WAEC Animal Husbandry Practical Questions and Answers 2023

Maximize your preparation with WAEC Animal Husbandry Practical Questions and Answers 2023 and gain access to Practical Questions and Answers designed for achieving excellent results.

by Rubaditsha

Updated May 26, 2023

WAEC Animal Husbandry Practical Questions and Answers 2023

WAEC overview

The West African Examinations Council (WAEC) is a legally established examination board responsible for conducting and determining the required examinations in the English-speaking countries of West Africa. Its main purpose is to administer exams and issue certificates that are internationally recognized and comparable to those offered by equivalent examining bodies worldwide. Since its establishment in 1952, WAEC has played a significant role in the education systems of Anglophone West African countries, including Ghana, Nigeria, Sierra Leone, Liberia, and the Gambia.

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One of the key contributions of WAEC is the coordination of examinations and the issuance of certificates to successful candidates. This has greatly impacted education in the region. To further support education in West Africa, WAEC has also established an endowment fund, which provides lectures and financial aid to individuals who are unable to afford education.

Under the leadership of Dr. Adeyegbe, the former Head of National Office (HNO) of WAEC Nigeria in 2004, the council has built a highly skilled and motivated team of staff. They have been successful in administering valid and relevant examinations that align with the educational goals of member countries. Each year, WAEC registers over three million candidates for the exams it coordinates, making it one of the largest and most internationally recognized examination bodies in West Africa.

Furthermore, WAEC extends its support beyond its own examinations by assisting other local and international examination bodies in coordinating their exams. WAEC plays a vital role in shaping the educational landscape of West Africa, ensuring the credibility and quality of examinations, and contributing to the educational aspirations of the region's students.

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WAEC Animal Husbandry Practical Questions and Answers 2023

In this post, we will be addressing the WAEC Animal Husbandry Practical Questions and Answers 2023. It is important to note that candidates who want to score high in WAEC must utilize Animal Husbandry Practical Questions effectively.

Several students have been reaching out to ask Animal Husbandry Practical Questions and answers that was asked in the WAEC 2023 Animal Husbandry Practical Exam. If you are one of these students, you are not alone. Animal Husbandry Practical Exam is held on 20th June 2023. So, Stay tuned and we will update the information.

WAEC Animal Husbandry Practical Practice Question and Answers

Exam is yet to be conducted soon, Practice Questions And Answer Check Here,

  1. (a)(i) Name two farm animals from which specimen C (Fresh meat) could be obtained.

(ii) Mention four ways in which specimen C could be preserved.

(b)(i) Mention three farm animals from which the raw form of specimen D (Powdered Milk) could be obtained.

(ii) Mention three products which could be obtained from specimen D.

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(c) State two uses of specimen D in animal production 

(d) Name the process used for making the raw form of specimen D fot for human consumption.

Answer Explanation

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(a)(i) farm Animals from which Specimen C (Frsh Meat); -Cattle. -Sheep .-Goat. -Camel. -Donkey. -Pig. -Rabbit. -Grasscutter. -Poultry

(ii) Ways of Preserving Fresh Meat; -Canning. -Smoking. -Regrigiration/freezing. -Salting. -drying/jerky/dehydration/sundrying/freeze drying. -Boiling. -Frying. Roasting. Irradiation

(b)(i) Farm Animals from which the Raw form of Specimen D (powdered milk) could be obtained; -Cattle/cow. -Goat/doe. -Sheep/ewe. -Camel/cow. -Donkey/jenny/jennet. 

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(ii) Products Obtained from Powdered Milk; -Yoghurt -Cheese. -Butter. -Ice cream. -liquid milk

(c) Uses of Powdered Milk in Animal Production; -For fostering young animals. -Used in the production of semen extender. -For feeding young animals. -Used in the production of semen extender. - For feeding young animals. -Used for administering drugs/vaccines.

(d) process used for Making Raw Milk Fir for Human Consumption; -Pasteurization/boiling at high temperature.

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  1. (a)(i) Name one major nutrient which could be obtained from each of specimen F(Maize bran), G(Groundnut cake) and H (Cowpea husk)

F __________________________________ G ____________________________________ H __________________________________

(ii) Name three pasts that could attack specimen F in the store 

(iii) State three effects of exposing specimen G for several days in a store.

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(b)(i) Mention three farm animals that could feed on specimen H

(ii) Name two containers that could be used to store specimen H.

(iii) Give one reason why specimen H is suitable as feed for farm animals.

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Answer Explanation


Major Nutrient

F (Maize Bran)


G (Groundnut cake)


H (Cowpea husk)


(ii) Pests that could Attack Maize Bran in Store; -Rats/rodents/mice. _Weevil/grain borers/bettle/bruchides. -Cockroach. -Termite.

(iii) Effects of Exposing Specimen G (Groundnut cake) for Several Days in a Store; -It absorbs moisture/reduction in dry matter. -It is easily attcked by insects. -It is easily attacked by pests. -It becomes contaminated/loose nutrients. -It becomes mouldy/aflatoxin infection/fungi. -It becomes rancid/smells unpleasant /looses taste. -It becomes discoloured product/becomes unattractive.

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(b)(i) Animals that can Utilize Specimen H (Cowpea Husk); -Sheep. -Goat. -Cattle. -Camel. -Rabbit. -Donkey. -Horse. -Grass cutter

(ii) Containers that Could be Used to Store Cowpea Husk; -Bucket. -Drum/plastic drum/metal drum/silo/rhombus. -Jute bag/polythene bag/sac. -Clay pot/metal pot/aluminium pot. -Basket. -Gourd. 

(iii) Reasons Why Cowpea Husk is Suitable as Farm Animal Feed; -Palatable/nutritious. -High in dry matter. -Readily available. -Does not spoil easily/do not easily absorbs moisture. -High in fibre and protein/carbohydrate.

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  1. (a) State three factors which could affect the hatchability of specimen J (Egg).

(b)(i) Mention four operations that should be carried out on the first day of production of specimen K (Chick)

(ii) Name three diseases for which specimen K requires vaccination before it is six weeks old.

(c)(i) Name the type of housing unit used for rearing specimen K on arrival at the farm .

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(ii) Mention four rquipment which are required in the housing unit named in 4(c)(i).

Study specimen C, D, E and F and answer the questions that follow.

Answer Explanation

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(a) Factors Affecting Hatchability of Egg (Specimen J); -Physical defect. -Heredity/breed/strain. -Egg deformity/double yolk. -Fertility of egg/egg quality. -Handling/selection of eggs. -Cleanliness of egg/contaminated egg. - Incubation condition (temperatur, humidity, sanitation). -Egg size/weight. -Age of breeders. -Storage duration/condition. -Turning of eggs.

(b)(i) Operations Carried out During the First Day of Production of Specimen K (Chick); -Vaccination. -Sexing. -Boxing. -Drying of chicks. -Sorting/seperate. -Brooding/temperature control. -Feed supply. -Water supply. -Medication/glucose. -Beak trimming 

(ii) Diseases which Require Vaccination of Chicks Before Six Weeks of Age; -Newcastle disease. -Infectious bronchitis. -Marek's/

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(c)(i) Type of Housing Unit for Rearing Chicks; -Brooder house/unit

(ii) Equipment Required in a Brooder House; -Drinkers. -Feeders. -Hover. -Weighing scale. -Thermometer. -Rake/fork/shovel/spade. -Head pan/wheel barrow/bucket/basket. -Chick guard. -Light bulb/lamp. -Heat source. -Sprayer. -Debeaker. -Syringe/dropper.

  1. (a) Give the botanical names of each of specimens C,D, and E.

(b) Name the forage type to which each of the sepcimen C,D and E belongs.

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(c) State four ways in which specimen C is important in livestock production.

(d) State the type of farm animal that is mostly fed with specimen F

(e) Describe the process of preparing specimen F

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 Study specimen J (Soldier ants),K (Weaver bird) and L (Weevil) and answer the questions that follows

Answer Explanation

(a) Botanical names of specimens C,D and E


Botanical name


Pueraria phaseoloides


Pennisetum purpureum


Leucaena leucocephala



Forage type






Legume/tree legume

(c) Importance of specimen C (pueraria phaseoloides) in livestock production;

(i) It fixes nitrogen into the soil.

(ii) It is used as feed material/provide protein/nutrients

(iii) It could be used as green manure /compost

(iv) It could be used as hay/silage material.

(v) It serves as cover crop (control, erosion, leaching, etc)

(d) Type of farm animal mostly fed with Specimen F (Hay); Ruminants/cattle/goat/sheep/dpnkey/camel

(e) Process of preparing specimen F (Hay); 

(i) Cut forage before flowering/early maturity/bloom. (ii) Forage material is chopped (iii) Spread chopped forage/regular turning of spread forage. (iv) Dry to reduce moisture content. (v() Dry to maintain its gree colour (iv) Bale/pack (v) Stack/store in a dry place.

  1. (a)(i) State two harmful effects of each of specimens J, K, and L in livestock production.

(ii) State two ways of controlling each of the specimen J, K and L on livestock farms.

(b) Mention three other storage pests in farm animal production.

Answer Explanation

(a)(i) Harmful effects of specimens J, K and L in livestock production

Specimen J (Soldier ants); (I) Consumption of feed (II) Cause discomfort/injury/irritation/restlessness (III) Reduce the quality of stored feed (IV) Contaminate/reduce water quality (V) Destroys pasture/vegetation (VI) Could kill farm animals (VII) Reduces the quality of animal hide/fur

Specimen K (Weaver bird); (I) Consumption of feed/feedstuff (II) Contaminate feed with droppings (III) Contaminate/pollute water with droppings (IV) Vectors/carriers of diseases/pathogens (V) Farm animals are disturbed by their presence (VI) Droppings may contaminate farm equipment (VII) Destroys oasture/vegetation (VIII) Reduces the quality of yields.

Specimen L (weevil); (I) Consumes feed/feedstuffs (II) Reduces nutrients in field (III) It reduces viability of pasture seeds (IV) It causes contamination of feed.

(ii) Methods of Controlling Specimen J, K and L

Specimen J (Soldier ant); (I) Use of fire/smoke (II) Application of common salt (III) Use of hot water (IV) Application of insecticides/ant trap/kerosene/spent engine oil (V) Destruction of ant hil/colony (VI) Construction of channels/sticky barriers/repellant (VII) Blocking of holes and crevices on walls and floors (VIII) Maintain high level of hygiene (IX) Hand picking

Specimen K (Weaver bird); (I) Use of avicide/poison (II) Use of scare crows (III) Use of traps (IV) Hunting/shooting/catapulting (V) Drumming/noise making on the farm

Specimen L (Weevil); (I) Use of insecticide (II) Handpicking (III) Application of heat/roasting/boiling (IV) Drying of feed and feedstuffs (V) Use of repellant e.g dried pepper.

(b) Storage pests of farm animals; (i) Cockroach (ii) termite (iii) Rat/Rodent/wild rabbit (iv) Bettle (v) Wasp (vi) Mould/fungi (vii) Nematodes 

WAEC Animal Husbandry Practical Exam Date 2023






20th June 2023


Animal Husbandry (Alternative B) 3 (Practical)**

09:30 am. – 11:00 am. (1st Set) 

1hr 30mins 

Animal Husbandry (Alternative B) 3 (Practical)**

11:30 am. – 1:00 pm.(2nd Set) 

1hr 30mins 

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WAEC Animal Husbandry Practical Questions and Answers 2023: FAQs

1. What is WAEC?

The West African Examinations Council (WAEC) is a legally established examination board responsible for conducting and determining the required examinations in the English-speaking countries of West Africa.

2. When is Animal Husbandry Exam Conducted?

20th June 2023,Tuesday.

3. When Building Construction 3 (Building Drawing and Essay) is conducted?

Building Construction 3 (Building Drawing and Essay) is conducted on Tuesday, 30th May, 2023.
