Wall Street Puzzle for March 25, 2024

Did you find your answers for Today’s Wall Street Crossword Puzzles? Yeah, we will assist you to solve the answers in this article.

by Sivasankari

Updated Mar 25, 2024

Wall Street Puzzle for March 25, 2024

The Wall Street Crossword puzzle is a word game published in the Wall Street Journal and is also available online. The crossword puzzles are every individual to figure it out using the easily accessible hints. Crossword puzzle completion needs concentration, memory, and the ability to link clues to answers. It will improve our general knowledge, and capacity for critical thinking. Visit our page for the latest Wall Street Crossword Puzzles here. Let’s get into the explanation. 

Calf-length skirt


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Calf-length skirt and MIDI both refer to specific lengths or sizes: one for a skirt and the other for music.



Taunts and JEERS are synonyms for mocking or derisive remarks.

Full range


Full range and ATOZ both indicate completeness or entirety, one for a spectrum and the other for the alphabet.

Wedding words


Wedding words and IDOS are terms related to marriage ceremonies, with IDOS being a playful reference to the phrase I do.

Dated ditty


Dated ditty and OLDIE both refer to something old-fashioned or from a previous era, one for a song and the other for any old item, especially a song.

Shoe brand named for a victory goddess


Shoe brand named for a victory goddess is a clue leading to the answer NIKE, which is a shoe brand named after the Greek goddess of victory.

*Late for work?


*Late for work? is a clue suggesting a situation where one might be late for work, leading to the answer NIGHTSHIFT, indicating working during the night.

“Right away, boss!”


“Right away, boss!” is a phrase indicating promptness or readiness, leading to the answer ONIT, meaning ready or prepared to act.

Five-time Super Bowl MVP Brady


Five-time Super Bowl MVP Brady is a clue indicating a well-known individual, leading to the answer TOM, referring to Tom Brady, a quarterback who has won five Super Bowl MVP awards.

Part of an eye or an egg


Part of an eye or an egg is a clue for the color WHITE, which can refer to either the sclera of the eye or the color of an eggshell.



Concept is a general term representing an abstract idea or notion, leading to the answer IDEA.

Organizing whiz Kondo


Organizing whiz Kondo refers to a specific person known for her expertise in tidying and organization, leading to the answer MARIE, referencing Marie Kondo.

Christmas aroma


Christmas aroma is a description of a particular scent associated with the holiday season, leading to the answer PINE, which refers to the scent of pine trees often used as Christmas trees.

*On a leash, say


On a leash, say refers to something that is restrained or managed, which can be described as being under control. In this case, the answer is the phrase 

Rinse or spin, for a washer


Rinse or spin, for a washer refers to the different functions or modes that a washing machine can perform. One common function is to rinse clothes, while another is to spin them dry. These functions collectively make up the washing machine's cycle.

Track divisions


 Track divisions refers to the separate sections of a track or path, particularly in sports like running, swimming, or racing. Athletes compete in their respective lanes, which are marked divisions on the track.

Fluffy scarf


Fluffy scarf hints at a type of scarf known for its softness and warmth. In this case, the answer is BOA, which refers to a type of scarf made from boa constrictor feathers or a similar material, known for its fluffy texture.

Handed-down history


 Handed-down history refers to traditional knowledge, stories, or customs that are passed from one generation to another. This type of cultural or historical information is often referred to as lore.

Series opener


Series opener suggests the first episode of a television series. This inaugural episode is commonly known as the pilot, as it serves to introduce the characters, setting, and premise of the show to the audience.



Doofus is a term used to describe a silly or foolish person. Bozo is a colloquial term with a similar meaning, often used to refer to someone who behaves in a foolish or inept manner.

In the past


 In the past indicates a period of time that has already occurred. The word ago is commonly used to denote time elapsed since a particular event or point in history, such as an hour ago or years ago.

Take for a different use


Take for a different use suggests the act of appropriating or adopting something for a purpose other than its original intention. In this context, COOPT fits as it means to take or absorb something, such as an idea or organization, for a different use or purpose.



Blends refers to the process of combining different elements or substances to create a unified whole. Mixes is an appropriate answer as it describes the action of blending or combining things together.



Treat suggests an action of generosity or kindness, often involving paying for something. PICKUPTHETAB fits as it implies the act of treating someone by paying for their expenses, such as a meal or drinks.

Able to see right through


Able to see right through indicates having insight or understanding, particularly to the point of being able to discern the true nature of something. ONTO works as an answer because it suggests being perceptive or insightful enough to see through deception or hidden motives.

Photo-sharing site, familiarly


Photo-sharing site, familiarly hints at a popular social media platform known for sharing photos and short videos. INSTA is a common shorthand for Instagram, a widely-used photo-sharing site.

Criticized continually


Criticized continually suggests ongoing or repeated criticism. RODE fits as it is the past tense of the verb to ride, but it can also be interpreted metaphorically as enduring criticism, as if one is being figuratively ridden or harassed by criticism.



Brink refers to the edge or boundary of something, often implying a state of being close to a significant event or outcome. VERGE is an appropriate answer as it directly refers to the brink or edge of something.

Antlered animal


Antlered animal indicates a type of large mammal known for its prominent antlers. ELK is a specific species of deer commonly found in North America and Eurasia, characterized by its impressive antlers.



Nefarious refers to something wicked, immoral, or villainous. EVIL is an appropriate answer as it directly relates to the concept of wickedness or malevolence.

*Steps taken in an emergency?


*Steps taken in an emergency? suggests actions one might take to ensure safety during a crisis, specifically a fire. A FIREESCAPE refers to the emergency exit or route used to evacuate a building during a fire, often involving physical steps (literal steps) taken to escape danger.

Farmer’s place, in song


 Farmer’s place, in song alludes to a common trope in folk songs where a farmer or rural character is associated with a specific setting. DELL fits as it is a term often used in poetry and songs to describe a small, secluded valley or meadow, which is a typical setting associated with farming in lyrical or poetic contexts.

Furious feeling


Furious feeling suggests an intense emotional state characterized by strong displeasure or hostility. ANGER is an apt answer as it directly corresponds to the feeling of fury or intense displeasure.

Gray in the face


Gray in the face suggests a complexion that is pale or grayish in color, often indicating illness or fatigue. ASHY fits as it describes a pale or grayish hue, particularly associated with ash or ashes.

Wallet bills


Wallet bills refers to the currency commonly carried in wallets. In many countries, the lowest denomination of currency is often represented by bills or banknotes, typically referred to as ONES.

Workshop array


Workshop array hints at a collection of equipment or implements used for various tasks in a workshop. TOOLS is a suitable answer as it encompasses the wide range of instruments and devices commonly found in a workshop, such as hammers, wrenches, drills, etc.

Casserole bits


Casserole bits suggests ingredients typically found in a casserole dish. PEAS fits as it represents one of the common ingredients used in casseroles, adding flavor, texture, and nutritional value to the dish.

In pristine condition, to a collector


In pristine condition, to a collector suggests an item that is in perfect or flawless condition, especially valuable to collectors. MINT is an appropriate answer as it commonly describes items, particularly collectibles such as coins or stamps, that are in perfect condition, as if they just came from the mint.

Figure of speech


Figure of speech refers to a phrase or expression that has a figurative meaning different from its literal interpretation. IDIOM is a suitable answer as it specifically denotes phrases or expressions used in language that are not meant to be taken literally but are understood within a particular culture or language community.

Accepted doctrine


 Accepted doctrine suggests a belief or principle that is widely accepted or established as true within a particular group or community. DOGMA fits as it refers to a set of principles or beliefs that are accepted without question, often within a religious, philosophical, or ideological context.



Sorta implies a degree of uncertainty or approximation, often used to indicate something that is somewhat like or similar to what is being discussed. ISH is a colloquial term used to convey this sense of approximation or ambiguity, as in kind of or sort of.



Kidded suggests engaging in playful or light-hearted teasing or joking. JOSHED is an appropriate answer as it means to engage in banter or playful teasing with someone.

Like some textbook publishing


Like some textbook publishing implies a specific type or style of textbook publishing. ELHI fits as it refers to textbooks intended for elementary (EL) and high school (HI) education levels, commonly used in educational settings.

Clean up copy


 Clean up copy indicates the process of reviewing and improving written material to ensure clarity, accuracy, and coherence. EDIT is a fitting answer as it specifically refers to the act of revising and polishing written text.



Teeming suggests being abundant or prevalent, often implying a large quantity or presence of something. RIFE is an appropriate answer as it means being full of or characterized by something undesirable or harmful, such as problems or diseases.

Filming location


Filming location refers to the place where movies, television shows, or other video productions are filmed. SET is an appropriate answer as it specifically denotes the location where filming takes place, including indoor studio sets or outdoor locations.

Bless with oil


 Bless with oil suggests a religious or ceremonial act of applying oil as a symbol of consecration or blessing. ANOINT fits as it means to ceremonially apply oil to someone or something, often as part of a religious ritual or ceremony.

Dangerous situation


Dangerous situation indicates a precarious or volatile condition that could potentially lead to disaster or harm. TINDERBOX is a fitting answer as it describes a situation or environment that is highly susceptible to ignition or explosion, often used metaphorically to describe volatile or explosive situations.

Merle Haggard’s “___ From Muskogee”


Merle Haggard’s “___ From Muskogee” refers to a song by Merle Haggard titled Okie from Muskogee. OKIE is the colloquial term used in the title to refer to someone from Oklahoma, particularly in a rural or working-class context.

Letter after epsilon


Letter after epsilon refers to the next letter in the Greek alphabet after epsilon. ZETA is the appropriate answer as it follows epsilon in the Greek alphabet sequence.

Bale cincher


Bale cincher suggests a material used to secure or bind bales, such as those used in agriculture or shipping. TWINE fits as it is a strong, thin cord made by twisting together strands of material, commonly used for binding or securing items like bales.

Hold power


Hold power implies the ability to control or govern others. RULE is an appropriate answer as it means to exercise authority or control over a group of people or a territory.

Frost, for example


Frost, for example refers to a type of writer or literary figure. POET fits as it specifically denotes someone who writes poetry, and Robert Frost was a famous American poet known for his evocative and accessible verse.



Connections suggests a network or linkage between various entities. INS is a suitable answer as it refers to connections or relationships, particularly in the context of being in with a group or having access to privileged information or opportunities.

“The Waste Land” writer


 The Waste Land writer refers to the author of the famous modernist poem The Waste Land. ELIOT is the appropriate answer as it refers to T.S. Eliot, the renowned poet who wrote The Waste Land.

Designer Lauren


Designer Lauren hints at a prominent fashion designer known by the name Ralph. RALPH is a fitting answer as it refers to Ralph Lauren, the American fashion designer famous for his Polo Ralph Lauren brand.



Benjamin suggests a reference to a hundred-dollar bill, which features the image of Benjamin Franklin. CNOTE is the colloquial term used for a hundred-dollar bill, often referred to as a C-note.

Percolate slowly


Percolate slowly suggests a gradual seepage or diffusion of a substance. OOZE fits as it describes the slow, steady flow or percolation of a liquid or substance, typically with a thick or viscous consistency.

Neighbor of Thailand


 Neighbor of Thailand suggests a country that shares a border with Thailand. LAOS is the appropriate answer as it is a landlocked country located in Southeast Asia, bordering Thailand to the east.

Thunder sound


Thunder sound refers to the loud noise often heard during thunderstorms. CLAP is a fitting answer as it represents the sharp, explosive sound resembling clapping that is commonly associated with thunder.

Bear or Berra


Bear or Berra suggests a reference to a famous person with the last name Berra or a type of animal. YOGI is an appropriate answer as it refers to Yogi Berra, the renowned American baseball player and manager, often known for his witty and humorous quotes.

Nile reptile


Nile reptile indicates a type of reptile found in or associated with the Nile River. CROCODILE is a suitable answer as it is a large aquatic reptile species commonly found in the Nile River and other water bodies in Africa.

Cops, in slang


Cops, in slang suggests a colloquial term used to refer to law enforcement officers. POPO is a fitting answer as it is a slang term commonly used to describe police officers.

Feeding time protectors


Feeding time protectors refers to items worn by infants or young children to protect their clothing while eating. BIBS is an appropriate answer as it specifically refers to the protective garments worn around the neck during feeding time to prevent food from staining clothes.

Barbershop offering


Barbershop offering hints at a service or treatment provided at a barbershop. CUT fits as it is a common offering at barbershops, where customers receive haircuts or styling services.

Horse features


Horse features indicates characteristics or parts of a horse's anatomy. MANES is an apt answer as it refers to the long hair that grows along the neck and back of a horse, known as the mane.

Rings solemnly


Rings solemnly suggests the action of tolling a bell in a slow, mournful manner, often associated with funerals or solemn occasions. KNELLS is a fitting answer as it specifically describes the act of ringing a bell in such a manner.

Comerica Park team


Comerica Park team refers to the sports team that plays at Comerica Park, a baseball stadium located in Detroit, Michigan. The TIGERS are the Major League Baseball team based in Detroit, known as the Detroit Tigers.

Make fun of


Make fun of implies the act of jokingly mocking or taunting someone or something. TEASE fits as it means to playfully provoke or make fun of someone in a light-hearted manner.

Letter before beta


Letter before beta suggests finding the letter in the alphabet that precedes the letter beta. ALPHA is the appropriate answer as it comes before beta in the Greek alphabet.



Overhaul indicates the process of redoing or revising something completely, often to improve or correct it. REDO is a fitting answer as it specifically means to do something again or differently from how it was done previously.

Roasting site


Roasting site suggests a location where food is cooked using dry heat, often in an enclosed chamber. OVEN is a fitting answer as it specifically refers to a kitchen appliance used for baking, roasting, and other cooking methods that involve dry heat.

“In ___ veritas”


“In ___ veritas” indicates a Latin phrase meaning in wine, truth. The missing word refers to a type of alcoholic beverage. VINO is the appropriate answer as it means wine in Latin, completing the phrase In vino veritas.



 Therefore suggests a conclusion or logical consequence drawn from preceding information. ERGO is an appropriate answer as it is a Latin word often used to denote a logical inference or deduction.



Stagger implies a swaying or unsteady movement, often as a result of being dizzy or disoriented. REEL fits as it means to sway or stagger unsteadily, similar to the motion of someone who is dizzy or unbalanced.

Items finishing 17-, 27-, 44- and 59-Across


Items finishing 17-, 27-, 44- and 59-Across suggests that the final word or part of each answer in those numbered clues is keys. This implies that the keys are the finishing items in those clues.

Marbling, in meat


Marbling, in meat refers to the streaks of fat interspersed throughout a cut of meat, particularly in beef. These streaks of fat contribute to the marbling effect, enhancing the flavor and tenderness of the meat.

Beanie or beret


Beanie or beret suggests different types of headwear. CAP is a fitting answer as it encompasses both beanies and berets, which are styles of caps worn on the head.

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