, this term stands for slow motion, a technique used in filmography and videography to capture and display movement at a significantly reduced speed. It's employed for various purposes, including highlighting details, enhancing visual impact, or analyzing actions frame by frame.

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